Springfield TRP is one of the better value 1911's you can buy (assuming you can get it for 'street price', 1300 or less. Then again you could just get a colt rail gun and be done with it, or spend a few extra dollars and get Dan Wesson)
Reloading supplies are just as hard to find as ammo in many places. Again, its all about where you are. Where I live, i haven't seen 9mm or 45 on the shelves at walmart since the new year, and I just can't pay $18 for a box of 9mm target ammo.
I know gunbot has expanded to include reloading supplies and you can find things online as well, only the HazMat fees are going to kill any savings compared to buying local unless you order in bulk. On a local gun forum, theres a group buy for bullets at an extremely fair price. I've had pretty good success on local forums doing deals and finding good values.
And actually handloading is relatively easy once you have your equipment setup. I have a turret press and I yesterday i timed myself, it takes me 7 minutes to load 35 cartridges. I probably loaded about 250 rounds yesterday (an hour total time) at a leisurely pace, 10 minutes here, 5 minutes between washing clothes, 20 minutes there, it's not bad.
The way i see it, you can always find any commonly made gun. Between gunbroker, gun shops, local outlets, and messageboards, theres not a gun thats made you can't find for a competitive price. Ammo, thats a whole 'nother ball game. It's a comsummable good, and subject to market conditions.
If i had the bread, hk45 compacts would be copped. Probably the best modern .45 design out there and I love my M&P's! Speaking of which, pic of my compact, with 8rd mag (w pinky rest) and full sized 10 round mag with xgrip. Ammo is 230 gr Federal HST.