NT, Who's you're e-crush? Vol. Can I Borrow You?

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Having the second toe being longer than the big toe is actually a dominant trait so the majority of people out there have feet like that; just a random fact.
EDIT: some of NT's favorite women's feet

i always thought it was gross and only noticed it on my non black friends feet..
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Having the second toe being longer than the big toe is actually a dominant trait so the majority of people out there have feet like that; just a random fact.
EDIT: some of NT's favorite women's feet

i always thought it was gross and only noticed it on my non black friends feet..

dominate trait my %%$...if it was so common it wouldn't stand out
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Having the second toe being longer than the big toe is actually a dominant trait so the majority of people out there have feet like that; just a random fact.
EDIT: some of NT's favorite women's feet

i always thought it was gross and only noticed it on my non black friends feet..
if thats true then i guess thats why im so sensitive
Nah though, i give ilovemysole props for posting her foot pic. Female nters seldom post their feet because its beat up from wearing sneakers and themtriangular point heels.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Nah though, i give ilovemysole props for posting her foot pic. Female nters seldom post their feet because its beat up from wearing sneakers and them triangular point heels.
I wear heels 85% of the time at work from 8am-5pm but that doesn't stop me from trying to keep them looking right.
Just out of curiosity for the females that don't feel comfortable posting feet/nail pics, what would you feel comfortable posting?
....Just a question....
I never knew there was serious foot fetishes like this.
I am the opposite, I hate looking at feet. Some men out there, they have such ugly or nasty feet.But, I am not too shallow to keep that from liking or going for him if I am interested in him, despite how ugly his feet are. Exceptions are if his feet havepus coming out everywhere and funguses or something all over, that can be a turn off.

On JJB, it is the complete opposite, they despise seeing pics of toes or feet. In some instances, the girls ask to post a warning of a spoiler if pics of toesor feet are going to be posted in a thread.
Originally Posted by lovemysole

I own more heels than Jordans/Nikes.
I guess we all have to grow up sometime.

post more pics of your feet, ma'am and you too hazeleyedhoney, to add to the excitement of this thread.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by lovemysole

I own more heels than Jordans/Nikes.
I guess we all have to grow up sometime.

post more pics of your feet, ma'am and you too hazeleyedhoney, to add to the excitement of this thread.

Can we get some pics with heels though? Much appreciated
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