NT, would you ever spank your child?

I just want to comment on this bullet list here, as I fear it was definitely made by some extremist.
  • What children really learn from being spanked:
  • They learn that violence is an acceptable way to handle situations.
  • They learn that the people charged with protecting them can and will hurt them.
  • They learn that love = pain.
  • They learn fear.
  • They learn to lie to avoid painful punishment.
  • They learn what it's like to be humiliated.
  • They learn anger and hostility, resentment and hatred.
  • They learn size is might.
  • They learn that they are "bad".

  • What children really learn from being spanked:
  • They learn that violence is an acceptable way to handle situations. (Depends on the parents. A parent that disciplines properly will also already be teaching their child about consequences. They will already be teaching that some consequences are natural (play with fire, get burned), and some consequences are enforced by authorities. If they are teaching things in that way, corporal punishment will simply be another consequence to their kids. Also, if they're being responsible about things, the kids will know that corporal punishment is the absolute WORST thing that their parents can do to them in terms of punishment; so often, it's the first thing a parent does, and that's a shame.)
  • They learn that the people charged with protecting them can and will hurt them.
  • They learn that love = pain. (Good. Love [color= rgb(204, 51, 0)]does[/color] equal pain. Perfect, painless love only exists in fairy tales and Hollywood.)
  • They learn fear. (Like I said, I don't plan on ever laying a hand on my son... but I'm not opposed to it, and I would rather not. Assuming I do raise him without ever being physical with him, he will know to fear acting up. He's not going to think he can act a fool in church or at the store or anywhere, and NOT be afraid of what's going to happen to him. He'll be afraid as soon as I catch him. He better be, or I've failed.)
  • They learn to lie to avoid painful punishment. (And they'll learn to avoid non-physical punishment just the same. You think avoiding a spanking is the only motivation for a kid's lies? Yu think kids that don't get hit are perfectly honest with [color= rgb(204, 51, 0)]their[/color] parents?)
  • They learn what it's like to be humiliated. (You spray paint the school and you're my son, you're cleaning it up, every day, right after school, with me watching. And if the school won't let me because of laws or insurance or whatever, then you'll sweep the gutters of the neighborhood after school or something, with me watching. I'm sure it will e humiliating, and I'm sure you'll wish you'd've never done what you did.)
  • They learn anger and hostility, resentment and hatred. (No, learning anger and hostility through corporal punishment comes through parents that hit out of anger and do it with hostiity as opposed to doing it as punishment.)
  • They learn size is might. (Yes. No argument here.)
  • They learn that they are "bad". (HELL no. They learn they are bad from irresponsible parents that demean and belittle them, which is TYPICALLY accomplished verbally, not physically.)
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

nothing wrong with disciplining your child cuz i know my bad @** was spanked when i was little. plus my mom, an aunt, and a few cousins are teachers/administrators and they work with some devils that need a good spanking. that's just how i feel cause not everyone responds to time outs, being grounded, or a stern talking. some kids can "relate to the belt" is how i call it. there is a fine line between discipline and abuse and some people do cross it though.

in short: spank-hell yeah
abuse- hell no (jail time)
spank-hell yeah
abuse- hell no (jail time I would never hurt my child like that.)

Why does jail time' have to be the reason for not abusing your child? I'll never abuse my son because I love him and I never want him to know what that's like, not because I'm afraid of jail time.


Word ska,
spank yes,
abuse.. no brainer.

I meet kids who don't get "spanked" and they run their parents.
Not a good look.
Knowing when to spank your child is key.
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