NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

We had enough pride last season to call him out when he'd come trolling.
But looks like he made himself at home cuz of how bad we been the year.
And now he's pretending to half be a fan.

I know Foam don't like me cause he's the type of dude who'll hand Melo posters in his room but that hurts coming from you O, I thought we had an understanding :smh: I don't get how I'm a troll tho? :lol:

1) My expectations for the Knicks are low (which they should be, so I won't get hurt)

2) I hate James Dolan and everything he represents (which we should all)

3) I said the Melo trade didn't make any basketball sense and it was going to hurt our franchise down line (which it has)

4) I said amnestying Billups was a mistake (everyone hated me for that, that came true)

What ya'll dudes scared of the truth? Truth shouldn't hurt :lol:

I'm excited about Phil tho (just as long as he's actually at MSG and taking his work seriously) so now I'm half a fan? Maybe it's just the NT demographic of Knick fans who are overly sensitive but no one who knows me would have the guts to call me "half a fan'. Meh, oh well. i'll still rock with you O.
I don't own any Melo posters or merchandise at all actually not that huge of a fan of his or I guess anyone in the current NBA for that matter. You just suck at posting bro that's all, the whole "negative Knicks fan" approach you take is really tired and it's dry as its ever been. There's definitely a few regulars in this thread you can take some cues from on how to use that approach the right way and make it witty and funny. Every single one of your post are annoying and extremely mediocre. Let's go Knicks !
I don't own any Melo posters or merchandise at all actually not that huge of a fan of his or I guess anyone in the current NBA for that matter. You just suck at posting bro that's all, the whole "negative Knicks fan" approach you take is really tired and it's dry as its ever been. There's definitely a few regulars in this thread you can take some cues from on how to use that approach the right way and make it witty and funny. Every single one of your post are annoying and extremely mediocre. Let's go Knicks !

You sound like a female lol. Everything I say either annoys you because you're sensitive or because I'm right and it hurts. Write the paragraph you want cause you'll know you'll get the reps since I'm obviously public enemy no1, but you ain't going to change the type of Knick fan I am brotha. Keep it moving.
Let's keep it a buck. Did CoupeIt88 come off as annoying? Yes. Was he really wrong? As far as I can remember...no. I can understand being somewhat annoyed because we were doing well but the signs were there that this team wasn't truly a contender. Maybe it's moreso his approach than what he's actually saying. I don't think your a bad dude but at times you can come off as condescending.
I guess I just never noticed. Always thought CoupeIt88 was cool.:lol:

I'm hoping Phil doesn't plan on moving iman.
When is shumpert contract up?
With the way things have been going I hope he resigns.

We had enough pride last season to call him out when he'd come trolling.
But looks like he made himself at home cuz of how bad we been the year.
And now he's pretending to half be a fan.
I know Foam don't like me cause he's the type of dude who'll hand Melo posters in his room but that hurts coming from you O, I thought we had an understanding
I don't get how I'm a troll tho?

1) My expectations for the Knicks are low (which they should be, so I won't get hurt)

2) I hate James Dolan and everything he represents (which we should all)

3) I said the Melo trade didn't make any basketball sense and it was going to hurt our franchise down line (which it has)

4) I said amnestying Billups was a mistake (everyone hated me for that, that came true)

What ya'll dudes scared of the truth? Truth shouldn't hurt

I'm excited about Phil tho (just as long as he's actually at MSG and taking his work seriously) so now I'm half a fan? Maybe it's just the NT demographic of Knick fans who are overly sensitive but no one who knows me would have the guts to call me "half a fan'. Meh, oh well. i'll still rock with you O.
Damn, I agree with all of this. I guess speaking the truth about the team will get some upset (as I found out the hard way in here myself) 
. Still like this thread tho. 
3. Is false. We had no idea if Carmelo would actually come here or not. We rolled the dice, traded a first round pick for Carmelo. It was worth it.

4. Shouldn't have amnestied Billups BECAUSE.........we should have never picked up that 14 mil year. Should have let him go after that year. What a ******* joke that was.
3. Is false. We had no idea if Carmelo would actually come here or not. We rolled the dice, traded a first round pick for Carmelo. It was worth it.

4. Shouldn't have amnestied Billups BECAUSE.........we should have never picked up that 14 mil year. Should have let him go after that year. What a ******* joke that was.
Dude, Melo was coming here. It was a forgone conclusion. He leaked that story while on the Nuggets on purpose. It was a total PR move. He wanted out, so he let that out so the roar got louder for Denver to move him. It was happening whether they traded for him or him signing as a FA. Dolan panicked and sacrificed Melo's best shot at a decent supporting cast here. As far as Chauncey, his presence on the team was very understated and underrated. He helped Melo out a lot. See they had to sign Jason Kidd to replace that, right? How has the team been since the vets have retired?
Carmelo was coming here for sure? There weren't other teams interested and possibilities? It's easy to say he was coming here for sure because it's over and he's here but nothing is guaranteed.

Billups, came here. Got hurt, played a little and got hurt in the playoffs. We picked him up, his body was done. What has he done since being amnestied? Has he played more than 50 games in a season since he was amnestied?
Carmelo was coming here for sure? There weren't other teams interested and possibilities? It's easy to say he was coming here for sure because it's over and he's here but nothing is guaranteed.

Billups, came here. Got hurt, played a little and got hurt in the playoffs. We picked him up, his body was done. What has he done since being amnestied? Has he played more than 50 games in a season since he was amnestied?
You must have a short memory 
. He clearly stated that he had one team he was coming to, the Knicks. Brooklyn was going hard for him. He wasn't hearing it. He rejected a trade offer and reports kept leaking that he wasn't going to sign with them if he became a FA (this prompted Brooklyn to then move on to Dwight at the time also). He had zero interest in any other team. I mean, we heard that damn report ad nauseum at the time. Just because Billups was hurt and wasn't playing doesn't mean he couldn't still be one of the team leaders. Yeah, he was hurt but he was on the bench giving insight to what was going on. I think you're being short sighted in that respect. You think he hasn't been helping out Greg Monroe and Andre Drummond on that team?
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