NTers in SF! windowless house on Portola?

Apr 23, 2007
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=...bp=1,128.62586617352605,,1,-1.556490007746465Any of you ever drive by and notice this house? I've heard different rumors about why the window is covered. Someone told me that the lady that livesthere used to watch her son walk home from school everyday and one day a she was looking out the window and she saw her son get hit by a car. Another story isthat someone living there is fatally allergic to the sun so they covered it. Anyone know?

i drive by a lot my office is right there... anyhow what i heard is that the wife was looking down as the husband was workin on his car.... and then the carfell and crushed her husband and she can never bare to see out that window again.. but its indeed weird
Pass by it on my way to work all the time.

Heard a handful of stories I'll never believe.
wow never seen it before but that google link is pretty creepy how you can look at someones house like that
Originally Posted by Mikkol109

i drive by a lot my office is right there... anyhow what i heard is that the wife was looking down as the husband was workin on his car.... and then the car fell and crushed her husband and she can never bare to see out that window again.. but its indeed weird

That's what I'm saying. There are so many stories but I'm not about to ring their doorbell and ask.
Illegal immigrants?

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