Occupy Bilderberg 2012! Are any of you attending? Does anyone have questions?

pig love

Aug 13, 2008
Bilderberg Concerned Over Mass Protests
Source: Secretive group irate over record number of demonstrators, media coverage

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 28, 2012

With over a thousand protesters heading to the site of the 2012 Bilderberg Group meeting, Bilderberg insiders are becoming increasingly concerned at how the spectacle will impact their much cherished desire for secrecy, according to our sources.


As we divulged earlier this month, Alex Jones has developed two sources who have intimate connections with the Bilderberg Group, the shadowy organization set to meet this week at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia.

The sources, one of whom was able to relate that the code name for this year’s confab is the “Palm Tree Conference,
I used to work in the office complex next to that Marriott and drive past all the people protesting during the conference. Was good for some
but they usually kept it pretty tame. I have a hard time believing anything influential went down at that Marriott in Chantilly, but who knows.
I attended one in NYC going over the Brooklyn Bridge in November 2011.. It was a crazy experience, about 30k+ crossed the bridge that night. Anyway, as I began to learn more about the many accusations regarding OWS I stopped caring 
 .. Supposedly OWS just serves as the demo group to bring in Martial Law or at least get everyone used to presence of it for future implementation.. That sucks 
It's definitely going down, and yes influential decisions do get made why else would 120 of the most influential people in the world bother to be physically present in one place with little security but completely book the hotel for privacy. They are intentionally lying low you don't hold onto power for generations in view of the public eye. So bigger the protest bigger coverage more people will be curious about this Bilderberg group who not that long ago public figures and mainstream media wouldn't even acknowledge existed. This is no co-incidence and this is also why we can't rely on media coverage we are the media now. If you want to know the truth about who owns this country just check on what the people who attend these meetings are up to...

here's a quote to start you off.... “A meeting in June in Europe of the Bilderberg Group — an informal club of leading politicians, businessmen and thinkers chaired by Mr. Davignon — could also ‘improve understanding’ on future action, in the same way it helped create the Euro in the 1990s, he said,
occupy the movement is not the same thing as this. occupy turned out to be an fbi front to find potential dumbasses to make into terrorists so that our lovely obama admin can take away more of our rights....

the episode was one among numerous law enforcement schemes since 2001 in which “the alleged terrorist masterminds end up seeming, when the full story comes out, unable to terrorize their way out of a paper bag without law enforcement tutelage.
One of my friends making the trek told me this is the rumored list of attendees.

Honorary President:

BEL Davignon, Etienne Vice President, Suez-Tractebel

NLD Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Ex- Honorary Secretary
NLD Hommen, Jan H.M. President, ING Group
NLD Beatrix, queen of the Netherlands
NLD Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. President Social Economic Council (SER)

BEL Huyghebaert, Jan President Board of Directors, KBC Group

USA Altman, Roger C. President, Evercore Partners Inc.
USA Arrison, Sonia Author & policy analyst
USA Collins, Timothy C. Senior Managing Director & CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
USA Ferguson, Niall Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University
USA Feldstein, Martin S. George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University
USA Gates, William H. (Bill Gates) Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & President, Microsoft Corporation
USA Gordon, Philip H. Assistant Secretary of State for European & Eurasian Affairs
USA Graham, Donald E. President & CEO, The Washington Post Company
USA Holbrooke, Richard C. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
USA Hormats, Robert D. Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs
USA Johnson, James A. Vice President, Perseus, LLC
USA Keane, John M. Senior Partner, SCP Partners
USA Kissinger, Henry A. President, Kissinger Associates, Inc
USA Kleinfeld, Klaus President & CEO, Alcoa
USA Kravis, Henry R. Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc
USA Leer, Eric S. President & Director, Broad Institute of Harvard & MIT
USA Mathews, Jessica T. President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
USA Mundie, Craig J. Chief Research & Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
USA Naím, Moisés, Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy
USA Orszag, Peter R. Director, Office of Management & Budget
USA Parker, Sean Managing Partner, Founders Fund
USA Pearl, Frank H. President & CEO, Perseus, LLC
USA Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
USA Rose, Charlie Producer, Rose Communications
USA Rubin, Robert E., Co-President, Council on Foreign Relations; Ex- Secretary of Treasury
USA Schmidt, Eric CEO & President Google
USA Steinberg, James B. Deputy Secretary of State
USA Summers, Lawrence H., Director, National Economic Council
USA Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
USA Varney, Christine A. Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
USA Volcker, Paul A. President, Economic Recovery Advisory Board

GBR Agius, Marcus President, Barclays Bank PLC
GBR Kerr, John Member, House of Lords; Deputy President, Royal Dutch Shell plc.
GBR Micklethwait, John, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
GBR Oldham, John National Clinical Lead for Quality & Productivity
GBR Taylor, J. Martin President, Syngenta International AG

ESP Alierta, César President & CEO, Telefónica
ESP Botín, Ana P. Executive President, Banesto
ESP Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime Managing Director, Advent International
ESP Cebrián, Juan Luis CEO, PRISA
ESP Cisneros, Gustavo A. President/CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies
ESP Entrecanales, José M. President, Acciona
ESP León Gross, Bernardino Secretary General, Office do Primeiro Ministro
ESP Nin Génova, Juan María President and CEO, La Caixa
ESP Polanco, President, Grupo PRISA
ESP Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías Executive Vice Presidente Grupo Santeer
ESP Queen of Spain

DEU Ackermann, Josef President Management Board and Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
DEU Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus SAS
DEU Löscher, Peter President Board of Management, Siemens AG
DEU Scholz, Olaf Vice President, SPD

INT Almunia, Joaquín Commissioner, European Commission
INT Gucht, Karel de Commissioner, European Commission
INT Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European Commission
INT Moyo, Dambisa F. Economist e Author
INT Sheeran, Josette Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
INT Solana Madariaga, Javier Ex- Secretary General, Council of European Union
INT Stigson, Björn Presidente, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
INT Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude Member Executive Board, European Central Bank

SWE Bäckström, Urban Director General, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
SWE Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs
SWE Renström, Lars President & CEO, Alfa Laval

PRT Balsemão, Francisco Pinto President & CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; former prime minster
PRT Rangel, Paulo Member, European Parliament
PRT Teixeira dos Santos, Former Minister of State & Finance

ITA Bernabè, Franco CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A.
ITA Conti, Fulvio CEO & General Manager, Enel SpA
ITA Elkann, John President, Fiat S.p.A.
ITA Monti, Mario President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
ITA Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso Ex- Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe
ITA Rocca, Gianfelice President, Techint
ITA Scaroni, Paolo CEO, Eni S.p.A.

FIN Blåfield, Antti Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat
FIN Katainen, Jyrki Minister of Finance
FIN Ollila, Jorma President, Royal Dutch Shell plc
FIN Wahlroos, Björn President, Sampo plc

NOR Bretzæg, Svein Richard CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
NOR Magnus, Birger President, Storebre ASA
NOR Myklebust, Egil Ex- President Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA

AUT Bronner, Oscar Publisher e Editor, Der Steard
AUT Fischer, Heinz Federal President
AUT Scholten, Rudolf Member Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

FRA Castries, Henri, President Management Board & CEO, AXA
FRA Lauvergeon, Anne President Executive Board, AREVA
FRA Montbrial, Thierry de President, French Institute for International Relations
FRA Ramanantsoa, Bernard Dean, HEC Paris Group

CAN Clark, W. Edmund President/CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
CAN Campbell, Gordon Premier of British Columbia
CAN Mansbridge, Peter Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CAN McKenna, Frank Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
CAN Prichard, J. Robert S. President/CEO, Metrolinx
CAN Reisman, Heather M. Chair e CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

GRC David, George A. President Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.
GRC Papaconstantinou, George Minister of Finance
GRC Tsoukalis, Loukas President, ELIAMEP

DNK Eldrup, CEO, DONG Energy
DNK Federspiel, Ulrik Vice Presidente Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
DNK Nyrup Rasmussen, Ex- Prime Minister

IRL Gallagher, Paul Attorney General
IRL Sutherle, Peter D. President, Goldman Sachs International

TUR Gürel, Z. Damla Special Adviser to the President on EU Affairs
TUR Koç, Mustafa V. President, Koç Holding A.?.
TUR Çakir, Ruben, Journalist
TUR Özilhan, Tuncay President, Anadolu Group
TUR Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan President, Akbank

CHE Vasella, Daniel L. President, Novartis AG
CHE Voser, Peter CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
CHE Waldvogel, Francis A. President, Novartis Venture Fund


GBR: Bredow, Vendeline von, Business Correspondent, The Economist
GBR: Wooldridge, Adrian D., Business Correspondent, The Economist
I like how people have only recently discovered Bilderberg and are suddenly all outraged. They along with the trilateral commission have been operating for years. The words of the people mean little to them.
Originally Posted by Weekz

I like how people have only recently discovered Bilderberg and are suddenly all outraged. They along with the trilateral commission have been operating for years. The words of the people mean little to them.

Have you ever seen it mentioned on TV?

Most people watch mainstream tv and don't have a clue.

This protest WILL put it on tv
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

what is there to protest? thats a sucker move.


It's ok to be ignorant about the situation, but cmon son. There's nothing smooth about these wannabe dictators.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Interesting, no Asian leaders in this group? I need to read up more.

The Chinese got their first invitation last year.

I think the list I posted is a mixture of past attendees and assumptions. I'm actually kind surprised that Turkey has delegates.
Originally Posted by Weekz

They along with the trilateral commission have been operating for years. The words of the people mean little to them.

It's all a ruse. The real meeting is in Bill Gates' secret underground lair in Medina.
ripped this from another msg board, so i cant speak on the validity of it but...

Final List of Participants

Meeting Chairman

FRA - Castries, Henri de - Chairman and CEO, AXA Group

DEU - Ackermann, Josef - Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
GBR - Agius, Marcus - Chairman, Barclays plc
USA - Ajami, Fouad - Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
USA - Alexander, Keith B. - Commander, US Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency
INT - Almunia, Joaquín - Vice-President - Commissioner for Competition, European Commission
USA - Altman, Roger C. - Chairman, Evercore Partners
PRT - Amado, Luís - Chairman, Banco Internacional do Funchal (BANIF)
NOR - Andresen, Johan H. - Owner and CEO, FERD
FIN - Apunen, Matti - Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
TUR - Babacan, Ali - Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs
PRT - Balsemão, Francisco Pinto - President and CEO, Impresa; Former Prime Minister
FRA - Baverez, Nicolas - Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
FRA - Béchu, Christophe - Senator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire
BEL - Belgium, H.R.H. Prince Philippe
TUR - Berbero?lu, Enis - Editor-in-Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper
ITA - Bernabè, Franco - Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia
GBR - Boles, Nick - Member of Parliament
SWE - Bonnier, Jonas - President and CEO, Bonnier AB
NOR - Brandtzæg, Svein Richard - President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA
AUT - Bronner, Oscar - Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt

SWE - Carlsson, Gunilla - Minister for International Development Cooperation
CAN - Carney, Mark J. - Governor, Bank of Canada
ESP - Cebrián, Juan Luis - CEO, PRISA; Chairman, El País
AUT - Cernko, Willibald - CEO, UniCredit Bank Austria AG
FRA - Chalendar, Pierre André de - Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain
DNK - Christiansen, Jeppe - CEO, Maj Invest
RUS - Chubais, Anatoly B. - CEO, OJSC RUSNANO
CAN - Clark, W. Edmund - Group President and CEO, TD Bank Group
GBR - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Justice
USA - Clinton, Hillary R. - United States Secretary of State
USA - Collins, Timothy C. - CEO and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
ITA - Conti, Fulvio - CEO and General Manager, Enel S.p.A.
USA - Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. - Governor of Indiana
USA - DeMuth, Christopher - Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute
USA - Donilon, Thomas E. - National Security Advisor, The White House
GBR - Dudley, Robert - Group Chief Executive, BP plc
ITA - Elkann, John - Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
DEU - Enders, Thomas - CEO, Airbus
USA - Evans, J. Michael - Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co.

AUT - Faymann, Werner - Federal Chancellor
DNK - Federspiel, Ulrik - Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S
USA - Ferguson, Niall - Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University
GBR - Flint, Douglas J. - Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc
CHN - Fu, Ying - Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
IRL - Gallagher, Paul - Former Attorney General; Senior Counsel
USA - Gephardt, Richard A. - President and CEO, Gephardt Group
GRC - Giannitsis, Anastasios - Former Minister of Interior; Professor of Development and International Economics, University of Athens
USA - Goolsbee, Austan D. - Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
USA - Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company
ITA - Gruber, Lilli - Journalist - Anchorwoman, La 7 TV
INT - Gucht, Karel de - Commissioner for Trade, European Commission
NLD - Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
USA - Harris, Britt - CIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
USA - Hoffman, Reid - Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
CHN - Huang, Yiping - Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
USA - Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. - Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation
DEU - Ischinger, Wolfgang - Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head Government Relations, Allianz SE
RUS - Ivanov, Igor S. - Associate member, Russian Academy of Science; President, Russian International Affairs Council
FRA - Izraelewicz, Erik - CEO, Le Monde

USA - Jacobs, Kenneth M. - Chairman and CEO, Lazard
USA - Johnson, James A. - Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
USA - Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Senior Managing Director, Lazard
USA - Karp, Alexander - CEO, Palantir Technologies
USA - Karsner, Alexander - Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy, Inc
FRA - Karvar, Anousheh - Inspector, Inter-ministerial Audit and Evaluation Office for Social, Health, Employment and Labor Policies
RUS - Kasparov, Garry - Chairman, United Civil Front (of Russia)
GBR - Kerr, John - Independent Member, House of Lords
USA - Kerry, John - Senator for Massachusetts
TUR - Keyman, E. Fuat - Director, Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations, Sabanci University
USA - Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
USA - Kleinfeld, Klaus - Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
TUR - Koç, Mustafa - Chairman, Koç Holding A.?.
DEU - Koch, Roland - CEO, Bilfinger Berger SE
INT - Kodmani, Bassma - Member of the Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs, Syrian National Council
USA - Kravis, Henry R. - Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA - Kravis, Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
INT - Kroes, Neelie - Vice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda
USA - Krupp, Fred - President, Environmental Defense Fund
INT - Lamy, Pascal - Director-General, World Trade Organization

ITA - Letta, Enrico - Deputy Leader, Democratic Party (PD)
ISR - Levite, Ariel E. - Nonresident Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
USA - Li, Cheng - Director of Research and Senior Fellow, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
USA - Lipsky, John - Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University
USA - Liveris, Andrew N. - President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company
DEU - Löscher, Peter - President and CEO, Siemens AG
USA - Lynn, William J. - Chairman and CEO, DRS Technologies, Inc.
GBR - Mandelson, Peter - Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel
USA - Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
DEN - Mchangama, Jacob - Director of Legal Affairs, Center for Political Studies (CEPOS)
CAN - McKenna, Frank - Deputy Chair, TD Bank Group
USA - Mehlman, Kenneth B. - Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
GBR - Micklethwait, John - Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
FRA - Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute for International Relations
PRT - Moreira da Silva, Jorge - First Vice-President, Partido Social Democrata (PSD)
USA - Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
DEU - Nass, Matthias - Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit
NLD - Netherlands, H.M. - the Queen of the Netherlands
ESP - Nin Génova, Juan María - Deputy Chairman and CEO, Caixabank

IRL - Noonan, Michael - Minister for Finance
USA - Noonan, Peggy - Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
USA - Obama, Barack - President United States
FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc
USA - Orszag, Peter R. - Vice Chairman, Citigroup
GRC - Papalexopoulos, Dimitri - Managing Director, Titan Cement Co.
NLD - Pechtold, Alexander - Parliamentary Leader, Democrats '66 (D66)
USA - Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
NLD - Polman, Paul - CEO, Unilever PLC
CAN - Prichard, J. Robert S. - Chair, Torys LLP
ISR - Rabinovich, Itamar - Global Distinguished Professor, New York University
GBR - Rachman, Gideon - Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
USA - Rattner, Steven - Chairman, Willett Advisors LLC
CAN - Redford, Alison M. - Premier of Alberta
CAN - Reisman, Heather M. - CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
DEU - Reitzle, Wolfgang - CEO & President, Linde AG
USA - Rogoff, Kenneth S. - Professor of Economics, Harvard University
USA - Rose, Charlie - Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
USA - Ross, Dennis B. - Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy

POL - Rostowski, Jacek - Minister of Finance
USA - Rubin, Robert E. - Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
NLD - Rutte, Mark - Prime Minister
ESP - Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Soraya - Vice President and Minister for the Presidency
NLD - Scheffer, Paul - Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University
USA - Schmidt, Eric E. - Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
AUT - Scholten, Rudolf - Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
FRA - Senard, Jean-Dominique - CEO, Michelin Group
USA - Shambaugh, David - Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University
INT - Sheeran, Josette - Vice Chairman, World Economic Forum
FIN - Siilasmaa, Risto - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation
USA - Speyer, Jerry I. - Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer
CHE - Supino, Pietro - Chairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG
IRL - Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
USA - Thiel, Peter A. - President, Clarium Capital / Thiel Capital
TUR - Timuray, Serpil - CEO, Vodafone Turkey
DEU - Trittin, Jürgen - Parliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens
GRC - Tsoukalis, Loukas - President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
FIN - Urpilainen, Jutta - Minister of Finance
CHE - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman, Novartis AG

INT - Vimont, Pierre - Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service
GBR - Voser, Peter - CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc
SWE - Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman, Investor AB
USA - Warsh, Kevin - Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
GBR - Wolf, Martin H. - Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times
USA - Wolfensohn, James D. - Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company
CAN - Wright, Nigel S. - Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister
USA - Yergin, Daniel - Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates
INT - Zoellick, Robert B. - President, The World Bank Group


GBR - Bredow, Vendeline von - Business Correspondent, The Economist
GBR - Wooldridge, Adrian D. - Foreign Correspondent, The Economist
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