NT'ers with a Facebook page, could you do me a small favor

Jun 6, 2003
Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could do me a small favor that will take up only 2 mins of your time....Im in a contest to win a pair of J's ...whoevers pic gets the most likes wins...Im just asking that you goto http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Deadstockshoescom/136001936443938 and like their page and then like my pic http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/photo.php?fbid=10150228057123217&set=o.136001936443938&type=1&theater thanks to anybody whos willing to help me out
Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could do me a small favor that will take up only 2 mins of your time....Im in a contest to win a pair of J's ...whoevers pic gets the most likes wins...Im just asking that you goto http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Deadstockshoescom/136001936443938 and like their page and then like my pic http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/photo.php?fbid=10150228057123217&set=o.136001936443938&type=1&theater thanks to anybody whos willing to help me out
OP youre on that site??...i had a flame session then unliked the page awhile ago. people on there are whack. cereal.

Spoiler [+]
no hate on dudes sneaker thing but c'mon man...young girls edit their pics like this
hope you win though my boy got out liked by some big chick with some colorful blazers on or somethn. and someone posted a pic of dalitso on there too
OP youre on that site??...i had a flame session then unliked the page awhile ago. people on there are whack. cereal.

Spoiler [+]
no hate on dudes sneaker thing but c'mon man...young girls edit their pics like this
hope you win though my boy got out liked by some big chick with some colorful blazers on or somethn. and someone posted a pic of dalitso on there too
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