NT wheres the craziest place you've peed?

Jul 31, 2009
Let's just say at this stage in my life I find myself doing a lot of public urination
.. but last night I was riding the train to some party and I had to peesomething awful. Unfortunatley i still had like 8 stops untill my destination
. i tried to hold it in but it felt like my kidneys were going to explode, word to grandpa in the simpsons, so i opened the door to get into the nextcar, and stood on that little platform and did my business while the train was moving.
i was still peeing when the train pulled up to the next station though so mad people saw me
... anyways what crazy locations have you peed at?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Clubbing one night, was waiting for the bus at about 4AM... There was a Burger Kingright there and absolutely no one in the area or no moving cars.. So I pissed right in front of the Burger King door
In Philly on New Years Eve..peed in a cemetery by accident..I was drunk and didn't realize where I was until I finished
off the third story balcony and in front of a bar on a busy street we were drunk and everybody had to piss and it was pouring down
in the rocky mountains off a cliff

outside the front door of a boston's restaraunt

on a girls head once in middle school. while she was climbing up a ladder

I'm sure there are more

edit: oh yeah In Lethbridge Alberta, Canada off of a 5 story hotel balcony onto a parking lot full of cars and drunk people
i don't know about piss, but i dropped a deuce in homeboy's tomato garden back in the day.

being young and having fun =
Lots of places I can't recall because I was drunk..but I peed all over a Gap store in the middle of the night while camping out for the DMP's back inthe day. Good times
Between train cars once also and I would say in someones bathroom sink the toilet and tub were being occupied.
On the roof of a building into an empty field, didn't want to pee into the street (that'd be messed up).
Out of a car window while it was driven.
at a vacant train station. I had to piss so bad, tried not to get any piss on the electric track
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