NTers Share your _ my life moments lately Vol _ my life.

Originally Posted by mFury

Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

my dad found out i have a black boyfriend. i'm filipina. we know how this goes...
I thought Filipinos liked black people.
umm, not filipino parents.

that's for sure!
Originally Posted by berberpride

man i just got off TASC, make sure your clean on day 1 of testing, cause your 90 days dont start tell your first clean test.
Been clean for almost a month.'Not trying to prolong this thing.
Didn't happen to me but I saw this on the website and thought it was hilarious: Today, I was mowing the lawn of my brand new house, located in a very niceneighborhood (I am a hispanic male), and a lady in her nice white cadillac drove up and asked me, in extremely broken spanish, if I could mow her lawn too. FML
Originally Posted by desoIation1

Didn't happen to me but I saw this on the website and thought it was hilarious: Today, I was mowing the lawn of my brand new house, located in a very nice neighborhood (I am a hispanic male), and a lady in her nice white cadillac drove up and asked me, in extremely broken spanish, if I could mow her lawn too. FML

On Thursday I had to take my mom to the hospital cause she's anemic. According to the doctor, she should have been in a coma. She got a blood transfusionand stayed overnight. On Tuesday we find out if she needs surgery... This @*@* is scaring me NT.

Oh, also I sent a 'take it or leave it' kind of suggestion to a girl I like... she left it
Originally Posted by 18key

On Thursday I had to take my mom to the hospital cause she's anemic. According to the doctor, she should have been in a coma. She got a blood transfusion and stayed overnight. On Tuesday we find out if she needs surgery... This %%%# is scaring me NT.

I feel your pain bro. I'm scared for my girls condition aswell as my own. I don't know whats wrong with me but something is up.

Tuesday is the radiology appointment. I'm shook...
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Just came back from vacation and realized how my life sucks as of now....jobs suck, school sucks, i'm broke and owe dough,....

doesnt it suck coming back to this $$$!?!! Im in the same position!
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by 18key

On Thursday I had to take my mom to the hospital cause she's anemic. According to the doctor, she should have been in a coma. She got a blood transfusion and stayed overnight. On Tuesday we find out if she needs surgery... This %%%# is scaring me NT.

I feel your pain bro. I'm scared for my girls condition aswell as my own. I don't know whats wrong with me but something is up.

Tuesday is the radiology appointment. I'm shook...
Yeah, scary feeling to know someone you love is going through something and you cant really help.
Hope the appointment goes good on Tuesday, I know I'll be wanting good news that day.
Originally Posted by mFury

Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

my dad found out i have a black boyfriend. i'm filipina. we know how this goes...
I thought Filipinos liked black people.

Filipinos and blacks are like cookies and milk nowadays... one sex iswith the other sex, and the other sex is with that sex, sooo in conclusion.... we all have sex!
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by jthagreat

where at in Az?

better get pest control....$45 a month but i get nothing (at least i dont see anything). even got a wash behing the house.
Well my apartment complex has contracted a company to spray down the grounds every week.

Doesn't help.

Even had the apt sprayed...

Doesn't help...

They're resilient.

About to switch apartments in a week or so.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Scorpions ??? Where you stay at ?

Got me so shook right now, I'm sitting here with a can of raid and a flashlight by my laptop...

Usually I just get under the sheets and use my girl as a human shield
I'm glad I've never seen a scorpion out here (avondale). I wouldn't handle that situation well

edit- Knock on wood
I went on a date on thursday I hopped out the whip quick as hell only throwing it in neutrel the car rolled back and the door it my date almost breaking herarm FML
just got my wisdom teeth pulled like 2 days ago and my cheeks are swollen and hurt like a motha!
Nose bleed + sneezing=no time for it to heal

I stay with nosebleeds past few days. its wack as hell
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

arent scorpions venomous??
Yes. They are.

Hence the sensation (or the lack thereof) I have in my hand still...
perfect chance to try out "the stranger"

hope your girl regains her health.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Keithahundred

Scorpions ??? Where you stay at ?

Got me so shook right now, I'm sitting here with a can of raid and a flashlight by my laptop...

Usually I just get under the sheets and use my girl as a human shield
damn i would have moved
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