Oakland Raiders fans

DHB could work though.

He has that long speed.

I laughed at the pick, but still.

It might work. He gon' have to work on them hands and those routes though.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

smh @ people already bashing DHB... give dude a chance

Originally Posted by dreClark

DHB could work though.

He has that long speed.

I laughed at the pick, but still.

It might work. He gon' have to work on them hands and those routes though.

the raiders already have Johnny lee higgins, they already had a player w/ speed to stretch the field
Originally Posted by dreClark

DHB could work though.

He has that long speed.

I laughed at the pick, but still.

It might work. He gon' have to work on them hands and those routes though.
He has all the damn measurables, but none of the production...

he has questionable hands (troy williamson), doesnt run good routes (troy williamson), dont know how he can get off the line (troy williamson)

troy williamson 2.0

i really do hope he works out tho...
^^i doubt that but they couldve still got him and smore picks by trading down to like the mid 1st round
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

smh @ people already bashing DHB... give dude a chance

It's nothing against him really...its the fact they passed on Crabtree to get him

We'll see though
I just don't understand man...I really don't...okay I can accept the fact that the Raiders wanted him, but do we really need to draft him at the 7thpick?

Trade down!! Get the most picks you can out of this draft or next draft and build up a team and draft this guy later in the 1st, hell he might have even bearound come the 2nd round.

Just doesn't make any sense at all...

I can understand why Al wouldn't want Crabtree without his 40 time, thats just how Al is...but ++%$...take Maclin atleast

this was my exact reaction when I seen the pick
Originally Posted by KlassSickFresh 87

It hurts, it physically hurts. But I guess we'll have to see how it plays out and then start judging.
whyyyyyyyyyy? take maclin at least i mean dhb will stretch the field but undependable hands i mean crabtree mcfadden and russell thats a hell of a trioeveryone of them just brings that bravado that swagger but i mean i don't know if dhb will?



Q and A with Cable after the pick

What Raiders coach Tom Cable said after the Raiders' selection of Darrius Heyward-Bey with the No. 7 pick in the first round of the draft:

Opening statement: Well, this is a very exciting time obviously, announcing the pick for Darrius Heyward-Bey, a wide receiver from Maryland. This is the guy wewanted all along. It really, as I said probably about a month ago, there's one guy in the draft who makes our entire team better. He makes Zach Millerbetter, he makes JaMarcus better, he makes Darren McFadden better, and Justin Fargas, Michael Bush, Johnnie Lee Higgins, Chaz Schilens, on and on and on, wenow have a guy that we can throw the ball over the top of anybody and he can go get it. So this is a very exciting team. He helps us obviously what we dorunning the football but he gives us that deep threat that traditionally has been the Oakland Raiders. Really, just an awesome awesome time for us and excitedto have Darrius, look forward to getting him here to minicamp and letting him show some of that speed.

Q: Why him over Crabtree and Maclin?

Cable:: This is a guy that i had targeted a month ago in the thing. He's the one guy who's made everyone better around him. We needed, as has beenmentioned and written by all of you, we needed the ability to throw the ball over people's head and JaMarcus has obviously shown he can outthrow mosteverything. This is a guy now who can go run that down and catch it. As I mentioned, he's going to make Zach Miller better, and Johnnie Lee and ChazSchilens and Darren MvcFadden and Bush and ultimately he's going to help JaMarcus be the kind of quarterback we're trying to get him to be.

Q: His college numbers don't suggest that?

Cable: Well, different system and obviously when you look at what he did in yards per catch, his explosiveness, amazing. When you real y break him down andlook at him for what it was, his opportunities and attempts, he's off the chart, far far greater than the others.

Q: Thought of trading down and still getting him?

Cable: No, that was never the plan. We knew what we wanted to do the whole time. This was the choice that we thought we had to have to move this team to thenext step.

Q: Any thought of taking Eugene Monroe?

Cable: Not at all. There's a reason we have Mario Henderson here and Khalif Barnes, Erik Pears, Cornell Green. That may be something we do later in thedraft, we'll see how the day unfolds and obviously tomorrow, but the biggest need on this football team is to get someone to score points and obviouslywhen you look at wh at I just said, his ability to do that and make everyone better around him, we've got to score points to win football games.

Q: But he had 13 tds in three years, Crabtree had 41 . . .

Cable: Different systems. If you put the spread system at this level, it doesn't really exist. Those numbers would be dramatically different. I think theone great comparison that I did that really showed this was the right guy for me, if I put him in that same system, he might have been over 50 touchdowns.He's that talented.

Q: Offers to trade out of the pick?

Cable: We never ever really talked about wanting to move. We were pretty strong about what we needed to do. Like I said, we targeted this one about a month agoand getting this team where it needs to be, and obviously that's the ability to score more points. This was the no-question pick.

Q: Comparison with another player?

Cable: We talk to the scouts and everything. They bring up the name Randy Moss and obviously when you look at the history of the great receivers who have beenOakland Raiders, it's always been about that vertical speed, being able to stretch th field, take that top off the defense and this certainly does that forus.

Q: Did he visit here?

Cable: We've worked him out, we visited with him, we've done great great diligence on this one. This is the one we wanted in terms of character andtalent. And then the numbers and everything kind of speak for themselves.

Q: Was there a time when you thought you might have to trade up to get him?

Cable: There was. There was some time the last two days; in particular, last night it got a little bit nervous because there was some teams that tried to moveahead to get him. So, you really start worrying about all that.

Q: Do you consider him a polished receiver?

Cable: Actually, he was in all the top receivers - there's really four of them that everybody has talked about; three at the top - he is the bestroute-runner of that group. Again, he's the only guy that came out of a true pro-style system. Everyone else was in a spread s ystem. So, his learningcurve is much, much shorter than those other guys. Then you got that size, that speed and his ability to go get it. The thing that jumps out at you, this isthe one guy at the combine who, at the 30-yard mark, actually changed gears. And there was a whole other warp speed, if you will.

Q: What have you learned about his character?

Cable: He's got the character that we're looking for to build this team around. He has honor in everything he does. He has a tremendous family, doesthe right things. He was a guy that, early in his career, was considered a track guy and really set out as a goal to prove that 'I'm a footballguy' and has done that. He's a hard-working guy, did everything that we asked him to do. When you looked and dug, did all the things that we do, neveronce did you find anything that would detract you from him in terms of his character and his personality.

Q: How is he catching the ball?

Cable: There was some talk about that early, that they were inconsistent. But as we did a breakdown over the last two years, much greater consistency that way.He did a great job at his workout. His workout was phenomenal, just phenomenal. He caught everything at the front end of it, did a great job of being able toreact and adjust his body to some tough catches and really kind of sold you on it. Because you started to see some of those things that scouts mentionedearlier, that he could do those awkward things.

Q: Who did you have at the workout and was it at Maryland?

Cable: A scout, had it filmed and taped and did everything that we would normally do.

Q: Was it just the Raiders at the workout?

Cable: No, there was many people at the workout.
Damn, even on page 3 y'all are still hating...I'm not even gonna check out Page 2


Q and A with DHB

The media conference call with Raiders top-pick Darrius Heyward-Bey:

Q: When When did you know the Raiders would take you at No. 7?

DHB: I knew a little bit before, right before they called, the commissioner announced it, I spoke to coach Cable. But I had an idea. I felt I was one of thetop guys up there and I had a chance to become a Raider.

Q: Were you surprised to go ahead of Crabtree and Maclin?

DHB: Going ahead of those guys, it's an honor just to be the first guy taken. But being able to play in the pro-style offense at Maryland and taking thatto the NFL, I'll take that. And I don't know why I moved ahead of those guys, but definitely the Raiders saw something in me.

Q: Do you feel you're the best receiver in this class?

DHB: I feel like I had the qualities to be the best receiver in the class. I mean, I know people look at the stats and everything, but just playing in thepro-style offense and having the skills and being able to be taught and listen and work hard, I felt like I was definitely at the top.

Q: About the stats, people are going to look at them and wonder . . .

DHB: Right. People will look at that, but looking back to the games that we had at Maryland and my years playing, you look back at the Cal game, I had a chanceto show people what I'm capable of doing. At Maryland what we do is, we run the ball to set up the pass. I'm the type of receiver, I catch, block,hustle and just work hard. So college you didn't see those numbers, but definitely at the next level you're gonna see a little bit more.

Q: Were you ever frustrated?

DHB:No. You only get frustrated when your team loses - when your team loses and feel like you didn't have a chance to help the team win. That's theonly time it's frustrating. But I understood my role on the team, and winning was the No. 1 thing. It wasn't about what I wanted.

Q: What do you need to work on before you get to the NFL?

DHB:Just the overall game. Just the knowledge of the game, route running. Come to work each and every day to get better. I wouldn't say I have to work onone thing. I'd just say work on it all. Just come in there full throttle, ready to go is what my approach will be when I get out there in Oakland.

Q: Have you talked to Al Davis yet?

DHB: No I haven't. I haven't talked to Al Davis. I haven't had the chance to talk to him but I'm looking forward to it.

Q: What about the chance to play with D-Mac/JaMarcus?

DHB: The chance to play with those guys would be great. I'm just an addition to that puzzle we're trying to make here in Oakland. Those guys are reallytalented. I'm looking forward to playing with them. Also, going up against a guy like Nnamdi, who is probably the best corner in
the game. So I can improve myself, going up against the best corner in the game. I can only get better going against him every day in practice.

Q: A few people had you going to Oakland and many people laughed, but
did you have that feeling?

DHB: I heard that. I'm not the kind of guy who watches TV a lot or listens
to the mock drafts and everything. I knew it was a possibility. I'm the type of guy that I would never shy down from anything. God's on my side andI'm just going to take it all in.

Q: Do you model yourself after anyone?

DHB: My favorite player is Jerry Rice and he played for the Oakland Raiders late in his career. That's my favorite player. His work ethic is beyond anybodyelse. That's who I try to model myself after when it comes to work ethic. Past that, I think I have my own unique type of game.

Q: How do you feel about comparisons to Moss?

DHB: I take that with honor. Randy Moss is the most talented wide receiver
to ever play the game talent wise. To be compared to him is great. But I have to go in there and just have to prove myself and make a name for myself andthat's Darrius Heyward-Bey.

Q: Can you come in and start as a rookie?

DHB: All I can control as a rookie coming in is working hard and I know
I'll be able to do that. Whereever that takes me, I'm willing to take it. If that's starting, or if that's getting a lot of playing time orthat's being on special teams running down kickoffs. I'm the type of guy
I'm a hard worker and just try to get the job done. One thing I will tell you is that I'm a hard worker.

Q: Who is your agent?

DHB: Ben Dogra and Tom Condon.

Q: Who was your favorite team growing up?

DHB: My favorite team growing up, being in the DC-Baltimore area I always looked at the Ravens when they got here in the past decade. But always in the back ofmy mind, I was saying this to someone earlier, the Oakland Raiders was always the team, especially in this area, you always kept it to yourself but that wasthe team you loved. You loved that Silver and Black. You go out there and get that jersey. Everybody has that Oakland Raiders jersey. Definitely being in theDC area, the local teams but the Raiders were beyond none when compared to everything else.
You know what...I'm not at taking DHB, I'm mad at taking him at #7.

Too high for DHB, but if you want a player for your system, then alright.

DHB obviously has the measurables, but he can catch. He proved that in the combine with the WR drills.

He has the explosion to get into his routes and will need to improve those skills, but that comes with practice and time.

We needed a #1 and DHB has the potential out of any WR picked.

The pick doesn't look good right now, but far from the end of the world.

I'll be curious to see what we do in the 2nd and 3rd.

Those are the critical picks.
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