ObamaCare upheld.

Apr 22, 2010
High court upholds key part of Obama health law

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the individual insurance requirement at the heart of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

The decision means the historic overhaul will continue to go into effect over the next several years, affecting the way that countless Americans receive and pay for their personal medical care. The ruling also handed Obama a campaign-season victory in rejecting arguments that Congress went too far in requiring most Americans to have health insurance or pay a penalty.

Chief Justice John Roberts announced the court's judgment that allows the law to go forward with its aim of covering more than 30 million uninsured Americans.

The court found problems with the law's expansion of Medicaid, but even there said the expansion could proceed as long as the federal government does not threaten to withhold states' entire Medicaid allotment if they don't take part in the law's extension.

The court's four liberal justices, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, joined Roberts in the outcome.

Justices Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissented.

Regardless of the decision, Providers (like yours truly) and patients still lose. Insurance and Big Pharma still win.

Constitutional based on the fact that the Mandate is a "tax".
Yeah, but the most important thing isthey can't discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions anymore....among other things, this is overall a good thing for the country
This decision just reinforces that the State can force you to buy anything if they argue it's a tax.
So basically it forces you to pay 1% of your families monthly income on health care if you don't have it?
Lets say a couple earns 60K annually together- 30 each, and they did NOT have health insurance- they would have to pay 600 dollars monthly for them to have health insurance in 2014 or else it is illegal?

I wonder if now there will be "health insurance evasion" 
Originally Posted by nightruans

So basically it forces you to pay 1% of your families monthly income on health care if you don't have it?
Lets say a couple earns 60K annually together- 30 each, and they did NOT have health insurance- they would have to pay 600 dollars monthly for them to have health insurance in 2014 or else it is illegal?

I wonder if now there will be "health insurance evasion" 

I'm ignorant to all of this, so maybe you can clarify.

I understood what you were saying about the 60k family.

But what about the family that has health insurance provided by their respective jobs.  How much of their salary (percentage wise) is going to help pay for those who don't have health insurance? 

I'm not sure if I worded it right, but maybe you are Rashi can explain. 
Nighttruans, your math is off.

$60k/year is $5k/month.

1% of $5k is $50. I don't think you are far off with your final number of $600 a month, but you have something wrong in your equation.

Yes, there will be a way to evade this, just like car insurance.
I'm an Obama fan but this law is terrible from what I've read.

Insurance companies get a bunch of new customers. Congrats! Does nothing about the true cost problems in the country
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Except this is more incentive for businesses to not spur hiring.

Businesses that employ 50+ employees MUST provide health insurance or else face a fine that is gauged by the size of the business.

We all know how that's gonna go.

Full time, salaried employment as we know it will be dead in the near to distant future.
But being "forced" to pay for insurance already exists...it's called driver's insurance, it's illegal to go on the road without it (people do it but still)....you can't wait for an injury or a car accident then hit up Geico or Aetna for a "oh **** lemme get some coverage real quick" plan

I just don't get how people can not want everyone to be covered.....Healthcare is already ridiculous with the prices, so this should lower costs on the whole...it's by no means perfect but the current situation is asanine
Originally Posted by LyonBC1

I just don't get how people can not want everyone to be covered.....Healthcare is already ridiculous with the prices, so this should lower costs on the whole...it's by no means perfect but the current situation is asanine

Because have you been to Canada? Their taxes are insane.

I paid $20 for a 12 pack of beer.
We need single payer with an option to buy private insurance. Everyone will be guaranteed a basic level of healthcare and those that can afford and want extra can get it. Your employer will not have to cover your insurance and theoretically could pay you more. Of course, we would have to pay more taxes, but then there could be price controls.

Love the reply about being thankful for living in Canada. All I ever hear is how Canadians come to the US to go to the doctor.
This is a good thing for Americans overall. If everyone is covered by insurance, it lowers costs for everyone involved. It's absurd that we're the "world leader" and not all our citizens are covered for health.

I see Fox News is going to seize on the "tax" issue and run with that for the next week or so
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

I just don't get how people can not want everyone to be covered.....Healthcare is already ridiculous with the prices, so this should lower costs on the whole...it's by no means perfect but the current situation is asanine

Because have you been to Canada? Their taxes are insane.

I paid $20 for a 12 pack of beer.

Lol been there a few times, but I wasn't old enough to drink hah....but this isn't the best or perfect solution, but I'm glad there will be reform cuz our system sucks right now imo


And on the small businesses thing, it gives them incentives for providing it to their employees http://www.smallbusinessm...g/tax-credit-calculator/

Again this isn't 100% perfect but its better than how it is now..the pre-existing thing is huuuuge for Americans
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

This is a good thing for Americans overall. If everyone is covered by insurance, it lowers costs for everyone involved. It's absurd that we're the "world leader" and not all our citizens are covered for health.

Explain how increasing Demand for an industry that already has a shortage of Supply will DECREASE costs?
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

This is a good thing for Americans overall. If everyone is covered by insurance, it lowers costs for everyone involved. It's absurd that we're the "world leader" and not all our citizens are covered for health.

I see Fox News is going to seize on the "tax" issue and run with that for the next week or so

What is so absurd about that?

We have 311 million people in this country. It's absurd to think everyone should and will be covered by healthcare. There is no easy way to do it, and the amount your lifestyle would change. You wouldn't like.
It isn't going to lower costs. Except maybe if you already had a pre existing condition.

It's a noble law. But it really doesn't fix the complex problems we have concerning healthcare. Insurance companies are not losing sleep over this. They are happy as %@%#
can someone explain a "dumbed down" version of this? I wan't to make sure that I fully understand what just happened...
yea i heard about this. didnt follow up on it much.

for people who dont get health care insurance through work, and are not making great money, they choose not to obtain it anyways because they live paycheck to paycheck. nothing illegal about that.. some risk and do the same with car insurance, but that would be illegal.

so if this passed, then it would be like car insurance? it would be illegal to live lol.. i mean just illegal to not have health care even if your job doesn't provide it.

i know insurance from providers are pricey.

i dont know really whether or not to support it, if it passes and it drives healthcare prices down.. to more "affordable" prices, then sure why not. but what benefit would it be for those who get insurance already through work? would less money be taken out of their salary because as someone metnioned it would drive prices down? i guess in that aspect it seems like a good thing.

sorry i am a bit confused no the details.
Originally Posted by DubA169

It isn't going to lower costs. Except maybe if you already had a pre existing condition.

It's a noble law. But it really doesn't fix the complex problems we have concerning healthcare. Insurance companies are not losing sleep over this. They are happy as %@%#

Of course they are, they wrote it. Unfortunately, the morons who are protesting (who supposedly hate corporations) are now happy because their "team" won and their "team's" law won out.
Insurance companies win again, now people are required by law to pay them- brilliant.
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