NT, who is your favorite skateboarder of all time?

Christian Hosoi

He invented the Christ Air and Rocket Air. One of the best vert skaters of all time and had epic battles with his rival Tony Hawk in the 80's, Hawk being the more technical skater and Hosoi being the one with most style and flair. Its a shame his speed addiction was his downfall. He was a great inspiration in the game of skateboarding to a lot of 80's babys on the WestCoast and in Hawaii. peep the documentary on netflix "Rising Son".
Originally Posted by TeflanDon

Christian Hosoi was the first dude to do the Christ Air? Excuse my ignorance, I'm not up on skateboarding like I want to be. If I had to pick one then I'd have to say Bucky Lasek. Off topic, but where should I start with following skateboarding? Only real knowledge of it is through Tony Hawk games.

thank me later my friend
I haven't skated in so long I have to go with the old school boys from my younger years. Mark "Gator" Rogowski, Mike McGill, and Lance Mountain.
not really the best site to ask this question considering most are gonna say koston, p-rod  or other obvious choices..

for me its gotta be guy mariano or gino 2 of the smoothest styles .. nd il give an honerable mention to brian wenning... the era between Alien Workshops Photosynthesis to the DC Video for me was the best.. also Mike carrol and josh Kalis..

ill jus leave these here btw (watch all ov them) :
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