NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

"You hear that Nutso? The boy here says he owes me. HE owes ME. Are we even? ARE WE EVEN?"


Hey how do you get on teams? I'm from DC but i frequent NY alot to be with my gf and i might go up there aug 1st for her sis baby shower, but i wanna balla bit so some team holla @ me
its pretty much a pick up game. no real made up teams before hand

but if you show up we'll pick you up and let you play.
Yea I think the only one who really got heat for sucking when he came was Campoutkid. Dude went in from and he wasn't even a niketalker. Campout been miasince then.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

its pretty much a pick up game. no real made up teams before hand

but if you show up we'll pick you up and let you play.

Cool, btw i suck......
Anyopne down for Tillary park sometime. They have leagues and stuff running but i'm sure we can get in sometime.
yeah tillary is directly across the street from westinghouse....

i went to H.S. there, we used to hoop all the time in that park...
Any way we can do this in Queens? I kno my girl lives out there by Elmont so yeah and if yall make a final place to ball tell me how to get there from pennstation
Elmont? That is #+!%*#+ deep in Queens. You gotta take the F to the last stop and then take the bus WAY down Hillside. If we're going to do it in Queenslet's keep it near civilization.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Elmont? That is #+!%*#+ deep in Queens. You gotta take the F to the last stop and then take the bus WAY down Hillside. If we're going to do it in Queens let's keep it near civilization.

Elmont is pretty much LI.
Anyone for some pick up ball in Manhattan or Brooklyn this week? I'm thinking either Tillary or anywhere in the city to be honest.
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