NT's near death experiences? Volume: Not Dead Yet

Mar 29, 2009
I personally don't have any, luckily, but I know one story that my friend's dad told me. Not lying.

Well last night, my friend, his dad and I were chatting, and the topic of dying or something came up
. We were talking about how if we knew we were going to die at a certain age, wewould do anything we wanted to if we knew we wouldn't be harmed. Well his dad then told us his story about how he almost died in a fishing trip in Canada.

He and his friend were fishing in February or March when his friend forgot his bait at the campsite. At this time, they were both 22 and greenhorn fishers whowere fishing in a current, which is a bad idea. My friend's dad and his friend went back to shore and dropped him off. MFD then decided to go back out tofish alone, and tied their anchor's rope around his seat, which then promptly capsized.

He was swept out of the boat and into the river. The water temperature was about 30 degrees Fahrenheit although it was about 40 degrees outside. He beganpanicking as soon as he got underwater and said that he began to lose consciousness. He said that while close to blacking out, he felt calm and peaceful-like.He said that he also began seeing this black tunnel coming towards him in his vision, and that's when he snapped out of it. Luckily, down the river therewas this boulder that was in the middle of the river and he swam towards it and sat on it. His friend came back 20 minutes later.

Cliff notes:
-Friend's dad came close to dying at a fishing trip
-ties the anchor wrong, boat capsizes
-panics in water and almost drowns
-sees the "black tunnel" before he blacks out
-breaks out of it and swims to safety.
My appendix burst. I caught a really bad infection....they would send a priest 2 my room every night. I didnt
realize the severity of what was going on from being so drugged up...lost like 30lbs in 2 weeks...I.C.U for
13 days. This happened in '01. I have stomach problems until this day.
Originally Posted by SkysTheLimitHP

My appendix burst. I caught a really bad infection....they would send a priest 2 my room every night. I didnt
realize the severity of what was going on from being so drugged up...lost like 30lbs in 2 weeks...I.C.U for
13 days. This happened in '01. I have stomach problems until this day.
I've had two I guess...collapsed on the basketball court from heart problems

blacked out in the club and got jumped by 10-15 dudes...well thats what I was told
8th grade caught pneumonia...didn't even know I had it but I knew something was wrong I slept 2 days straight without waking up.....I could barely move ortalk...couldn't eat nothing....before I caught it i was weighting 130 over the span of like 4 days I was like 119 with a temperature of like 103...I was inpain through the whole process I mean it felt like I was breaking bones just to get out of bed....long story short I got put in the hospital....damn nearmissed a month of school
driving down the mountain on a highway near Bristol, TN and a car was going the opposite way up the highway on the left shoulder and it was almost dark
.....they didnt even have they lights on.....came so close to hitting them....idk what the hell they were doing.....they might've been trying to committhat, idk
Hella NTer's fall asleep at the wheel. I remember that from a similar thread a while back.
Originally Posted by DarthBunny

Hella NTer's fall asleep at the wheel. I remember that from a similar thread a while back.

done that also....almost smashed into a wall going 60 mph

when I was sick got caught in the crossfire of a drive by......shhhh didn't feel real
3 car accidents
i remember when i was 4yrs old and my brother used to trap real heavy. my mother change locks on the house so he couldnt get in anymore. so he came back with a.357 magnum and was bout to kill my mother and everybody else in the house.
been shot at twice. once waiting for the bus (luckily, a cop was filling up in a gas station right in front) and another time in front of my house. scariest@%#! i've ever had to go through

oh yeah, almost drowned as a little kid. now im terrified of the sea.
When I was younger, I had chronic lung probs, I was in and out the hosptal for the first couple years of my life, my mom told me a couple of times they sentpriests to my room for my last rights and what she would like to do.
Originally Posted by ccb21040

3 car accidents
i remember when i was 4yrs old and my brother used to trap real heavy. my mother change locks on the house so he couldnt get in anymore. so he came back with a .357 magnum and was bout to kill my mother and everybody else in the house.

Um... then what happened.

You can't just leave the story like that

Flipped my car end over end two rotations, going 70 mph, no seatbelt. Luckily I was drunk so my body didnt tense up, otherwise i would probably be dead orparalyzed.

Kinda weird, the reason i crashed the car was the same reason i survived.

Good thing i dont drink anymore.
-4 pretty bad car accidents (1 on highway-scary sh%#

-Almost drowned twice

-Sleep paralysis...feels like near death

-Chronic asthma as a child

-I was born in Nigeria....Malaria, Cholera and Yellow Fever FTL

-Drunken fall, concussion, pass out for hours, wake up in a random hotel lobby with blood all over me
oh yea passed out drunk near a dorm on North Carolina Central campus in Durham......ask anybody from there that i was lucky
....had my girlfriend cryinglike hell and my friends looking for my @[email protected] was drunk and we got in an argument so I said F it and bounced.....
here my story, 6 months ago, I was existing off the freeway waiting at the light to make a left hand turn. for some reason I was playing with my cellphone inmy lap and it slip between the door and the seat, so I reach down to get the phone, and I wasn't' attention to the light and the light turn green causethe car behind me honk. SO i looked up and proceeded to drive forward, Out of no where a BIG fullsize pickup truck run the red light I remember looking himright in the eyes as he drove thru the light, I bearly stop in time to miss the car. 1 super super small inch away. IF I didnt drop my cellphone who know whatwould of happen.??

moral of the story : at the light to turn left or go staright alway look both ways, and take a second before driving who care abount speeding away!!!
Dont remeber how old I was but I remeber Lion King was just coming out.
But anywayz. I was riding with my friend and his moms. She got out the car to check the mail...
but it was on a hill so we rolled back into the main street. We was hit by a truck on the left side.
My friend got a few gashes in the face because his head hit and cracked the window. I really dont remember being scared...
but that def could have ended the wrong way.
when i was 17 i was at a house party and some chick was arguing with her boyfriend. she decides to get him jealous and start dancing like a complete @$*! withme. i had no idea what was going on , just thought it was my lucky night. shorty was biting my joint through my pants and all that

her BF steps to me with like 4 other dudes and pulls out a gun and starts beefin with me. the dude whos house it was got in between us and was like " takethat $%$% outside ". i was like
" u gonna let this dude blast me outside ?!

i pushed dude into the other guys and ran out the apt. when i got outside i saw a bunch of my boys outside and told them what happend. while i was telling themi see flashes through the corner of my eye then i hear the shots. dude shot like 4 or 5 shots from across the street. all the shots hit the gate of a closedbodega and i started running down the block. one of my boys was strapped and started shooting back.

i seen 3 girls getting into a cab and just shoved them in and told the driver to take off. dude was yelling at me to get out while the girls were going crazy.we drove off and got away. one of my boys got hit in the chest but he survived , i wound up chillen with the girls at a pool hall

never went to another house party again ..............
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ccb21040

3 car accidents
i remember when i was 4yrs old and my brother used to trap real heavy. my mother change locks on the house so he couldnt get in anymore. so he came back with a .357 magnum and was bout to kill my mother and everybody else in the house.

Um... then what happened.

You can't just leave the story like that


my bad. he stormed out the house wilin' out and +%%% and 2 monthslater he was killed cuz he wanted to leave the game
.the dude who killed was the dude who introduced him to the game.
In the car with ma homegirl on the highway(she was drivin), tire just exploded, swerved hit middle guard rail swerved back to the center lane, went up on 2wheels almost at a 90 degree angle w/the ground, landed hard. All in heavy traffic, didn't touch another car...

Fell asleep at the wheel, woke up on the sidewalk like a foot from a tree swerved back into the street, just missed it.

When I was like 11 I used to climb trees and play on garages and whatnot one day climbed the highest tree on the block, got about as high as the roof of myhouse, got on a weak branch, it snapped, fell head 1st straight towards the ground but mmy legs caught the last branch on the tree, was hangin upside down likewhat happened, all I remember is white light my friends told me what happened...
Originally Posted by ccb21040

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ccb21040

3 car accidents
i remember when i was 4yrs old and my brother used to trap real heavy. my mother change locks on the house so he couldnt get in anymore. so he came back with a .357 magnum and was bout to kill my mother and everybody else in the house.

Um... then what happened.

You can't just leave the story like that


my bad. he stormed out the house wilin' out and +%%% and 2 months later he was killed cuz he wanted to leave the game
.the dude who killed was the dude who introduced him to the game.
ducktales woooooohoo

joint sounds like a bogus gangster movie starring cam'ron
I thought these were near death experiences like seeing yourself lying in a bed when your technically dead. I know 2 people with crazy #%% stories but yalwould just call ducktales so %*** it.
couple years ago me and a mexican guy started talking trash to each other in a P.E. basketball game. i dropped it after the class, this guy didnt and decidedto get one of his home boys to "teach me a lesson" when i was walking home that day. the dude came up with a knife and slashed me in the stomach.dude was obese and i was able to run away.
i did learn my lesson and and got out of that school ASAP
Bout got hit by a car twice when both guys wasn't paying attention...I still feel my gma was watching over me that day(RIP)
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