Obama's community service plan

Oct 29, 2008
http://www.change.gov/americaserves/FromObama's new website
I got this from an email today from some random guy complaining about how socialist it is
. Personally, I think it's great. 50 hours of work per year is nothing, butadds up like crazy when a whole high school is in on it. In my community alone, that's about 100,000 hours to good causes. I see a lot of physicallycleaner and socially closer communities coming up soon
I think I'm already doing the required hours, but I know too many people who leave trash in other's hoods and don't do a thing to help out.What's NT view on this?
^dont have time to click the link but are you talking about the his plan which pays for 2/3's state college tuition for doing community service?

i thought that plan was golden
I'm sure some lazy, personal pan pizza eatin' bamma will be in here complaining about how terrible itis.

Its about creating initiative and responsibility, something alot of my peers don't have. I WISH I had the opportunity to work a fewweeks in order to have 66% of my tuition paid for...

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

I'm sure some lazy, personal pan pizza eatin' bamma will be in here complaining about how terrible it is.

Its about creating initiative and responsibility, something alot of my peers don't have. I WISH I had the opportunity to work a few weeks in order to have 66% of my tuition paid for...

word might of gave me a reason to go to college, but i had to stay back n help the fam financially,
[h1]America Serves[/h1]
"When you choose to serve -- whether it's your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood -- you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That's why it's called the American dream."

The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation's challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.
wasn't his plan to give like $5000 for doing 50 hours? that's a great deal for a lot of college kids if you ask me.
I'll be on it.

I get to have my college tuition paid for, help the community, AND have something else to put on my law school app.

This was one of the key reasons I voted for the man.
About time, I am doing that many hours now anyways,

About time for compensation.
Sounds good to me (even though I'm graduating from law school on May 22nd).

50 hours a year breaks down to less than an hour a week for the middle and high school kids, and the 100 hours to about two hours a week for the collegestudents. Hell, even the procrastinators could take two or three weeks in the summer and knock it out. Individually the burden is minimal, but the collectiveresult will hopefully yield great improvements in our communities. And helping cover tuition as the carrot is a great idea.
I think it's a wonderful plan. At the end of school year shoot even the semester I would have way more than 100 hours. People who don't like the planreally don't know how good it feels to really help people/ the community.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Sounds good. But, who's going to eat the bill?
there are people being paid by the government to do labor jobs that high school and college students can volunteer for, for free.
that funding can be cut.

and even if this program costs money, it is money well spent. imagine how much good can be done if everyone is involved in the community. the effects ofcleaning up the community, getting kids off the streets, teaching work ethic to our future generation, etc will more than make up for that money.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Sounds good. But, who's going to eat the bill?
there are people being paid by the government to do labor jobs that high school and college students can volunteer for, for free.
that funding can be cut.
so that's the loss of jobs?

personally....I like the idea if you take away the college credit...

Just have every young person required to do community service.....I'm iffy on the required hours....but really...doesn't seem like much...it'sabout 1 hr per week for HS kids and 2 hrs per week for college kids.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Sounds good. But, who's going to eat the bill?
And who is going to make sure that people are actually doing the work?

True. I dont like the fact that he's requiring for middle school, high school and college students. Who does hethink he is? If they don't do it, they wont benefit, shouldn't be required.
^from what i've seen, it's not required for college students. college students can do it and get college credit, so there is financial incentive.

it would only be required for middle and highschool students.
I'm alright with it as long as it isn't mandatory. It's not the Feds job to mandate things such as this. That's up to parents, not the state.
My dad served in the "young pioneers" in the Soviet Union. That program advocated "helping the motherland" aka state indoctrination.

Plan's on paper and when implemented are usually far different from each other.

4/5 of the students working on campus don't do %!@% at their jobs.

I was one of them.
i agree ... make these lazy kids do some work to get where they wanna go ... see how much of an excuse these bamas have after that ... i am in agreement onthis plan ... teach these kids some work ethic
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

oh..and I'd scratch out the middle schoolers.
just HS and College kids

why? it would give them more of an option to stay out of trouble.
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