NTers living at home VOL. Made

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Anyone else think dude looks like Chris Rock from his "Friday" days

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Originally Posted by Oakridegonee

Originally Posted by ksteezy

if you make a sufficient amount of money to support yourself, living at your parents is you being a straight leech....unless you are the one paying their rent/mortgage...

if you are over 25 and cant support yourself, you sir failed at life early.
You can't necessarily associate age with financial capability, especially when many people experience a lot of problems with finding jobs and not to mention rent/ buying is thru the roof!
I think if you can afford to move out early, you must live somewhere where rent & travel is cheap.. Anyone in high priced cities, like mine (London) would understand what I'm saying
wish i could see the meme'd cliffnotes
otherwise this thread is hilarious. cant believe i missed this
There's no hard and fast rule about living at home, everyone's situation is different. I'm 24 and I live at home. I have a nice entry level job (i.e little over 40k) with no debt. I could move out but I'll be going to Navy OCS soon so it doesn't make much sense to sign a lease some place knowing I'll probably be leaving soon. Honestly though, as long as you're cool with your parents I see now issue with living at home for a while. I know a Jewish buddy of mine who had a 55k plus finance job who lived at home for a year after graduation. Living at home allows you to save money and help your parents out. Why move out and struggle unless you have to?
ATL its a waste of time posting a response to OPs question
that don't eem matter no more this is one of the great thread backfires in the history of the Internetz
Ksteezy argue on NT and takes pictures of himself all day. Wife probably on the phone with her sister talmbout ''Why didnt I marry the brother from Morehouse?''
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I would lov e to share this monent with nters old n new.. this seems to be the time I was away for no reason...
Do you find it difficult to have sex? Yes
Do you find it difficult to have/maintain a relationship? No
Do your parents care if you arrive drunk/high from a night out? Once in a while but they're pretty lenient.
What sort of compensation do your parents require from you? I pay their cell phone bill, cable bill, half of the mortgage and land tax
Do you plan on moving out soon? Rent or buy? Yes, I plan on buying.
If you had to move out tomorrow, would you? Yes, I would.
Wow that thread was funny as hell. I was away from NT at that time and completely missed out on this one.
Got me through the night tonight though. Classic Thread derailment.

i missed the whole drama part before i even responded to steezy...

and my b bruh i aint mean to come to come at your neck, i jus thought that part of what u said was dumb and close minded

i showed my weiner to the world... deal with it.

*DEAD* @ thread derailment achievement unlock...
Wait a minute. Is this the guy who was in the room with like 5 or 6 of his homeboys,and everyon "started whipping it out" out to see who had the biggest
That was Classic too
Wow that thread was funny as hell. I was away from NT at that time and completely missed out on this one.
Got me through the night tonight though. Classic Thread derailment.
Wait a minute. Is this the guy who was in the room with like 5 or 6 of his homeboys,and everyon "started whipping it out" out to see who had the biggest
That was Classic too

:lol: Youngcheezy!

:rofl: I think he said something like "let's be mature about this" in that thread and had every(damn)body outlined in chalk.

:pimp: Thread was classic.
yall got some crazy memory to remember SN's like that back in the day.. but for real, i remember that thread..
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