Obama uses executive privilege to withold Fast and Furious documents 'update'

This dude can't seriously be trying to correlate sexual activity to sexual education in schools. Pig Love can't be that dense and have such backwards logic.

They have access to porn and that makes them hyper-sexualized. That's bad parenting. There was no sexual education in 5th grade for me but we all knew the code to unlock the spice channel on the box.

If you don't think sexual education is a deterrent to the young ppl getting STDs and unwanted pregnancies you're completely out of touch with society today.
There it is.  This dude Pig Love with the constant FRAUDULENT threads.
The big issue to me is by Obama using his executive privilege on this matter pretty much tells the country that he knew about Fast and Furious and lied about it just like Eric Holder did. Also just found out today the the family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is suing the BATFE for $25 million and I hope they get every penny.
I usually try to stay away from threads like this on here.
This is a weekly thing from Pig Love though.
Why are 30,000 drones being prepped to monitor us from the sky to spy on peoples gardens?

This is some tin foil hat !*$@. Bro, this is not going to happen.
"U.S. law enforcement has been expanding its use of domestic drones for surveillance purposes. This type of routine aerial surveillance in American life would profoundly change the character of public life in the United States. Rules must be put in place to ensure that we can enjoy the benefits of this new technology without bringing us closer to a "surveillance society" in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the authorities. Drone manufacturers are also considering offering police the option of arming these remote-controlled aircraft with (nonlethal for now) weapons like rubber bullets, Tasers, and tear gas. "


[h1]Domestic Drones Aren't All They're Cracked Up to Be[/h1]

POSTED: June 14, 5:45 PM ET | By Daniel Adler

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politic...heyre-cracked-up-to-be-20120614#ixzz1yQvlYOod

Because the FDA does not approve of raw mlik.

Been drinking Raw Milk almost ever day for the past 10 years. Shout out to Joash's Dairy in St. Rose, FL. As a health care professional, I don't even want to get into the criminality of the FDA. They are not looking out for the public's interest.

Originally Posted by Pig Love

I guess it's the nature of politics guys to sell guns illegally to foreign countries and do everything in their power to cover it up. Or to sign into law provisions that basically systematically void our CONSTITUTION one by one!

"Politics guys" 

Originally Posted by Pig Love

11 year olds are addicted to porn now because they are being hypersexualized in the public school system at ages as young as 8.

The purpose of this is to have a bunch of oversexed zombies that don't come out of their rooms.

It's really very refreshing to see that someone actually wants to debate with me whether or not 3rd graders should be taught sex ed.

Tell the OP in the thread about his cousin wanting to kill himself it's a good idea player.
That is an issue with technology, not with the damn presidency. The Internet consists of a majority of pornography. Recently, my barber caught his 9 year old son looking at porn when he left him alone on the computer for about an hour. This doesn't have as much to do with the school system as it has to do with the availability of pornography in prevalent technology.
Personally, I want my kid to use a computer, I want he or she to be able to type efficiently, navigate effectively, and code like an expert programmer. But letting a child stay on the computer unsupervised has certain risks, and parents aren't always going to be there. You need to blame Bill Gates, Vivid, and unattentive parents in this situation instead of blaming the damn President. Becoming aware of sex at an earlier age is actually the BETTER thing to do in this situation: it makes it easier for kids to seek guidance from their parents at a younger age, which will result in safer sexual practices and more transparency on a topic that is considered taboo to discuss with parents but would be helped a lot by their advice. The President did not create this problem nor can he rewind time and stop it from happening. Instead, we need to contain and address this issue as soon as possible, not try to wipe it clean because that's NOT going to happen.
for some reason I thought this was gonna be a trailer for the Fast and furious 6 like the fake Trailer in the diplomat
Originally Posted by swendro88

I'm just going to take a few stabs here:

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Why is the TSA groping childrens and adult genitals when they have NEVER caught a terrorist?

5. Why do you need a high powered Xray performed on you to get on a plane when again, we have never caught a terrorist?

Because the terrorist don't want to ##%+ around trying to bypass these measures. While I'll admit the measures as they stand are far too invasive, couldn't the fact we've never caught a terrorist be considered a good thing? They know they aren't getting weapons on board a plane anymore. The screenings are a deterrent, not a net designed to reign in 1000's of terrorist.

We have not caught any because there are no terrorists running around thsi country. The CIA orders Al-Queda because they supply them with $, they own them. If you don't believe me go look it up, Hillary likes to talk about it.


Why are 30,000 drones being prepped to monitor us from the sky to spy on peoples gardens?

This is some tin foil hat !*$@. Bro, this is not going to happen.

No drones huh?

8. Why are farmers being arrested and threatened with 20 years prison terms for selling raw milk?

Because the FDA does not approve of raw mlik.

The FDA is a criminal organization that is responsiuble for hundreds of thousands of death a year. No they do not cure you with their medicines. Check out my FDA thread.

9. Why is our government preparing to go into yet another (nuclear this time?) war with a country that does not endanger us?

Obama's going to drop a nuke? Again with the tin foil hat. Baseless speculation on your part.

Nobody said Soetoro was dropping a nuke. Notice the parentheses and question mark. Regardless, we are starting a war with Syria and Iran right now.

10. Why are 53,000 corpses in Florida registered to vote and expected to acually show up to fill out their ballots?

Errr...53,000 corpses are not going to rise up on election day to go vote, and if they do we have bigger problems on our hands.

There you go, thats what I said, 53,000 dead bodies are going to vote. No genious, these dead people are REGISTERED to vote and most will probably have their ballots filled out by someone.

11. Why does George Soros new company have the contract to count the votes for the 2012 presidential election in, wait for it, SPAIN!

I don't know, you tell me.

Because it's easier to commit election fraud in Spain.

12. Why is our government heavily invested in plastic coffins for the fema centers?

13. Why are there 800 new fema centers that have surfaced in the past ten years if our country is so broke?
Preparing for disaster =/= plotting mass genocide. So the government should never prepare for any type of catastrophic scenario ever? Or they should do it out over a much longer time span to look less suspicious? FEMA botches the handling of New Orleans post Katrina= FEMA BAD. FEMA sets up FEMA centers= FEMA bad. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't.

That's not what the 800 FEMA centers are for. These are PRISONS meant to house innocent American people that get taken because of the NDAA.

15. Why is one of his biggest campaign contributers Bain Capitol? Mitt Romneys company?

Because employees at Bain wanted to contribute to Obama Campaign and there's nothing Mitt Romney can do to stop that.

Because Bain employees want to contribute?!! Cmon

Your answers are laughable.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Pig Love

11 year olds are addicted to porn now because they are being hypersexualized in the public school system at ages as young as 8.
Show me a source on the age sex education starts in Great Britain. Show me the source that connects porn addiction to sex education.
The purpose of this is to have a bunch of oversexed zombies that don't come out of their rooms.
Source or data to back this up^
It's really very refreshing to see that someone actually wants to debate with me whether or not 3rd graders should be taught sex ed.
You're welcome
Tell the OP in the thread about his cousin wanting to kill himself it's a good idea player.
Show me the suicide rates of those with 3rd grade sex education vs those without.
^ You are right, I conceed. Obama is a wonderful president because
8 year olds are learning sex ed. I don't know what came over me.
Everything else is ok because of this issue, it's a great thing.

Carry on
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by debs 168

he would be allowed to do more if the congress didn't have it in for him as he got sworn in...

i wanna
i wan-
but I wa-
but I

and how is obama a worse president than bush was? factually speaking.
Dude when he got sworn in both houses were controlled by democrats. Democrats had complete control of washington for 2 years and didn't do squat

Not true.
What is not true? Do your research cause they definitely did control both houses when his first 2 years in office and I'll wait for you to tell me what they accomplished with it
They managed to accomplish the most debt in the least amount of time in American history
Originally Posted by Pig Love

^ You are right, I conceed. Obama is a wonderful president because
8 year olds are learning sex ed. I don't know what came over me.
Everything else is ok because of this issue, it's a great thing.

Carry on
You can't deflect like this and expect ppl to take your opinion and these threads seriously. I'm not surprised cuz I recall asking you questions when you came through with all of these claims and you didn't answer any of them. Why don't you answer the questions?
Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by rocman23

Dude when he got sworn in both houses were controlled by democrats. Democrats had complete control of washington for 2 years and didn't do squat

Not true.
What is not true? Do your research cause they definitely did control both houses when his first 2 years in office and I'll wait for you to tell me what they accomplished with it
They passed Health Insurance Reform (it didn't reform health care at all) by bribing key Republicans to vote for it. Which goes to show what a terrible bill it will be. Not even the Blue Dogs in his own party were willing to vote for it.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Pig Love

^ You are right, I conceed. Obama is a wonderful president because
8 year olds are learning sex ed. I don't know what came over me.
Everything else is ok because of this issue, it's a great thing.

Carry on
You can't deflect like this and expect ppl to take your opinion and these threads seriously. I'm not surprised cuz I recall asking you questions when you came through with all of these claims and you didn't answer any of them. Why don't you answer the questions?
I answer everyone's "questions". Look at the previous page. What do want me to say to this dude? Do I need to look up sources to justify why sex ed for 8 YEAR OLD KIDS is wrong? If you believe that it's ok than there is a name for you. I do not have to prove that it is wrong. Kids that can't read or write yet SHOULD NOT be taught about the penis. It isn't even what we are discussing in this thread. It's about Obama and his lies to the House of Representatives. Dude took the why are 8 year olds being taught sex ed question and thought he would justify it or something with a graph of teenage pregnancy which isn't even up to date or accurate. Like I said, carry on.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

This dude can't seriously be trying to correlate sexual activity to sexual education in schools. Pig Love can't be that dense and have such backwards logic.

They have access to porn and that makes them hyper-sexualized. That's bad parenting. There was no sexual education in 5th grade for me but we all knew the code to unlock the spice channel on the box.

If you don't think sexual education is a deterrent to the young ppl getting STDs and unwanted pregnancies you're completely out of touch with society today.
There it is.  This dude Pig Love with the constant FRAUDULENT threads.

You are the biggest troll on NT. You post in more of my threads than Unsayable Peak

ever did and you always say the same thing. Have you been keeping up with all my new profiles?
So what is causing all the tension between the U.S. Israel and Iran if it isn't nuclear capabilities?
Originally Posted by taymane23

So what is causing all the tension between the U.S. Israel and Iran if it isn't nuclear capabilities?

It's all about control, we don't control Iran or Syria yet. We have to take over the Middle East. 9/11
gave us Iraq even though Iraq had nothing to do with it. Just wait for the false flag and we will invade. 
Age Of Aquarius ..

The destruction of religion



Anywho ... Obama is a puppet

What better way to progress motives detrimental to our very lively hood , than to put a cool, smooth talking black man in Office

Either way we're *+%%%! , whether Romney or Obama is Elected ,

Ronmey will just surely accelerate to the end goal.
Originally Posted by HARM

Age Of Aquarius ..

The destruction of religion



Anywho ... Obama is a puppet

What better way to progress motives detrimental to our very lively hood , than to put a cool, smooth talking black man in Office

Either way we're *+%%%! , whether Romney or Obama is Elected ,

Ronmey will just surely accelerate to the end goal.

  ^ This must be Pig Love 
Instead of questioning his actions and motives, and pointing out all the problems, are any of you providing reasonable advice to approach said problems? No, then sit down. Republicans smh. Nagging wives that don't help the situation, only complain.
Originally Posted by blazinRook

Instead of questioning his actions and motives, and pointing out all the problems, are any of you providing reasonable advice to approach said problems? No, then sit down. Republicans smh. Nagging wives that don't help the situation, only complain.

The Solution has already been made for us ..

No point in trying to fix this when you neck deep in $#*@ lol.

You politicians openly talking about population control

They laying $#*@ out there for people to see , but Love in Hip Hop , The Yeezy's and Rick Ross Street cred is more important than wondering why congress is having secret meetings and passing laws..

The War on Terror
, The war on Drugs

Yea ARD ...

I mean do ya'll ever stop and actually think



Great song by Jadakiss by the way
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