NT, would you ever spank your child?

Apr 4, 2007
I know it's a bit of a debate whether or not it's right or wrong to spank your child, but I just wanna know how NT feels about it.
yes. but I wouldn't "beat" my child

edit: My avy has come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hell yeah..gotta teach them discipline..can't have you kid acting a fool in public, hitting you, talking back..things like that
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Parents never laid a hand on me, I won't lay a hand on my kids. Although a fewdays ago my mom told me she should've because I'm "rude"[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]but w/e[/color]
Would I? Yes.

Do I think it's necessary, like it's something that has to be done in order to properly raise a child? Heck no.

Can discipline be taught without ever laying a hand on your child? Absolutely, and I hope to accomplish this; so does my wife. Our son is only 13 months old,but we can tell we're already off to a good start.
A light tap just to get the message across. Ive seen some vile parents though. kid looked like a 5th round UFC fighter.. awful
If they cutting up I will beat the Black off they a##! Black folk know about them racecar tracks, switches, house shoes,
belts, extension cords and whatever moms could get a hand on!
If raised correctly, parent's should never have to spank a child.

With that said, there are so many factors out of a parent's control, that spanking becomes necessary.
Originally Posted by geminifly

If they cutting up I will beat the Black off they a##! Black folk know about them racecar tracks, switches, house shoes,
belts, extension cords and whatever moms could get a hand on!

I'm Latino but my parents was the same.
I would do it when I needed to. I wouldn't go overboard like some parents, or underboard like a lot of parents. My mom gave me a fair share until I learnedmy lesson on right from wrong, so my kid will get the same treatment I had.

Unless he/she is a good kid, then no, I wont give them that butt whoopin'.
For sure I will hit my kids if the situation warrants it. Putting them on timeout or taking something away from them really doesn't keep them from actingup, but a nice wack on the behind usually does the trick. My mom used to woop my @$* when I was bad and I think I turned out ok.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Some parents take it too far. I was waiting for a friend to come pick me up, andthis kid must've been like 3 or 4 years old.. his mom was just hitting the %+%% out of him and pulling his hair telling him to "shut the %%+!up"(they were black btw) .. I mean really?[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That stuff infuriates me[/color]
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

If raised correctly, parent's should never have to spank a child.

With that said, there are so many factors out of a parent's control, that spanking becomes necessary.

Funny thing is we were talking about this in Psychology
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