NT's Homeowners, I need help.(25+ come on in)


I'm probably going the FHA route as far as financing.

Its really coming down to area.

I can build or move into a brand new house in this subdivision where a few of my co-workers live. The catch is that the area is 15 miles in the exact opposite direction of where I want to live. Its borderline in the boonies but ut be will a brand new, never lived in home right at the price I want to be at.

Or I can find a slightly older(10-20 year old)home exactly where I want to live(far north Dallas). For about 20K more than I want to spend plus I may have to put 5-10K into the house to make it mine.

Decisions, decisions........................
Originally Posted by jschue

'AirJapan707 wrote:
^ totally agree I was pre approved at 325k but ended getting a house at 240k. I didn't want to be a slave to my mortgage.
Did you feel pressured to go towards your 325k limit?  I'm afraid of going to a realtor saying "I'm approved for $X but only want to spend $Y" and them pressuring me to go higher since they work on commission.
How did you guys find your real estate agent?  Word of mouth?
(sorry if I'm thread jacking

A good realtor won't care if you are pre approved for half a mil and only want to spend 200k. If they are good they will work just as hard for either price. Find a good realtor who you feel comfortable with who you know has your best interest in mind.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

just bought a house in Hawaii.... 500k....

SMH for living in the state with the highest cost of living in the country

I can only imagine what 500k would get me in the mainland...

In Georgia you've got a mini mansion for that. 
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