Obama Ballin' T-Shirt I designed +NT discount p.4

Originally Posted by iBlink

I like it, but as with all voting shirts, it loses its purpose as of November 5th.
Kinda off subject but will we DEFINETELY know the outcome November 5th?
Last election didnt it take like a week? Or was it because of cheating and the re - count?
man, i promise i JUST sent my mom an obama t-shirt design.
i had 2 in mind, and one was bball related, but i figured that only people in my age bracket would get it.
here's the one i went with:

on a black tee
Thanks for the feedback...^ I picked basketball because Obama actually hoops. I think people would still rock it after the election (assuming he wins) becauseit kind of celebrates a historic election with the date and everything. Plus he still has to be inagurated, and people that like bball should celebrate ourfirst hoopin' president...thats why I put "Obama's Got Game"...but it is kind of a lot of rhyming (didn't really realized it rhymed whenI was making it). You can cop at the site in my sig (sorry, don't think I can hook up discounts).
Although I will never sell myself to the hype of Obama shirts, that's a cool design.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

man, i promise i JUST sent my mom an obama t-shirt design.
i had 2 in mind, and one was bball related, but i figured that only people in my age bracket would get it.
here's the one i went with:

on a black tee
I'd rock to play ball/as pajamas...

just leave the make it rain on mccain part. obama's got game part = wack.

shooting for history on nov 4th i guess is ok since the whole jumpshot/shooting team

i like it though.

send me one for free and i'll giv u free advertising
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