NY Come Pick Up Another L

So y'all telling me if I were to bring my car from LA to NY I would instantly be treated like a God?

Another question...

How are some of you dudes over 18 and never have or barley started driving?
So y'all telling me if I were to bring my car from LA to NY I would instantly be treated like a God?

Another question...

How are some of you dudes over 18 and never have or barley started driving?
No because everyone knows LA drivers suck. it would probably take you an hour to go 5 blocks up the street waiting for someone to let you in 
Jump in a crowded *** train during rush hour and get my yeezys stepped on...chill fam.
Better then your shoes getting creases by stepping on the peddle constantly

I'm only one page 5 but :rofl:

alp alp you sound like me when I was 15 bro. Really worried about creases?!

And damn. I live ON TOP of a metro station in DC and still own a car. Pay $150 a month to park and only take the car out a handful of times each month but it's still worth it.
I always wondered. So if a chick hits you up at, say, 2am talmbout come through and smash. Y'all gotta go hop on a couple trains to get to her? Do y'all do it? Or the other way around, do girls do this? :lol:

if it's a slide off u pay her cab to come thru, then u send her home on da train next morning :lol:

if u gotta play da away game, u either drive over there, or u cab it.

Wait wait wait... You actually invite jumps over to that little *** room in your mom's place? :rofl:
I always wondered. So if a chick hits you up at, say, 2am talmbout come through and smash. Y'all gotta go hop on a couple trains to get to her? Do y'all do it? Or the other way around, do girls do this? :lol:

if it's a slide off u pay her cab to come thru, then u send her home on da train next morning :lol:

if u gotta play da away game, u either drive over there, or u cab it.

Wait wait wait... You actually invite jumps over to that little *** room in your mom's place? :rofl:

jump offs uptown smash on roofs of all places... your aghastness is not needed.
Where is owning a business or having a professional occupation in the lineup?

we're assuming that's taken care of already..u cant have a car or dress decent without a job.
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A lot of us get it though, I didn't even get my permit till I was 19 in NYC. Priorities change eventually.
I got my license at 25. I'm 31 and I'm at the end of my public transportation rope. Thinking about moving to LI, so it's about that time.

Priorities definitely change in a split second.
Where is owning a business or having a professional occupation in the lineup?

we're assuming that's taken care of already..u cant have a car or dress decent without a job.

Yeah it takes a job to make money to be able to buy cars/clothes. But it takes money to make A LOT of money man. You're no different from the millions of other Americans stuck in debt and the consumer mindset (not saying you're in debt: but you haven't been able to afford that full chain set up for years: you're clearly purchasing beyond your means). Like I said your goals are shortsighted and a means to an end. You and alp reaching places of contentedness and settling in a hut with your material goods. That's cool if you're happy but you could do better. By "stunting" with all this stuff you're really just stunting your own growth. You should've been funneling your money into a means for more means like an investment or business.

I forfeited tens of thousands over the past few months but now I have money trees and a business that's practically printing money. All my profits go right back into the business. I'll worry about all the trinkets you obsess over in time after I've built my empire. I'm just getting started. You're empire is a jesus piece and a car? That's the pinnacle of your life? C'mon man I know you have to have brighter goals than that :smh: I know you've been striving for that car and cuban for a minute but say you get it in 5 years or so. Then you're 40 and prime of your life gone, still living with your mom, then what? You're a man who enjoys the finer things, you will want more when that time comes. Just like you're telling alp you used to be like him, I used to be like you.
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Life changed for me when I started college, I was living in the Bronx and commuting to Westchester Community College and it was a bus to the metro north, to a bee line bus...**** would take me about 2 hours to get to school and it wasn't cheap either, all it took was one fall semester for me to realize I needed my liscence and a car ASAP....once I did...that 2 hour commute turned into a chill 25 minutes on the Sprain Prkwy...there was no going back....like Mark has said, you may feel this way now about a car, but wait till something comes along that shifts your life...which will happen.
Not everyone is concerned with how other people look at them like, the bus or train is a valid method of trasportation and nobody is "better" just cuz they're riding around in a car. Traffic is ridiculous in the city anyways so it's more beneficial to use a train sometimes. Plus you got million and billionaires using the mta system it ain't that serious

Alp trying to keep his resell game afloat. He coming at anybody who disagrees lol
I'm only one page 5 but :rofl:

alp alp you sound like me when I was 15 bro. Really worried about creases?!

And damn. I live ON TOP of a metro station in DC and still own a car. Pay $150 a month to park and only take the car out a handful of times each month but it's still worth it.
If I were driving yes, walking no

You playing with the wrong cards.

Where is owning a business or having a professional occupation in the lineup?

You hustling backwards cuz all your goals are material and a means to an end. You could literally invest in yourself or a business, work your *** off, and never have to worry about budgeting again. You would never have to choose between a thick cuban and a car. You can have all that **** easily if made the correct decisions earlier in life instead of putting up a rapper facade while driving a truck. I mean, it's not too late but yeah...

My point exactly.

alp alp you could be going out to the clubs in your fly gear at least networking with other people in the hype/fashion realm. Since YNS at least impress these people, could lead to a business opportunity. Maybe you'd find someone who's really on the same page as you with business acumen and you could work together to get your own thing going. Wouldn't it be better to work on your own original project than to rely on reselling other people's stuff? I dunno. Do whatever makes you happy some people don't share the same entrepreneurial spirit as me.
i could but nah, not my style, I already got guys I can make businesses with if that's the direction I wanted to head in
Alp trying to keep his resell game afloat. He coming at anybody who disagrees lol
What does me not needing a car have to do with reselling? If I really went hardbody in that game maybe i would need a car, or at least a bicycle.
What does me not needing a car have to do with reselling? If I really went hardbody in that game maybe i would need a car, or at least a bicycle.
I was talking about your $500 tee and defending ppl who would rather pay 1k for an outfit rather than reliable transportation methods but do you bro.
I was talking about your $500 tee and defending ppl who would rather pay 1k for an outfit rather than reliable transportation methods but do you bro.
500$ for THAT tee is obnoxious as heel, you can't claim NOT to care what others think and proceed to drop obscene money on the flashiest LV tee shirt EVER fam...that's where you are full of it :x

To each its own but I've seen better looking tees at Zara :lol:
Ya coming off as lames and weirdos let that man live his life.... how you tell the next man he NEEDS a car by basing it off of YOUR life
500$ for THAT tee is obnoxious as heel, you can't claim NOT to care what others think and proceed to drop obscene money on the flashiest LV tee shirt EVER fam...that's where you are full of it :x

To each its own but I've seen better looking tees at Zara :lol:
I liked the shirt so I bought it, what does anyone else have to do with it?

:lol: I still can't believe son said "I don't care about being fly" after leading in with a $500 tee.
i don't, money doesn't make you fly anyways
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