NTers Share your _ my life moments lately Vol _ my life.

Jun 16, 2008
1. My girl had to be admitted to the hospital today because of some infection on her arm, @@*# put two little holes in her arm.

She won't be home for a week....

F my life....

2. I woke up the other morning to this intense pain on my finger. It was like an intense numb/pins and needles thing going on. I thought I just pinched a nerveor something sleeping on my hand. After a few minutes the pain just got worse. I figure I got bit by something and I turn on the light. I look down and on myshorts I see a scorpion....

F my life.....

3. Gotta go get a sonogram of my abdomen, rather not expand on why. But I'm shook as to what the results may entail.

F my life......

4. I go to play some Xbox 360 after Earth Hour only to find RRoD.

F my life....

5. I'm sleepy as @(#* but I'm too afraid of being stung again by a scorpion. So far I've found 3 scorpions in my bed in the past month. Only beenstung once but still....

F my life.

I know I'm not alone, please share your despair.

F my life moments NTers?
I did two tours in Iraq and now I don't sleep good. Then got out of the Army and decided to major in electrical engineering. FML.
had a date earlier.
waitress spilled wine all over my new marc jacobs bag, but our meal was comped.

or, how about i think there's an intruder downstairs in my house.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Just came back from vacation and realized how my life sucks as of now....jobs suck, school sucks,i'm broke and owe dough,....[/color]
Oh yeah, and I just remembered I can't smoke no bud for another 90 days (starting from my first drug test)....

I wish I could roll up right now...

I'm not even allowed to drink....

F my life....
1. Today I lost my voice. Normally, it wouldn't matter. But, today (of all days,) I had to coordinate a concert. The artists had to lean in super close tohear me. And now, because of the strain on my voice box, I can barely whisper. FML.

2. I had to miss out on a
with 17 phillies in rotation because of worktonight. FML.

3. I completed a scholarship that would have been a good $1000, and I'm pretty sure I would have gotten it. Only, I couldn't turn it in because I hadto get into work early. FML.
I HATE my school...
I'm literally counting down the days to I get the !!#$ out of here...(2 more semesters baby)..
Plus I miss having a girlfriend...
I just wanna go back to the city...
Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Scorpions ??? Where you stay at ?

Got me so shook right now, I'm sitting here with a can of raid and a flashlight by my laptop...

Usually I just get under the sheets and use my girl as a human shield
Originally Posted by CHiCHiLOVES5s

had a date earlier.
waitress spilled wine all over my new marc jacobs bag, but our meal was comped.

or, how about i think there's an intruder downstairs in my house.

I hear about the site all the time its getting
Today, I realized I'm too afraid to talk to this super cute girl in my math class, but I think two seventh graders gave me The Eye. FML.
I overpaid for my car and it will take several to get it right and I cant even start school till its right--------fml
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Scorpions ??? Where you stay at ?

Got me so shook right now, I'm sitting here with a can of raid and a flashlight by my laptop...

Usually I just get under the sheets and use my girl as a human shield
JordanHead2[/td] [td]
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Posted: 03/29/09 1:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Scorpions ??? Where you stay at ?
[/td] [/tr][/table]

Arizona bro....Arizona.
Yo...but how do they get in the house? And do hey climb up the bed? Cant close the door/vents or they get in another way?
Oh yeah, and I just remembered I can't smoke no bud for another 90 days (starting from my first drug test)....

I wish I could roll up right now...

I'm not even allowed to drink....
You on TASC?
-uhhh still scared of commitment and I'm wondering if I'm gonna lose the girl i'm interested in because of it.

-No commencement ceremony for me...straight diploma...and I know my family is gonna b---- about it because my sister didnt go to hers either

other than that, things are going well
Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

my dad found out i have a black boyfriend. i'm filipina. we know how this goes...
I thought Filipinos liked black people.
Originally Posted by berberpride

Oh yeah, and I just remembered I can't smoke no bud for another 90 days (starting from my first drug test)....

I wish I could roll up right now...

I'm not even allowed to drink....
You on TASC?

Female I really like apparently thinks of us as just really close friends and nothing more....
man i just got off TASC, make sure your clean on day 1 of testing, cause your 90 days dont start tell your first clean test.
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