NT's near death experiences? Volume: Not Dead Yet

I got caught in the middle of a 3 way gunshot battle between some Narcs in Guatemala. !+#% was crazy.
my gf fell asleep at the wheel, we spun out and almost when off a cliff that had a big drop
crazy to think what couldve happened...
Originally Posted by N O R E A G A

Originally Posted by ccb21040

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ccb21040

3 car accidents
i remember when i was 4yrs old and my brother used to trap real heavy. my mother change locks on the house so he couldnt get in anymore. so he came back with a .357 magnum and was bout to kill my mother and everybody else in the house.

Um... then what happened.

You can't just leave the story like that


my bad. he stormed out the house wilin' out and +%%% and 2 months later he was killed cuz he wanted to leave the game
.the dude who killed was the dude who introduced him to the game.
ducktales woooooohoo

joint sounds like a bogus gangster movie starring cam'ron

this if for you! why the hell would ilie about my brother getting killed and selling drugs? he was trappin' and he wanted to get out the game. as soon as he startes getting his head onstraight going back to church and stuff the dude lex killed him. my brother's murder case back in 94' initiated the 3 strikes law in maryland
Originally Posted by CWrite78

been shot at twice. once waiting for the bus (luckily, a cop was filling up in a gas station right in front) and another time in front of my house. scariest @%#! i've ever had to go through

oh yeah, almost drowned as a little kid. now im terrified of the sea.
Was with this guy when it happened

And also, almost drowned when i was smaller. Dad rescued me though
I had real bad headaches and a fever of 104, I blew it off as the flu. Ended up going to the hospital the next day and they told me i had menigitis, they toldme I came to the ER just in time. They said i could have possible died within 48 hours with out Medical attention. Was in the in the hospital for a good weekin a half with an alarm on the door an all, they were about to call the CDC until they ruled out a bacterial infection. After they sent me home, i had a pickLine(sort of like an IV) in my arm, the pick line was inserted through my main artery all the way to my chest. It took them 3 hours to put that in!
In the car with my bro and a friend on the highway, car starts spinning out of nowhere, drifts into the divider- front drivers side wheel hits, momentum causesback drivers side to slam into the wall, then it rebound off and spun back into the middle lane of traffic, facing forward again. Thank God, none of us werehurt and no one hit us after the initial impact. Sorta crazy how quickly you think in situations like that.
My car has done a 360 turn in the middle of the freeway---twice--but I wasn't hit, which was the grace of God.
Needless to say I'm a little nervous while driving on the interstate now.
When I was like four, for some reason I thought it would be fun to hang myself on this one thing. Sister saved me, lucky.
I was getting a ride home from school with my neighbor and her mom, so we get back to her house and we just parked but i had my head sticking out of thewindow, and the automatic windows went up. luckally i was able to turn and pull out my head at a 90 degree angle at the last second. idk if i wouldve died if ididnt, but it seemed like it
about 7 years ago, coming home from Philadelphia Eagles training camp, I was wearing overalls sitting in the back seat of mini van, my mom pulls over on sideof the highway for some reason I forgot, I get out of the door on driver side and im immediately thrusted back because one of the overall straps is stuck indoor, I look up stuck to the door and a tractor trailer comes speeding by in what I thought was like a speeding bullet man, freaked me out, if I wouldn'thave been stuck to the door... game over...Lord saved me thru overall straps
Ummm....I smoke B & M's religiously and I think I have the black lung. Cancer will definitely be knocking on my door later on in life. Fingers crossedit don't though.
Almost caught a few bullets when some dude was about to rob us at work, but cops came in and stopped it before it started...it caught me off guard cause Ididn't know what dude was reachin in his pocket for at first.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

oh yeah, almost drowned as a little kid. now im terrified of the sea.
same, and it's not just the sea, also of swimming.pools
Originally Posted by N O R E A G A

Originally Posted by ccb21040

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by ccb21040

3 car accidents
i remember when i was 4yrs old and my brother used to trap real heavy. my mother change locks on the house so he couldnt get in anymore. so he came back with a .357 magnum and was bout to kill my mother and everybody else in the house.

Um... then what happened.

You can't just leave the story like that


my bad. he stormed out the house wilin' out and +%%% and 2 months later he was killed cuz he wanted to leave the game
.the dude who killed was the dude who introduced him to the game.
ducktales woooooohoo

joint sounds like a bogus gangster movie starring cam'ron

Thats a d@mn shame. How you gonna call "ducktales" on a near death experience?
So you saying dudes dont get killed after wanting to stop selling drugs?
Originally Posted by migit1209

Originally Posted by CWrite78

been shot at twice. once waiting for the bus (luckily, a cop was filling up in a gas station right in front) and another time in front of my house. scariest @%#! i've ever had to go through

oh yeah, almost drowned as a little kid. now im terrified of the sea.
Was with this guy when it happened

And also, almost drowned when i was smaller. Dad rescued me though

iv always wondered how it feels to get shot? does it burn?

Jumped out of a forest and did not see a car coming so jumped right in the street and luckly, the lady pressed the brakes early.
Almost drowned twice - once when I was 4 in a swimming pool, got brave and slipped off the step into deep water and couldn't swim yet. Luckily the adultswere watching and jumped in for me. Nearly drowned again when I was 18, friends swam out to an island and I tried to join them but I was an idiot wearing jeanshorts. I realized I couldn't swim any further when my legs were exhausted from kicking and I was stuck, thinking to myself this was the end. Luckily bothfriends on the island had been on swim teams since they were toddlers and dragged me back to the beach. We laid on the beach for a good half hour unable tomove.

I'll join the ranks and add that I fell alseep at the wheel too. Woke up when I hit the rivets on the off ramps.... I love those things.
Originally Posted by migit1209

Originally Posted by CWrite78

been shot at twice. once waiting for the bus (luckily, a cop was filling up in a gas station right in front) and another time in front of my house. scariest @%#! i've ever had to go through

oh yeah, almost drowned as a little kid. now im terrified of the sea.
Was with this guy when it happened

And also, almost drowned when i was smaller. Dad rescued me though

nah it wasn't that time you were with my bro. it was a diff time, me and my bro were going to go somewhere but we went to the front of the house first forsome reason and they started shooting at us. completely forgot about the time you were there. damn, 3 times.. somebody doesn't like me
I feel bad for some of you guys! Good thing some of you all are still thriving. Scary life stories!
a55a5in11 wrote:
couple years ago me and a mexican guy started talking trash to each other in a P.E. basketball game. i dropped it after the class, this guy didnt and decided to get one of his home boys to "teach me a lesson" when i was walking home that day. the dude came up with a knife and slashed me in the stomach. dude was obese and i was able to run away.
i did learn my lesson and and got out of that school ASAP

Damn cholo's! That sucks. They're a lot of 'em where I live. The girls are as bad... Nasty!
Originally Posted by icedweebz

I was getting a ride home from school with my neighbor and her mom, so we get back to her house and we just parked but i had my head sticking out of the window, and the automatic windows went up. luckally i was able to turn and pull out my head at a 90 degree angle at the last second. idk if i wouldve died if i didnt, but it seemed like it

idk if dude is serious but
When I was four years old me and my brother ate some old eggs that my grandma was throwing away and all I remember I had to stay at the hospital for 3 weeksand had a lot of needles in my arms.

Two years ago when i was 17 I was leaving a party at like 3:00 am and my friend did not seem drunk but what did I know I was wasted and we end up taking thefreeway home and when he got on the freeway we were going 130MPH and flipped in a tunnel but only had cuts and bruises.
I was hiking with my uncle and cousins.... I stepped on a rattlesnake, and luckily it bit me on my boots and it's fangs didnt go through.

I ran the fastest in my life after that.
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