Nters with a career, do you make more money than your parents?

I'm one of the top earners in my immediate family. My dad and uncle are the only two I know for a fact make more than I do. For what it's worth, I make more than my dad made when he was my age. I'll probably catch up in
My parents (both <55yo) are immigrants, retired from running their own business, and now travel the world together 6+ months out of the year.

I'm 24 and trying to get on their level. 

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My parents (both <55yo) are immigrants, retired from running their own business, and now travel the world together 6+ months out of the year.

I'm 24 and trying to get on their level. 

What business sector were they in?
survivors guilt knowing that you make more than your mom, older cousins, etc. Feels good flexing on the teachers that failed me and the people who doubted me, though.

I try to be humble w/ it though. Feel like as long as I rely on an employer my good position is never a guarantee.
My dad def makes more then me. I make more than my mom. But the one thing that my dad passed to me (he was never really around and my parents divorced when i was 6) was the money isn't the goal. Work until you make enough to get by and try to have a flexible schedule and try to enjoy your life as much as possible.

If i make half of what my dad makes but can come home every day and raise my future children and take care of my future wife i consider that to be a bigger success then anything he could provide monetarily. All i want is a Camry, a small house, a wife who loves me and kids who appreciate responsibility and hard work....and sports wouldn't hurt :lol:

I agree with your def of success. At one point when I was younger I probably wouldnt have but I turn 30 in a few weeks, been married almost 3 years and we are trying to start a family. I use to say I waned the luxury car, nice townhouse or loft in the city but even if I can afford all of that its no longer important to me at all.

But I do make more than my folks.. on the flip they didnt have student loan debt that they have to pay back forever. :smh:
My dad def makes more then me. I make more than my mom. But the one thing that my dad passed to me (he was never really around and my parents divorced when i was 6) was the money isn't the goal. Work until you make enough to get by and try to have a flexible schedule and try to enjoy your life as much as possible.

If i make half of what my dad makes but can come home every day and raise my future children and take care of my future wife i consider that to be a bigger success then anything he could provide monetarily. All i want is a Camry, a small house, a wife who loves me and kids who appreciate responsibility and hard work....and sports wouldn't hurt :lol:

I agree with your def of success. At one point when I was younger I probably wouldnt have but I turn 30 in a few weeks, been married almost 3 years and we are trying to start a family. I use to say I waned the luxury car, nice townhouse or loft in the city but even if I can afford all of that its no longer important to me at all.

But I do make more than my folks.. on the flip they didnt have student loan debt that they have to pay back forever. :smh:

are you me??? :lol:

I make decent money right now but I am in heavy college debt. I know i will never be rich but i know what its like to have an entire pay check go to student loans and living off 1 pay check. I still have a ton of debt but i make enough now to be comfortable. It is all i can ask for and i am grateful every day for where i am at in my career.
I make barely more but he has a house. I rent.

I saved 15 gs this year. Thinking of buying a whip (first car ever) with 6-7 and putting the rest in a fidelity account. Dont really need the whip but im almost 30 and im tired of not having a car
My parents make solid money and I'm almost at my moms level with 1 year after completing college. I'ma catch my dad in a few years before I'm 30.

When I'm in their 50s, I'll be making double what they make combined.

But to answer your question, You're only a failure if you FEEL like one. If you love your career and your personal relationships are great but your Dad is the CEO of a Fortune 500, I wouldn't consider you a failure at all.
Not yet. But I hope to get there one day.

A wise man once told me "a parents main goal in life, whether they want to admit it or not, is to see their kids be more successful than they are"

That wise man was my uber driver
ya my parents are peasants 

I stunt on them every chance i get
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Currently working residential care and making beats in my spare time. Hopefully the music production will turn into a career where i can buy my parents a mansion.
Alchemist used to help out young people starting out. You should see if he still does. He was through my boys house like 5 times helping him with beats and helping him sell them. Dude is legit as hell.

If you're serious about it I mean.
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Alchemist used to help out young people starting out. You should see if he still does. He was through my boys house like 5 times helping him with beats and helping him sell them. Dude is legit as hell.

If you're serious about it I mean.
Alchemist that gawd :pimp: :pimp:

That's really good to hear about my favorite producer . You get to me him?
Nah. It was so low key. My dude won some online contest he held then he met him somewhere and they actually became sort of friends. I saw all the pics of him in my boys studio. He took him on some red bull tour too. They are probably still in contact I don't talk to him now though.
Not yet. But I hope to get there one day.

A wise man once told me "a parents main goal in life, whether they want to admit it or not, is to see their kids be more successful than they are"

That wise man was my uber driver

Define successful.

What if their kid makes significantly more than them but is an alcoholic with a gambling addiction and can't save?
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Not yet. But I hope to get there one day.

A wise man once told me "a parents main goal in life, whether they want to admit it or not, is to see their kids be more successful than they are"

That wise man was my uber driver

Define successful.

What if their kid makes significantly more than them but is an alcoholic with a gambling addiction and can't save?

I'd say if he's comfortable and happy, then yes he's successful.
Success for me is making enough money to live comfortably and do all the things I like to do while still putting away a good amount of cash. 

As long as I'm achieving my goals, I'm happy. Money doesn't necessarily matter to me it usually comes with me achieving my goals. 
Easily I'm trying to get on both my aunts level working part time making 150,000 + a year.
Not even close and I make good money. Especially my pops, he is the cheapest man I know but has tons of cash to ball out if he wanted to. He just never does :lol:

My wife said I'm cheap too tho.
That was never my goal. At this point I just wanna be happy and comfortable. I wanna make decent money but I wanna travel the world. I wanna see it all man, my pops made good money but he never leave this mitten shaped state.
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