NT would you go back to prom again?

Nov 25, 2005
So the deal is...I'm two years out of high school.  This cute girl asked me to prom last week, I wasn't really feeling it but I said yes anyway.  Question is: would you ever go back to prom again?
If it matters, I was supposed to graduate 2009 but graduated in 2008 because I skipped a year during elementary.  So I'm 19, not 20.
No pedo.

Oh also since she asked me to go, she said she would take care of the ticket, limo and dinner.
if it was a different school i know way too many people to go to the same one
me and my mom had to talk my brother out of going to some lil girls prom this year...

he's 20 and graduated 2 years ago and if shorty is not his gf he has no reason to be at her prom...
Yeaup, went to her Senior Ball last year (Gift Center), and I graduated in 06' , better than my own Senior Ball @ SF City Hall. Same school, so its like I traveled back in time..
Originally Posted by iBlink

How old are you and how old is she? Also, are you in college?
She's about to turn 18.  I just turned 19 last month.  Yes, I am a sophomore in college.
I'm torn. Kinda corny from a HS perspective, but in the bigger picture, its a non-issue. How hot is this girl? What's your relationship status? (you're obv not her gf) Is this girl the head cheerleader or class President or something? If she's just a run-of-the-mill cutie, it looks bad on you and everybody rolls eyes cause they know she's gonna be limping for days. On the flip side, you could look at it like she's pulling college dudes cause she's got it like that. Really depends. But it really isn't that big of a deal.
That's fine. It's not like you're just some guy who couldn't get over HS life and is currently straggling. Go with her, but don't be that guy. Play it low key. Go in on some "I'm only here because you asked me, otherwise I'd be off doing some other college stuff" steeze.

Get what I'm saying?
Originally Posted by iBlink

That's fine. It's not like you're just some guy who couldn't get over HS life and is currently straggling. Go with her, but don't be that guy. Play it low key. Go in on some "I'm only here because you asked me, otherwise I'd be off doing some other college stuff" steeze.

Get what I'm saying?
Word.  But I also don't want to give her the impression that I'm there because I didn't want to be mean and say no.  Ah well, we'll see how the night goes.
I would. I actually attended 3 proms, when I was 17, 18 and 19 yrs old.
They were all very different from each other though so it was enjoyable for the most part.
All the high school girls I messed with post high school I immediately put them in jump off status. I also made sure they were 18.
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

Originally Posted by iBlink

That's fine. It's not like you're just some guy who couldn't get over HS life and is currently straggling. Go with her, but don't be that guy. Play it low key. Go in on some "I'm only here because you asked me, otherwise I'd be off doing some other college stuff" steeze.

Get what I'm saying?
Word.  But I also don't want to give her the impression that I'm there because I didn't want to be mean and say no.  Ah well, we'll see how the night goes.
I'm not suggesting that you hold the wall or sit down all night acting uninterested. Just saying that it's best not to show out like you're having the best time of your life, naah'mean?
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