Obama's uncle arrested for drink driving . I will call the white House

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Big Ups for Obama getting his Uncle out and hiring him the best immigration lawyer there is.

But then again how the most powerful man in the Untied states cant stop his Uncle from being deported and getting a DUI charge dismissed something is wrong???


FRAMINGHAM, Massachusetts (AP) — President Barack Obama's uncle was stopped on suspicion of drunken driving, told police he planned to arrange bail through the White House and was being held without bail on an immigration detainer, authorities said Monday.

Onyango Obama was arrested last week in Framingham, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) west of Boston, after police said he made a rolling stop through a stop sign and nearly caused a cruiser to strike his sport utility vehicle.

Police said that after being booked at the police station, Obama was asked whether he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail.

"I think I will call the White House," he stated, according to a police report filed in Framingham District Court.

Police said Obama, who's originally from Kenya and is the half-brother of the president's late father, pleaded not guilty Friday and was being held without bail on a detainer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In a court document, ICE said he had an earlier deportation or removal order.

His immigration status couldn't immediately be confirmed, but such orders are generally reserved for people living in the country illegally.

An immigration detainer, used by ICE to identify people in jail or prison who could be deported, is a request to another law enforcement agency to notify ICE before releasing the person from custody so ICE can arrange to take over custody.

A spokesman for ICE declined to comment on Obama's immigration case, and the White House had no comment.

The president refers in his memoir "Dreams from My Father," about retracing his roots and his 1988 trip to Kenya, to an Uncle Omar, who matches Obama's background and has the same date of birth.

Obama, 67, was charged with operating under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and failure to yield the right of way.

Michael Rogers, a spokesman for Cleveland immigration attorney Margaret Wong, said Wong will represent Obama. He confirmed that Obama is the half-brother of the president's father and the brother of another relative, the president's aunt Zeituni Onyango, of Boston.

Onyango made headlines last year when she won the right to stay in the United States after an earlier deportation order. She came to the U.S. from Kenya in 2000 and was denied asylum by an immigration judge in 2004.

She stayed in the country illegally and was granted asylum last year by a judge who found she could be a target in Kenya not only for those who oppose the U.S. and the president but also for members of the Kenyan government.

In "Dreams from My Father," the president mentions photographs of his Uncle Omar, "the uncle who had left for America twenty-five years ago and had never come back." He also discusses a Kenyan expression about getting lost, meaning to not see someone in a while or to move away and stop communicating with relatives — "like our Uncle Omar, in Boston."

Framingham police said Obama was arrested Wednesday after he failed to stop completely at a stop sign and a police officer had to quickly apply his brakes to avoid hitting Obama's sport utility vehicle.

Officer Val Krishtal said in a written report that Obama slurred his speech and became argumentative after he was told that he was being stopped because he had failed to fully stop and yield to traffic.

"I explained to him that I narrowly avoided striking his vehicle, and he told me that he did not hear my tires screeching so I was not being accurate," Krishtal said in the report.

Obama originally told Krishtal he had nothing to drink but later said he had had two beers, Krishtal wrote in the report.

Krishtal said Obama failed several sobriety tests and blew a reading of 0.14 percent on a blood-alcohol breath test, which is above the state's legal driving limit of 0.08 percent.

The president's administration announced this month that it would allow many illegal immigrants facing deportation the chance to stay in the U.S. and apply for work permits and would focus on removing convicted criminals and people who might be national security or public safety threats.

But he was then detained on a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer and hired immigration lawyer Margaret Wong.

A spokesman for Ms Wong, Mike Rogers, said Obama was released from a Massachusetts jail on Monday.

He was being supervised at an undisclosed location until reporting back to immigration officials today.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Washington had no immediate comment on the report.

Ms Wong is the same lawyer used by Onyango Obama's younger sister, Zeituni Onyango, who was granted asylum last year by a Boston judge, putting her on the path to US citizenship.
"i think I will call the white house"

almost as classic as "I am now a strong follower of Jesus Christ"
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

"i think I will call the white house"

almost as classic as "I am now a strong follower of Jesus Christ"

Reminds me of when Gilbert Arenas told the cops "you can't arrest me, I play basketball"
Originally Posted by Al Audi



the pic OP posted made son look like a slave
immmmm sayinnnnnnn
had dude looking like Cinque's nephew or sumthing
"I explained to him that I narrowly avoided striking his vehicle, and he told me that he did not hear my tires screeching so I was not being accurate," Krishtal said in the report.
Not a single damn.
Son looks like he had a hard life. Is this better? jeez. 
Can't control our family and yet we get judge by their actions. This adds fuel to fire. Get ready for fox commentators to add their opinion.
Originally Posted by Aze201

"I explained to him that I narrowly avoided striking his vehicle, and he told me that he did not hear my tires screeching so I was not being accurate," Krishtal said in the report.

Not a single damn.

 No harm, no foul...
Well money's good 'cause of that new law.
He'll get a job, & be able to stay...
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