NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Naw, that aint true. Somebody was trolling.
I blame Scot Van Pelt 
I believed that the ps4s just restocked on bestbuy.com this afternoon

Edit: yup, they sold out
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What the hell are you smoking?

what's wrong with what I said? i pointed to the major issues of this team...

1) horrible coach
2) no pass first PG who doesn't turn the ball over
3) no consistent knock down shooters
4) get rid of the cancers: amare, jr smith, chris smith, shump, bargnani, and any other non-contributing bum

unless you are going to say anything worth reading...sit your dumb *** down.
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What the hell are you smoking?
what's wrong with what I said? i pointed to the major issues of this team...
What was wrong? What was right? You said everyone can go except for Chandler, Melo, THJ, Ron, Felton, and Martin. What in the blue hell makes you think anybody would want the other players besides the ones you mentioned? Those are the ones with value to another team, and their value is disappearing. And you want a real PG. You call a GM asking for Rondo and offering Prigs straight up 
Naww the definition of a bandwagon fan isn't the same now as it was back in the day

Difference is that there are social media bandwagoners now. Being a knick fan became trendy because we got better the same time Facebook and twitter blew up.

And those social media bandwagon fans are the ones who appear the loudest and most prevalent to athletes. Its athletes noticing that when they're up they get all the love from them on twitter, then when they're down they see everyone blasting them and calling for their heads.

People are more likely to tweet emotional extreme things regarding sports opinions as opposed to moderate things.
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I'm not even a Knicks fan but some of you need to quiet down about "bandwagoners". The Knicks don't have bandwagon fans. They have a huge base of some of the most loyal fans in pro sports, to a horrible owner. They're almost TOO good as fans, considering how much they support after all they have to put up with. I have never heard of a Knicks bandwagon fan in my life.

If you mean some girl you know who doesn't watch every single Knicks game like you do and got excited during the playoff run last year , I hate to break it to you but she isn't a "fake" or "bandwagon" fan , that's just how casual sports fans in a city are or will be. Not everyone is going to be hardcore all the time, nothing wrong with that.
what's wrong with what I said? i pointed to the major issues of this team...

1) horrible coach
2) no pass first PG who doesn't turn the ball over
3) no consistent knock down shooters
4) get rid of the cancers: amare, jr smith, chris smith, shump, bargnani, and any other non-contributing bum

unless you are going to say anything worth reading...sit your dumb *** down.

What's wrong with what you said?

You're an idiot, that's what's wrong. Almost none of what you said is remotely possible.

Let's just get Rondo and Aldridge? Is life a video game to you? You might as well have mentioned LeBron or Kevin Durant if you wanted to come in here drooling a dream.
The Knicks suck (I didn't get to say this yesterday).


:smh: :lol: @ one of the topics in this thread being "bandwagon Knicks fans"
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What's wrong with what you said?

You're an idiot, that's what's wrong. Almost none of what you said is remotely possible.

Let's just get Rondo and Aldridge? Is life a video game to you? You might as well have mentioned LeBron or Kevin Durant if you wanted to come in here drooling a dream.

are you ******ed? or just dense.

go read what I wrote...I said if possible try to pursue those guys some how OR SOMEONE LIKE THOSE TWO WHO HAVE THE SAME SKILL SET....i was pointing to skill sets that are needed to compliment melo's game and make this **** work...

coach (defense first mentality)
pg (someone like rondo)
knock down shooter (someone like korver/reddick)
back to the basket big (someone like aldridge)

and yeah nothing is possible because the owner is an idiot...but those are the solutions to this knicks team...
well to be fair we do have have cap room next summer coming up 2015.... so if melo can wait this thing out 1 more year after this year then we can actually make a squad around him.... with chandler, amare, bargs coming off the books thats 49 mill right there and we can still trade jr, shump or pablo to get more cap space which should be easy because their contracts are small... and aldridge, rondo and love are free agents in 2015... not saying we can sign any of those guys but we'll definitely have money by then.... just depends how much melo will get this summer because lets be honest he aint leaving....and forgot to mention we will have our draft pick in 2015 but who knows how that will turn out

Another reason players might think there's a bandwagon issue is the average hardcore fan being priced out of MSG.

I personally don't think bandwagon fans are an issue with any NY team besides the Yankees. In general NYers are loyal and passionate about their sports and more intelligent than other fan bases.
I'm not even a Knicks fan but some of you need to quiet down about "bandwagoners". The Knicks don't have bandwagon fans. They have a huge base of some of the most loyal fans in pro sports, to a horrible owner. They're almost TOO good as fans, considering how much they support after all they have to put up with. I have never heard of a Knicks bandwagon fan in my life.

If you mean some girl you know who doesn't watch every single Knicks game like you do and got excited during the playoff run last year , I hate to break it to you but she isn't a "fake" or "bandwagon" fan , that's just how casual sports fans in a city are or will be. Not everyone is going to be hardcore all the time, nothing wrong with that.

This is true
I'm not even a Knicks fan but some of you need to quiet down about "bandwagoners". The Knicks don't have bandwagon fans. They have a huge base of some of the most loyal fans in pro sports, to a horrible owner. They're almost TOO good as fans, considering how much they support after all they have to put up with. I have never heard of a Knicks bandwagon fan in my life.

If you mean some girl you know who doesn't watch every single Knicks game like you do and got excited during the playoff run last year , I hate to break it to you but she isn't a "fake" or "bandwagon" fan , that's just how casual sports fans in a city are or will be. Not everyone is going to be hardcore all the time, nothing wrong with that.

Agreed. You can say this about any NY team.
are you ******ed? or just dense.

go read what I wrote...I said if possible try to pursue those guys some how OR SOMEONE LIKE THOSE TWO WHO HAVE THE SAME SKILL SET....i was pointing to skill sets that are needed to compliment melo's game and make this **** work...

coach (defense first mentality)
pg (someone like rondo)
knock down shooter (someone like korver/reddick)
back to the basket big (someone like aldridge)

and yeah nothing is possible because the owner is an idiot...but those are the solutions to this knicks team...

**** it. You might as well add "someone like LeBron" to the list as well. Then we'd be all set buddy!

I'll have to agree tho with the fans statements. Way too many good fans out there. We need more douchbags besides me and HTTB.
Can't there be "players" fans?

Im pretty sure 70% "bandwagoner" out there are probably fans of the players on your team which is pretty common and as Knicks fans you should understand this quiet well (Linsanity anyone?). Let's face it, for a league that promotes its player like the NBA, you are bound to have these "bandwagoners", this ain't the EPL. 
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