NYPD shoot a knife wielding man 9 times near Times Square New York

They could have shot the guy in the arm or leg. Probably would have made the dude drop the weapon. It was justified though. 
Law enforcement is trained to shoot at center mass. Best chance for the bullet to make contact...

Plain and simple the guy was running around Time Square in the middle of the day with a butcher knife. Not complying with the police's demands.

This was an assassination, they had the guy in the middle of the street, at least 10 meters from any tourist. They could have shot him in the legs, with even half of the shots that they finally fired, he wouldn't have been going anywhere. What shocks me is that they are confident enough to do this in broad daylight, this type of excessive use of force used to be reserved for back alley in the dark of night.
If anyone is brandishing a weapon and advances on a law enforcement officer with the intent to cause harm, the officer is fully OBLIGATED (word to sillyputty aka futureMD) to use deadly force.

The taser/rubber bullet/shoot-the-leg/non-lethal approach doesn't apply here and anyone who thinks that that's what is going through an officer's mind during the heat of the moment is naive. The officers followed him for seven blocks without shooting him and all of a sudden they decide to pull the trigger?

An officer's life was probably in danger and you guys act like all nine bullets came from a single gun. There were multiple cops surrounding him and giving constant warnings to drop the gun after MULTIPLE failed pepper spray attempts.

I swear NT loves bashing on cops for no reason. A lotta gangstas up in hurrr. :smh:

Police aren't my favorite people but geeze, know when to hate and when police are doing their job.
I think the lesson here is that you should not follow a foot 'chase' under any circumstance... I would never want to be within a couple hundred feet of shots being fired and someone dying within my sight.

Like someone else stated here. Something like this was usually reserved to a back alley in the dark. NYPD is getting brave. Do not be in the range of their weapons on what you may think is a standard arrestable offense. You now know that they can and will do what they need to do to protect their own, with or without knowing if spray bullets will hit civilians....

bottomline.... You see NYPD with guns drawn.... RUN!
If you watch the video, at 20 seconds in you see a police officer aim and fire while the guy is at the corner of the big door. No lunge is seen and the body has been pictured in the same spot. They took this guy out. One officer is even seen going to the shooter and telling him to stop firing. i think he was dead enough at this point. I hope there is an open and full enquiry into this. Wasn't it not so long ago that they killed an unarmed Trinidadian-American woman also. Who will watch the watchers ?
If you watch the video, at 20 seconds in you see a police officer aim and fire while the guy is at the corner of the big door. No lunge is seen and the body has been pictured in the same spot. They took this guy out. One officer is even seen going to the shooter and telling him to stop firing. i think he was dead enough at this point. I hope there is an open and full enquiry into this. Wasn't it not so long ago that they killed an unarmed Trinidadian-American woman also. Who will watch the watchers ?
I just watched it like 6 times, and I can't make out a thing.
I just watched it like 6 times, and I can't make out a thing.
fullscrren, pause it at 20. Look for the officer behind the car. You will see the smoke etc after and then one guy in a light blue shirt goes to tell the guy to stop firing. It also took me about ten times to see what was going on and many pauses.
how long has non lethal ammunitions been in production...and in what case do you use non leathal ammunitions
Why I hate tourists:
[h1]Times Square victim’s blood draws a crowd[/h1]

Last Updated: 6:05 AM, August 13, 2012

Posted: 12:38 AM, August 13, 2012

It’s the Big Apple’s newest — and goriest — tourist attraction.

Visitors flocked to Seventh Avenue between 37th and 38th streets yesterday to take pictures of each other standing next to bloodstains on the sidewalk — left by the knife-wielding madman shot dead by cops a day earlier.

“It’s amazing. It’s like, ‘Oh, my God!’ That’s so different than what we’re used to. It’s so gross,” said Abby Smith, 25, of the Scottish city of Edinburgh, which averages fewer than a dozen murders a year.

Smith giddily snapped photo after photo of her traveling pal, Scott Ramsey, standing over the blood to show the folks back home.

A German tourist named Alex, 18, also took a picture of the gruesome new hot spot — even as he wondered why no one had cleaned up the blood 24 hours after cops had gunned down Darrius Kennedy, 51, in a hail of bullets.

“I think it’s strange. Yesterday, I saw the story on the news. I think it’s strange in all of those hours they didn’t clean it up. It’s disgusting!” Alex said.

Some poor passers-by stepped right into it, leaving visible footprints, before they knew what it was — and then furiously scraped the soles of their shoes to clean off the gory residue.

A class of 16 people on a tour sponsored by the New York Real Estate Institute stopped to walk around the mess amid shrieks of “Eeewww!” and “How disgusting!”

The tour leader used the gruesome tableau as part of his lecture to his class.

“I’m aghast that the [building] management agency hasn’t cleaned this up! It’s egregious that the city had left the building to clean up the sidewalk,’’ he griped. “It’s a health hazard, it’s unsafe! What if someone slipped and fell?”

Student Yehuda Miller, 26, said they should have cleaned it up “out of basic human dignity.

“A scene like this should be properly cleaned up. There’s a basic Jewish principle to clean up every particle. To clean up the scene is to show respect,” he said.

Even jaded New Yorkers grew queasy at the sight of the blood in the street.

“They should have cleaned it up. Why should people be walking in his blood?” wondered Stephanie Torres, who works nearby and heard the shooting at about 3 p.m. Saturday.

New Yorker Gene Grubbs and a pal were walking toward the Times Square Church on West 51st Street when they stepped into the ghoulish scene.

“I can’t believe they left it like this. It shocked me. I’m surprised I didn’t see the body [still here], it’s such a mess,” Grubbs said as people sidestepped the blood.

Grubbs’ buddy, a man who gave his name only as Thomas, was equally grossed out.

“It’s just showing no class for the city. People are walking through it,” he fumed.

Dennis Ruiz, 55, of Brooklyn called it “damn nasty, nasty” as he walked by.

“It’s horrendous. Why in a country so rich do [they] allow things like this to linger?” Ruiz asked.

The Bloomberg administration didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Additional reporting by Bob Fredericks

[email protected]

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/...ore_tour_7GnsJKjQlRzvF6ePTiplaL#ixzz23RWuGN6s
Cops shoot to kill, nothing in between. They wanted him to drop knife and surrender, he didn't, the fact that they followed him for 7 blocks because they didn't want to shoot him. People saying they should have shot him in the leg from when he pulled the knife, that doesn't make sense if your going to try to arrest him peacefully. If cops did that every time there was a person with a weapon, there would be ALOT more shootings.

They aren't going to use their firearms unless a life threatening situation/act occurs. And while yes if they shoot him once and he goes down they aren't going to run up to him and put one in his head to finish him off. But its a dozen cops there and they all reacted and shot at him, so 9 times doesn't even sound excessive unless it was a situation with just one cop.
Idk how i feel about this.
But i expect more from trained police. Rubber Bullets....a taser some sort of non lethal method? Net gun? lolol
Reports saying there were at least 15 shells on the ground. Call me crazy but isn't some one in charge? Isn't there a Boss that can say "I am going to shoot him". Shoot once in the chest....see what happens? Why is it one guy pulls the trigger then all of a sudden its ok for everyone to do the same so they just let fly.

Also in that picture why does he have his hands up behind his head like he is giving up?

The whole situation seems shady. Pepper sprayed him multiple times? You got close enough to pepper spray him a ton of times and he didn't "lunge" at you then.

But in the end the dude did have 11 prior arrests so honestly my life on this planet is prob safer with him dead. And if this is the precedent then so be it i guess. Don't brandish a knife in front of a ton of armed cops because there is a chance you can get shot dead....that doesn't sound too unreasonable.
Idk how i feel about this.
But i expect more from trained police. Rubber Bullets....a taser some sort of non lethal method? Net gun? lolol
Reports saying there were at least 15 shells on the ground. Call me crazy but isn't some one in charge? Isn't there a Boss that can say "I am going to shoot him". Shoot once in the chest....see what happens? Why is it one guy pulls the trigger then all of a sudden its ok for everyone to do the same so they just let fly.
Also in that picture why does he have his hands up behind his head like he is giving up?
The whole situation seems shady. Pepper sprayed him multiple times? You got close enough to pepper spray him a ton of times and he didn't "lunge" at you then.
But in the end the dude did have 11 prior arrests so honestly my life on this planet is prob safer with him dead. And if this is the precedent then so be it i guess. Don't brandish a knife in front of a ton of armed cops because there is a chance you can get shot dead....that doesn't sound too unreasonable.
Nope. Pepper spray can spray anywhere from 10 to 12 feet and there are sprays that can shoot up to 30. Don't have to get close to him for it to be effective.
shhhh, don't use logic on these guys.

it scares them

True they could have immobilized him when he was in the middle of the road.

I guess they were waiting on orders though :\
People look for every reason to fault the police no matter what they do. I have no issue with this guy getting sprayed. He was acting like a lunatic in a VERY busy place. It had to be done.
People deserve to die???
IF he was smoking weed, he wasnt hurting anyone......................
You police apologists make me sick................
Rubber Bullets FTW.............
Innocent people deserve to be protected. What if he grabbed a child and killed them. Who would you be apologizing for then?
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