NT, Wrap It Up! -- UK doctors advised gonorrhoea has turned drug resistant

There was a clamydia(sp) strain antibiotic resistant found in Asia about a month ago. All the more reason to be more careful.
INS wrote:
how do you get gonorrhea?

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

After taking health in middle school and freshman year of HS, those pictures traumatized me something serious.

Man I feel you on that.I remember we had this little surprise meeting in the auditorium back in the 8th grade (this was back when parents didn't have to sign a permission slip for their child to see certain +%+!) and we were all clueless as to what the nature of this meeting was... son that +%+! changed my life.I mean you knew that STD's were real,but to actually see what they do to the human body...
Caught yeast once

lost sleep until it passed...... Sometimes too horny. Strapped always now.
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