NT, Who's you're e-crush? Vol. Can I Borrow You?

Originally Posted by Russoull


lol awwww.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Well it's not that hard too look at my profile too see that I'm a dude....
so why are you posting other girls feet? got me lost in here
How so? Dudes wanted pics, I posted pics....They were recent random pics from twitter and one from a while back that a jjb'er/nt'erposted...
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by demonbasketball04
@ this dude being the one behind the "acosta" screenname
i was tryna type 'complete surprise' in the mayor thread but it got locked
but yea

That %!%# caught me off guard too. I thought acosta was a lurker who popped up when he felt the need to...him being a backup account wasn't onmy mind. Son is a cornball for most of the %!%# he posted under that name...
damn, i step out and got dudes posting their feet, lol
i bet djbana got some nice feet, always rolling around in that miami beach, she must keep them proper
Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

I know 1 nt'r in particular is a member of a foot fetish message board :smile:where). I didn't even know those existed. Creepy! (I posted my feet in a wdywt once and he pm'd me that's how I know) Weird fetish. I personally prefer eyes and lips. =)

it HAS to be Dynasty Raider. this man pm'd me a long time ago with a footfetish website. dude's avy is a chick licking her own feet.

O rly? You mean you PM'd me...

Yeah, I did PM her though, no shame in that. And as I recall thytkerjobs, we had quite a bit of correspondence about foot fetishes in general.

As for the others, don't knock what you don't understand. Just because a person has a foot fetish doesn't mean they're deranged or a massmurderer. You'd be surprised who has one.

knightngale is correct. I actually notice a woman's eyes first before anything. Physically, that's what makes me fall for a woman, not her feet.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

So, how did this go from who is your e-crush to a PYF (Post Your Feet
) thread? Getting more reckless up in here!
and all you posted was text right there...
The hell going on in here? I always thought the feet requests were a joke.
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