NWO is coming...

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Get your mind and spirit in the right place and they can't win. Who is "they"? Anyone or anything attempting to take away your rightful position of children of god.
Originally Posted by TheHype

I mean, we're a cancer to the planet, right? Population control is kind of necessary isn't it?

Use your imagination. We have enough for everyone. Stingy people don't want that though.
I saw the Cash for Gold commercial and thought they could be setting up to start stackin gold for the NWO
First part I won't respond to if they do this, this, this and this... A lot of unbased speculation

As a person who subscribed to capitalism, a capitalist myself, and a business major, the free market really does nothing but allow any Joe Schmo to enter a product in a market. And even that is not a guarantee to enter a market.

The private property argument is ridiculous first of all pork & NFL TV are not the same as the ability to access information. As a citizen I have the absolute right to be exposed to any information I like. Food/Television Channel are not the same. It would be different if you said MLB has kept NFLTV from existing. Anyway, when the ISP's can decide what information to allow/disallow they are in direct violation of my constitutional right. But I see that makes no difference to you. Second of all what sports bar would not offer NFL that seems pretty damn idiotic.. The great thing about the internet is I am allowed to see whatever information I want. This Idea of Private Property allows for a company to do whatever it pleases to create an environment of information selection they want without many of us being any the wiser. They are basically regulating the internet and telling us what is good/bad info... So say goodbye to ANY entity that ever gave them bad press, any organization they don't like, any viewpoint they deem wrong... That is why the internet is called "The Information Super Highway" because I can get any information I want and it is my right. Now you allow any person to determine what my right is.

I assume you also subscribe to the RACIST ideas of Rand Paul and the Civil Right Legislation. That the US Government should not have come in and told restaurants they could not discriminate because the restaurant is the private property of the owner and if they want to deny service to a black person, a gay person, a handicapped person, etc. it is their right as Americans. Because they own the property. Or if they own an apartment complex they could deny you housing for being black if they want. THE FREE MARKET WOULD FIX IT. Because in the South these companies that desegregated would take all the business. I don't know if you know this the South wouldn't care because if they wanted to take the business they would have desegregated before the Civil Rights Legislation. The Free Market was free before the Civil Right Legislation and was after.. They had decades to desegregate their restaurants but they didn't... Free Market does not regulate personal feelings. If it did the Civil Rights Legislation would never have been needed.

Private Property is no longer Private when they deny people our absolute rights. We are then talking about Private mixing into the public well-being.

NN couldn't exist in Free Market - just like racism couldn't be allowed in the Free Market

Do you know how these huge Monopolies of Cable, Phone & Internet occur?. They occur because the companies pay off politicians to get that legislation. They are practicing in what is best for their company. The definition of Capitalism. And I agree it is absolutely wrong.. So if you hate it also then you should be arguing for the government to create regulation without the industry they are regulating to get involved... Seems to me it is not the problem of government getting involved in the free market, it is the problem of the free market entering the government.. Because an absolute free market is not free, it comes at the expense of your peril and harm.

Because all this crying about Free Markets and Capitalism and Private Property. Most of the greatest things in Capitalism were created by the Government through regulation. Monopoly & Anti-trusts. Anti-colluding. Production & Safety Standards. Laws against Deceptive Advertising. Regulation on interest rates, Desegregation, Ant-discrimination (based on religion, race, gender) etc. etc. etc.

So if we pass NN and at the same time pass a bill where these ISP's can't influence politicians with money through campaign finance reform.. Would you then be all for it? Hell no you won't because you argue that when the government gets involved bad things happen. But these bad things occur when a company gets involved with lobbying. Not to help consumers, but what creates the most profit for them at the least cost. So if that leads to cutting corners to produce and then the ability to charge whatever rate that is fine because it's free market. So you are casting the government as the bad guy when the bad guy really is the lobbyist.. Who lobby for the companies you want to protect.

You can't argue for the rights of the people and argue for the rights of the corporation because they rarely if ever are of the same interest.
Originally Posted by Essential1

First part I won't respond to if they do this, this, this and this... A lot of unbased speculation

As a person who subscribed to capitalism, a capitalist myself, and a business major, the free market really does nothing but allow any Joe Schmo to enter a product in a market. And even that is not a guarantee to enter a market.

The private property argument is ridiculous first of all pork & NFL TV are not the same as the ability to access information. As a citizen I have the absolute right to be exposed to any information I like. Food/Television Channel are not the same. It would be different if you said MLB has kept NFLTV from existing. Anyway, when the ISP's can decide what information to allow/disallow they are in direct violation of my constitutional right. But I see that makes no difference to you. Second of all what sports bar would not offer NFL that seems pretty damn idiotic.. The great thing about the internet is I am allowed to see whatever information I want. This Idea of Private Property allows for a company to do whatever it pleases to create an environment of information selection they want without many of us being any the wiser. They are basically regulating the internet and telling us what is good/bad info... So say goodbye to ANY entity that ever gave them bad press, any organization they don't like, any viewpoint they deem wrong... That is why the internet is called "The Information Super Highway" because I can get any information I want and it is my right. Now you allow any person to determine what my right is.

I assume you also subscribe to the RACIST ideas of Rand Paul and the Civil Right Legislation. That the US Government should not have come in and told restaurants they could not discriminate because the restaurant is the private property of the owner and if they want to deny service to a black person, a gay person, a handicapped person, etc. it is their right as Americans. Because they own the property. Or if they own an apartment complex they could deny you housing for being black if they want. THE FREE MARKET WOULD FIX IT. Because in the South these companies that desegregated would take all the business. I don't know if you know this the South wouldn't care because if they wanted to take the business they would have desegregated before the Civil Rights Legislation. The Free Market was free before the Civil Right Legislation and was after.. They had decades to desegregate their restaurants but they didn't... Free Market does not regulate personal feelings. If it did the Civil Rights Legislation would never have been needed.

Private Property is no longer Private when they deny people our absolute rights. We are then talking about Private mixing into the public well-being.

NN couldn't exist in Free Market - just like racism couldn't be allowed in the Free Market

Do you know how these huge Monopolies of Cable, Phone & Internet occur?. They occur because the companies pay off politicians to get that legislation. They are practicing in what is best for their company. The definition of Capitalism. And I agree it is absolutely wrong.. So if you hate it also then you should be arguing for the government to create regulation without the industry they are regulating to get involved... Seems to me it is not the problem of government getting involved in the free market, it is the problem of the free market entering the government.. Because an absolute free market is not free, it comes at the expense of your peril and harm.

Because all this crying about Free Markets and Capitalism and Private Property. Most of the greatest things in Capitalism were created by the Government through regulation. Monopoly & Anti-trusts. Anti-colluding. Production & Safety Standards. Laws against Deceptive Advertising. Regulation on interest rates, Desegregation, Ant-discrimination (based on religion, race, gender) etc. etc. etc.

So if we pass NN and at the same time pass a bill where these ISP's can't influence politicians with money through campaign finance reform.. Would you then be all for it? Hell no you won't because you argue that when the government gets involved bad things happen. But these bad things occur when a company gets involved with lobbying. Not to help consumers, but what creates the most profit for them at the least cost. So if that leads to cutting corners to produce and then the ability to charge whatever rate that is fine because it's free market. So you are casting the government as the bad guy when the bad guy really is the lobbyist.. Who lobby for the companies you want to protect.

You can't argue for the rights of the people and argue for the rights of the corporation because they rarely if ever are of the same interest.


why people think economic freedom and individual freedom are interchangeable terms is one thing i dont get. 
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

im honestly scared to death of the future with the way the worlds going rite now, all i know is this NWO theory really does exist and it could be the start of a worldwide war of dominance, my predictions are the US dollar will fall and those devil like microchips will be implanted to control and watch us all, after that who does not comply will be sent to many of the US'S brand spanking new concentration camps that they built and millions will be killed in the Denver gas chambers to better control the population like sheep. Israel will have the dominate currency and will push there armys toward the middle east, and POW....... within the next 30 years expect death or your lives to seriously change for the worst, look after your family . 

Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

im honestly scared to death of the future with the way the worlds going rite now, all i know is this NWO theory really does exist and it could be the start of a worldwide war of dominance, my predictions are the US dollar will fall and those devil like microchips will be implanted to control and watch us all, after that who does not comply will be sent to many of the US'S brand spanking new concentration camps that they built and millions will be killed in the Denver gas chambers to better control the population like sheep. Israel will have the dominate currency and will push there armys toward the middle east, and POW....... within the next 30 years expect death or your lives to seriously change for the worst, look after your family . 


no not this.

people fail to realize that this will all occur via the subconscious, the psyche by using deception and multilateral tactics that will not be out in the open. Its being done already and if you look past the surface you will begin to notice it more and more. Its occurring on all societal levels. Deprivation, division, false flag ops, misinformation, ingratiation, and distraction is how power has already been attained. Its chess, it aint checkers. Nobody will knock on your front door with guns until its too late, same with gas chambers and all the other scare tactics. Guns and warfare are for third world countries aimed at destabilization and unity/division. Information and finances are our front lines. 
OP operates only in the most absolute of terms... it's like beyond thinking in "black and white"
Originally Posted by Essential1

First part I won't respond to if they do this, this, this and this... A lot of unbased speculation

As a person who subscribed to capitalism, a capitalist myself, and a business major, the free market really does nothing but allow any Joe Schmo to enter a product in a market. And even that is not a guarantee to enter a market.

The private property argument is ridiculous first of all pork & NFL TV are not the same as the ability to access information. As a citizen I have the absolute right to be exposed to any information I like. Food/Television Channel are not the same. It would be different if you said MLB has kept NFLTV from existing. Anyway, when the ISP's can decide what information to allow/disallow they are in direct violation of my constitutional right. But I see that makes no difference to you. Second of all what sports bar would not offer NFL that seems pretty damn idiotic.. The great thing about the internet is I am allowed to see whatever information I want. This Idea of Private Property allows for a company to do whatever it pleases to create an environment of information selection they want without many of us being any the wiser. They are basically regulating the internet and telling us what is good/bad info... So say goodbye to ANY entity that ever gave them bad press, any organization they don't like, any viewpoint they deem wrong... That is why the internet is called "The Information Super Highway" because I can get any information I want and it is my right. Now you allow any person to determine what my right is.

I assume you also subscribe to the RACIST ideas of Rand Paul and the Civil Right Legislation. That the US Government should not have come in and told restaurants they could not discriminate because the restaurant is the private property of the owner and if they want to deny service to a black person, a gay person, a handicapped person, etc. it is their right as Americans. Because they own the property. Or if they own an apartment complex they could deny you housing for being black if they want. THE FREE MARKET WOULD FIX IT. Because in the South these companies that desegregated would take all the business. I don't know if you know this the South wouldn't care because if they wanted to take the business they would have desegregated before the Civil Rights Legislation. The Free Market was free before the Civil Right Legislation and was after.. They had decades to desegregate their restaurants but they didn't... Free Market does not regulate personal feelings. If it did the Civil Rights Legislation would never have been needed.

Private Property is no longer Private when they deny people our absolute rights. We are then talking about Private mixing into the public well-being.

NN couldn't exist in Free Market - just like racism couldn't be allowed in the Free Market

Do you know how these huge Monopolies of Cable, Phone & Internet occur?. They occur because the companies pay off politicians to get that legislation. They are practicing in what is best for their company. The definition of Capitalism. And I agree it is absolutely wrong.. So if you hate it also then you should be arguing for the government to create regulation without the industry they are regulating to get involved... Seems to me it is not the problem of government getting involved in the free market, it is the problem of the free market entering the government.. Because an absolute free market is not free, it comes at the expense of your peril and harm.

Because all this crying about Free Markets and Capitalism and Private Property. Most of the greatest things in Capitalism were created by the Government through regulation. Monopoly & Anti-trusts. Anti-colluding. Production & Safety Standards. Laws against Deceptive Advertising. Regulation on interest rates, Desegregation, Ant-discrimination (based on religion, race, gender) etc. etc. etc.

So if we pass NN and at the same time pass a bill where these ISP's can't influence politicians with money through campaign finance reform.. Would you then be all for it? Hell no you won't because you argue that when the government gets involved bad things happen. But these bad things occur when a company gets involved with lobbying. Not to help consumers, but what creates the most profit for them at the least cost. So if that leads to cutting corners to produce and then the ability to charge whatever rate that is fine because it's free market. So you are casting the government as the bad guy when the bad guy really is the lobbyist.. Who lobby for the companies you want to protect.

You can't argue for the rights of the people and argue for the rights of the corporation because they rarely if ever are of the same interest.
Agree... with everything.
Originally Posted by Essential1

First part I won't respond to if they do this, this, this and this... A lot of unbased speculation

As a person who subscribed to capitalism, a capitalist myself, and a business major, the free market really does nothing but allow any Joe Schmo to enter a product in a market. And even that is not a guarantee to enter a market.

The private property argument is ridiculous first of all pork & NFL TV are not the same as the ability to access information. As a citizen I have the absolute right to be exposed to any information I like. Food/Television Channel are not the same. It would be different if you said MLB has kept NFLTV from existing. Anyway, when the ISP's can decide what information to allow/disallow they are in direct violation of my constitutional right. But I see that makes no difference to you. Second of all what sports bar would not offer NFL that seems pretty damn idiotic.. The great thing about the internet is I am allowed to see whatever information I want. This Idea of Private Property allows for a company to do whatever it pleases to create an environment of information selection they want without many of us being any the wiser. They are basically regulating the internet and telling us what is good/bad info... So say goodbye to ANY entity that ever gave them bad press, any organization they don't like, any viewpoint they deem wrong... That is why the internet is called "The Information Super Highway" because I can get any information I want and it is my right. Now you allow any person to determine what my right is.

I assume you also subscribe to the RACIST ideas of Rand Paul and the Civil Right Legislation. That the US Government should not have come in and told restaurants they could not discriminate because the restaurant is the private property of the owner and if they want to deny service to a black person, a gay person, a handicapped person, etc. it is their right as Americans. Because they own the property. Or if they own an apartment complex they could deny you housing for being black if they want. THE FREE MARKET WOULD FIX IT. Because in the South these companies that desegregated would take all the business. I don't know if you know this the South wouldn't care because if they wanted to take the business they would have desegregated before the Civil Rights Legislation. The Free Market was free before the Civil Right Legislation and was after.. They had decades to desegregate their restaurants but they didn't... Free Market does not regulate personal feelings. If it did the Civil Rights Legislation would never have been needed.

Private Property is no longer Private when they deny people our absolute rights. We are then talking about Private mixing into the public well-being.

NN couldn't exist in Free Market - just like racism couldn't be allowed in the Free Market

Do you know how these huge Monopolies of Cable, Phone & Internet occur?. They occur because the companies pay off politicians to get that legislation. They are practicing in what is best for their company. The definition of Capitalism. And I agree it is absolutely wrong.. So if you hate it also then you should be arguing for the government to create regulation without the industry they are regulating to get involved... Seems to me it is not the problem of government getting involved in the free market, it is the problem of the free market entering the government.. Because an absolute free market is not free, it comes at the expense of your peril and harm.

Because all this crying about Free Markets and Capitalism and Private Property. Most of the greatest things in Capitalism were created by the Government through regulation. Monopoly & Anti-trusts. Anti-colluding. Production & Safety Standards. Laws against Deceptive Advertising. Regulation on interest rates, Desegregation, Ant-discrimination (based on religion, race, gender) etc. etc. etc.

So if we pass NN and at the same time pass a bill where these ISP's can't influence politicians with money through campaign finance reform.. Would you then be all for it? Hell no you won't because you argue that when the government gets involved bad things happen. But these bad things occur when a company gets involved with lobbying. Not to help consumers, but what creates the most profit for them at the least cost. So if that leads to cutting corners to produce and then the ability to charge whatever rate that is fine because it's free market. So you are casting the government as the bad guy when the bad guy really is the lobbyist.. Who lobby for the companies you want to protect.

You can't argue for the rights of the people and argue for the rights of the corporation because they rarely if ever are of the same interest.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

im honestly scared to death of the future with the way the worlds going rite now, all i know is this NWO theory really does exist and it could be the start of a worldwide war of dominance, my predictions are the US dollar will fall and those devil like microchips will be implanted to control and watch us all, after that who does not comply will be sent to many of the US'S brand spanking new concentration camps that they built and millions will be killed in the Denver gas chambers to better control the population like sheep. Israel will have the dominate currency and will push there armys toward the middle east, and POW....... within the next 30 years expect death or your lives to seriously change for the worst, look after your family . 


no not this.

people fail to realize that this will all occur via the subconscious, the psyche by using deception and multilateral tactics that will not be out in the open. Its being done already and if you look past the surface you will begin to notice it more and more. Its occurring on all societal levels. Deprivation, division, false flag ops, misinformation, ingratiation, and distraction is how power has already been attained. Its chess, it aint checkers. Nobody will knock on your front door with guns until its too late, same with gas chambers and all the other scare tactics. Guns and warfare are for third world countries aimed at destabilization and unity/division. Information and finances are our front lines. 
Word. Which is exactly why so many people view anything they didn't learn in public school as foreign, and 'conspiracy'...we're dealing with a whole different beast and sometimes I think people are afraid to admit it.

TJ79: While what you say is true in its own right, don't discount what CrunkJuicedUp said as well. Keep in mind we are the great-great-grandchildren of some of the most atrocious, violent & savage, human acts of man kind. Blatant murder is never out of the question in our days. That's exactly why the ideology of Malcolm X and the Black Panthers is established on self-defense at any cost.
As a person who subscribed to capitalism, a capitalist myself, and a business major, the free market really does nothing but allow any Joe Schmo to enter a product in a market. And even that is not a guarantee to enter a market.

The private property argument is ridiculous first of all pork & NFL TV are not the same as the ability to access information. As a citizen I have the absolute right to be exposed to any information I like. Food/Television Channel are not the same. It would be different if you said MLB has kept NFLTV from existing. Anyway, when the ISP's can decide what information to allow/disallow they are in direct violation of my constitutional right. But I see that makes no difference to you. Second of all what sports bar would not offer NFL that seems pretty damn idiotic.. The great thing about the internet is I am allowed to see whatever information I want. This Idea of Private Property allows for a company to do whatever it pleases to create an environment of information selection they want without many of us being any the wiser. They are basically regulating the internet and telling us what is good/bad info... So say goodbye to ANY entity that ever gave them bad press, any organization they don't like, any viewpoint they deem wrong... That is why the internet is called "The Information Super Highway" because I can get any information I want and it is my right. Now you allow any person to determine what my right is.
You are right, it has nothing to with accessing information, it has everything to do with accessing what a consumer wants from someones elses property. You do have the right to access information, but how are you doing that? You are using a private companies servers, they allow you to use their stuff in order to access the information. A private company has every right to tell you what you can and can't do with their service. Nobody owns the internet, if you want to access everything and anything you want without restrictions, then get your own server, with your own routers, and so forth. You aren't being denied access to information, you are being denied access to using someones property. They aren't regulating the internet, they are setting restrictions on the amount content being downloaded because of the millions of people accessing the information which slows the the server, you want more, you pay more. The FCC using this consumer friendly rhetoric in order to be on the "people's" side, but if they can regulate the business practice of the internet, then they can start regulating what companies can and cant show on their networks themselves. That is the precedent that is set.

You say you are a Capitalist, but you are making a Statist argument. No Capitalist would ever vouch for a bureaucrat to intervene and set regulations on a private company's business practices, ever, otherwise that would not be a Free Market, would it?

I assume you also subscribe to the RACIST ideas of Rand Paul and the Civil Right Legislation. That the US Government should not have come in and told restaurants they could not discriminate because the restaurant is the private property of the owner and if they want to deny service to a black person, a gay person, a handicapped person, etc. it is their right as Americans. Because they own the property. Or if they own an apartment complex they could deny you housing for being black if they want. THE FREE MARKET WOULD FIX IT. Because in the South these companies that desegregated would take all the business. I don't know if you know this the South wouldn't care because if they wanted to take the business they would have desegregated before the Civil Rights Legislation. The Free Market was free before the Civil Right Legislation and was after.. They had decades to desegregate their restaurants but they didn't... Free Market does not regulate personal feelings. If it did the Civil Rights Legislation would never have been needed.
Here we go. All the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did was reverse the institutional racism that the government set themselves.That means that for almost 90 years the federal government allowed the discrimination and segregation because of skin color. A lot of private companies in the South in the late 1800's, especially street car companies weren't segregated until the Jim Crow laws were put into place by...the State and local governments allowed by......the federal government. State and local laws mandated that companies segregate their places of business. Most of those places of businesses didn't have a choice, the government told them they cannot serve a certain group of people and it was protected by the federal government for 90 years. If you live in a city that disallows you from getting involved in business with someone because of their skin color, that isn't the Free Market. There is a regulation that tells you cannot do business with a certain individual. You know, since you are a Capitalist and all, you should know all about voluntary association.

I am positively sure (because I own a business) that if a person is presented with an opportunity to make higher-profits, especially in the South where there is the highest Black population, they would do it. They would be bad businessmen if they didn't. If White solidarity wasn't backed and protected by the federal government, you can bet that profits would win.

Private Property is no longer Private when they deny people our absolute rights. We are then talking about Private mixing into the public well-being.

So the internet is now an "absolute right"? The internet isn't private, nobody owns the internet.

Do you know how these huge Monopolies of Cable, Phone & Internet occur?. They occur because the companies pay off politicians to get that legislation. They are practicing in what is best for their company. The definition of Capitalism. And I agree it is absolutely wrong.. So if you hate it also then you should be arguing for the government to create regulation without the industry they are regulating to get involved... Seems to me it is not the problem of government getting involved in the free market, it is the problem of the free market entering the government.. Because an absolute free market is not free, it comes at the expense of your peril and harm.

Because all this crying about Free Markets and Capitalism and Private Property. Most of the greatest things in Capitalism were created by the Government through regulation. Monopoly & Anti-trusts. Anti-colluding. Production & Safety Standards. Laws against Deceptive Advertising. Regulation on interest rates, Desegregation, Ant-discrimination (based on religion, race, gender) etc. etc. etc.

Who the hell is teaching you about Capitalism? Robert Reich? The definition of Capitalism is not paying off politicians for preferential treatment, which creates monopolies and makes it harder for other people to get into the market. Competition makes all companies better, if there is a monopoly there is not incentive for them to invest and make things better, because they know there is no where else to go.

You are a Capitalist, you should know that is it impossible for a monopoly to survive in a Free Market, the threat of competition destroys a monopoly...unless you paid the right price to your politicians to prevent that from happening.
So if we pass NN and at the same time pass a bill where these ISP's can't influence politicians with money through campaign finance reform.. Would you then be all for it? Hell no you won't because you argue that when the government gets involved bad things happen. But these bad things occur when a company gets involved with lobbying. Not to help consumers, but what creates the most profit for them at the least cost. So if that leads to cutting corners to produce and then the ability to charge whatever rate that is fine because it's free market. So you are casting the government as the bad guy when the bad guy really is the lobbyist.. Who lobby for the companies you want to protect.

You can't argue for the rights of the people and argue for the rights of the corporation because they rarely if ever are of the same interest.

Bad things do happen when the government gets involved like...protected segregation and racism i.e. Jim Crow Laws. It's true that companies that lobby are looking out for themselves and aren't looking out for the consumer. The reason why they are lobbying is because they want more power and control over their market, most of the time. The other times they are threatened by Congress because they aren't giving enough money to Congressman to leave them alone, just like how the government is threatening Apple now. You can blame lobbyist all you want, but its the government who takes the money, right? It takes two.

why people think economic freedom and individual freedom are interchangeable terms is one thing i dont get.

You cannot have one without the other. The freedom to associate and the freedom to exchange goods for services cannot exist if there are regulations. The means for taxation for redistribution is not economic or individual freedom, the government takes money from you and gives to me, is that even moral? Is it moral for a third party to take my money that I earned and to redistribute to someone else by coercion from the threat of jail time or having an IRS agent come to my house with weapons? What kind of freedom is it that if my money is taken from me without permission for the sole purpose of giving it to someone else?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

im honestly scared to death of the future with the way the worlds going rite now, all i know is this NWO theory really does exist and it could be the start of a worldwide war of dominance, my predictions are the US dollar will fall and those devil like microchips will be implanted to control and watch us all, after that who does not comply will be sent to many of the US'S brand spanking new concentration camps that they built and millions will be killed in the Denver gas chambers to better control the population like sheep. Israel will have the dominate currency and will push there armys toward the middle east, and POW....... within the next 30 years expect death or your lives to seriously change for the worst, look after your family . 


no not this.

people fail to realize that this will all occur via the subconscious, the psyche by using deception and multilateral tactics that will not be out in the open. Its being done already and if you look past the surface you will begin to notice it more and more. Its occurring on all societal levels. Deprivation, division, false flag ops, misinformation, ingratiation, and distraction is how power has already been attained. Its chess, it aint checkers. Nobody will knock on your front door with guns until its too late, same with gas chambers and all the other scare tactics. Guns and warfare are for third world countries aimed at destabilization and unity/division. Information and finances are our front lines. 
Word. Which is exactly why so many people view anything they didn't learn in public school as foreign, and 'conspiracy'...we're dealing with a whole different beast and sometimes I think people are afraid to admit it.

TJ79: While what you say is true in its own right, don't discount what CrunkJuicedUp said as well. Keep in mind we are the great-great-grandchildren of some of the most atrocious, violent & savage, human acts of man kind. Blatant murder is never out of the question in our days. That's exactly why the ideology of Malcolm X and the Black Panthers is established on self-defense at any cost.

...and thats why they (X and Huey P) were all killed in such a subversive manner. But yea I partially agree with CJU. I just have a different outlook on the whole situation but everything he posted is fine with me. Atrocities, war and such are all possible and im not discrediting the possibility. However, I feel like the these mechanisms of blatant violence on a large-scale are waning among developed nations and other, more deceitful means are being employed to control the population and public opinion. 
why people think economic freedom and individual freedom are interchangeable terms is one thing i dont get.

You cannot have one without the other. The freedom to associate and the freedom to exchange goods for services cannot exist if there are regulations. The means for taxation for redistribution is not economic or individual freedom, the government takes money from you and gives to me, is that even moral? Is it moral for a third party to take my money that I earned and to redistribute to someone else by coercion from the threat of jail time or having an IRS agent come to my house with weapons? What kind of freedom is it that if my money is taken from me without permission for the sole purpose of giving it to someone else?
I agree completely. Of course we dont have real freedom. The mere election of local representatives is, by default, a transfer of your decision-making power to some privileged party member. However, I was referring to big business having more "rights" than individuals and how huge corporations get bail-outs from the federal govt (with our taxpayer money) when they are bankrupt while private individuals get jail-time and fines. 
Originally Posted by rashi

Here we go. All the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did was reverse the institutional racism that the government set themselves.That means that for almost 90 years the federal government allowed the discrimination and segregation because of skin color. A lot of private companies in the South in the late 1800's, especially street car companies weren't segregated until the Jim Crow laws were put into place by...the State and local governments allowed by......the federal government. State and local laws mandated that companies segregate their places of business. Most of those places of businesses didn't have a choice, the government told them they cannot serve a certain group of people and it was protected by the federal government for 90 years. If you live in a city that disallows you from getting involved in business with someone because of their skin color, that isn't the Free Market. There is a regulation that tells you cannot do business with a certain individual. You know, since you are a Capitalist and all, you should know all about voluntary association.
To circumvent your ridiculous economic defense of the corporations because really there is no point in arguing against that I give you this jewel...

Civil Rights Act of 1875 guaranteed that everyone, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, was entitled to the same treatment in public accommodations, such as inns, public transportation, theaters, and other places of recreation. This Act had little impact.An 1883  Supreme Court decision ruled that the act was unconstitutional in some respects, saying Congress was not afforded control over private persons or corporations.

Do you know what happened before the Civil War, Reconstruction & Jim Crow? Blacks and Whites were still separated in
separated at schools, theaters, taverns, and other public places. But do you know why there were not any huge laws like Jim Crow? Because blacks were slaves and they didn't need the law to segregate. SO when the North who freed black people finally left after Reconstruction (which was put in place to protect the lives of black people who were still discriminated against) Southern Conservatives ran rough shot over the South. Taking out black politicians, intimidating black voters. All done by citizens. And with the citizens uproar of the equality black people were starting to get, they wanted to segregate again. But if they did the North would re-occupy the South. So they made it into law. And Hayes who left the South couldn't get back in because he made a deal for political support. So this wasn't a state thing this was a citizen thing. To "once and for all" say black people don't deserve equality. So you blame the Federal Government for allowing it? Ok fine... But when they did something about it (Civil War) do you say that was an act of "Northern Aggression" and they had no right to occupy the south afterward. I really hope not because then you play both sides of the argument.

And one further 
cases in which Jim Crow laws did not expressly forbid black people to participate, for instance, in sports or recreation or church services but they still were segregated.

So all of this talk about Jim Crow forced this and that but it seems to me that the Private Citizens acting upon their own "Freedom" seemed to not care much in the South and still went along.. If they didn't like it they could have got rid of the jackasses who enacted it.

And your toting of the free market decries segregation. I hope you explicitly know most Private Companies in the South segregated before the Reconstruction period that led to Jim Crow. But like said before they were slaves so no law was necessary.

And you act as if the Jim Crow laws created this institutional Racism out of thin air.. Like it all of a sudden existed because the government stepped in..

So are you saying that if the government never got involved there would be 0 institutional racism? Because that's what you are saying...  Just like if the government never got involved slavery would have been abolished

I really hope you can prove to me that there was 0 segregation in the Free Market before the Civil War was even a possibility in the South.. Because if not then your whole argument falls apart because you just proved my whole argument that Free Markets do not regulate personal emotions. Free Markets don't correct wrongs. Public Intervention corrects those wrongs. Hence why do you think we have labor laws? Because the free market pushed it? No the government did that. Thanks to the government the 12 year old boy not only can't work, he cannot be allowed to climb in a jammed machine and lose an arm and at worst his life..

So voluntary association is apart of Capitalism.. So if I WANT.. I can voluntarily associate myself with only white racists... Let me have a restaurant in 1810. Where I only cater to white people and you tell me if my business goes down...

So capitalism says we can voluntarily associate with who I want.. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that means that the free market allows a racist to discriminate with his private business... What regulated that in the 1800's before Jim Crow?  The government during reconstruction.. Your talk about Street Cars being Desegregated happened because of Nothern Occupation in the South forcing companies to treat black people with a little bit of decency. I wish we could rewrite history for just 1 minute that's all we need (A Ghost of Christmas Past kind of moment) And see what happens had there been no Civil War that abolishes Slavery, No Reconstruction to enforce the new laws, and no CITIZEN outcry for segregation to create Jim Crow. So we can go to 1840 and the events of the next 160 years don't exist and let it just play out with 0 Government Intervention. And see how the $$#*$*! free market deals with Slavery and equality

Thank you and good night for throwing this pitch down the middle..
That GIF looks like Bill Hicks, and anyways...

Why talk New World Order/ Illuminatti crap in a sneaker fansite message board??

Yes marshall law is coming, look at NYC, yes it will get worse, we are screwed, a revolution is needed, we need x-men or something. Who cares on NIKETALK????
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