October is anti-bullying month...might not mean squat to us in general but here's a vid....

Gill Baka Esq. LLC.

formerly grimlock
Sep 28, 2008
If you have kids, nieces or nephews I would think it would be important to atleast give them a heads up to info like this if you can't express it eloquently yourself:

You already know where I got this.

you know what set me straight as far as bullying? mom dukes told me "if anyone ever hits you, hit em back harder"

and that was that.

can't be a coward out here b.
Letter didn't even call her fat.

Obesity is a genuine concern within our communities.

Delivery might have been harsh, but ehhh... homegirl just sour. >D
i swear every month is anti bullying month, but i will say this with the internet now, poop talking has gone to another level..im just glad my lil bro doesnt have to deal with this nonsense he's a freshman in high school but is in 11th grade classes and plays jv basketball and football, hes half white and mexican, but kids these days get it on another level,and plus everyone is so sensitive nowadays.
you know what set me straight as far as bullying? mom dukes told me "if anyone ever hits you, hit em back harder"

and that was that.

can't be a coward out here b.
Right! thats why I've never came across a bully,period, nor do I understand all of this attention of anti-bullying.It happens I know but some of these kids are just soft,shelterd and spoiled.Even the kid we concidered gay,would fight back.Hey,different time,I guess.
I thought it was October Surprise month.

I bet Ninja knows what that means.
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lulz @ coming to the home of bullying to tell bullies to tell their bullying younger relatives to stop bullying
seen this earlier.....that was like the nicest way to call somebody fat....that video isn't the best example for this issue :lol:
you know what set me straight as far as bullying? mom dukes told me "if anyone ever hits you, hit em back harder"

and that was that.

can't be a coward out here b.
Right! thats why I've never came across a bully,period, nor do I understand all of this attention of anti-bullyingation. .It happens I know but some of these kids are just soft,shelterd and spoiled.Even the kid we concidered gay,would fight back.Hey,different time,I guess.

Trouble is not everyone is raised the same way . I was one of those kids that was taught to fight back and never take any ish, but I knew PLENTY of kids who had absolutely no idea how to handle a physical confrontation. Also alot of times it really is the biggest kids picking on the smallest frailest kids.

As someone who knows the diference between right and wrong and how to handle his business I always felt like it was kind of my obligation to lookout for the pipsqueaks that would otherwise get picked on. I couldnt ever stand bullies always picking on the same kids telling the same lame jokes. I probably caused brain damage to this one ahole after he locked my nerdy homie in a locker for an entire gym class. My homie told me about what happened and during passing period I just ran up on him and slammed his head against a concrete wall three times and he droped like a ton of bricks. Certainly didnt stop bullying all together but it sure as hell made people think twice before they picked on my friends.
Anti-bullying :smh:

At some point you have to stand up for yourself. You will be bullied at every point in your life by someone. How you handle it says a lot about your character.

This generation is soft.
Thing is, bullying doesn't end at the end of the school day anymore.

It continues when you log online now, when people can chastise you after-hours. 

Major difference. 
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99% of what they call bullying will happen no matter what.

It's normal. It makes you tougher as a child/teen and it's all good like that.

I do agree that 1% of the time, it's too much. If it's the case, get your kid into boxing or a martial art and let him kick the *** of one of those stupid kids... People will stop making fun of him
@ the thought of an anti-bullying month.  Foolishness.

And have you seen her and her Captain Ahab of a husband's FB pages?

Hundreds of comments lauding her for "taking a stand" against this "bully" 

It's this sort of foolishness that proves that the educational system has failed and America has no hope
@ the thought of an anti-bullying month.  Foolishness.

And have you seen her and her Captain Ahab of a husband's FB pages?

Hundreds of comments lauding her for "taking a stand" against this "bully" 

It's this sort of foolishness that proves that the educational system has failed and America has no hope
Wait, what?
Remember flicks like " The Karate Kid ", The Perfect Weapon " & " The Last Dragon " ?

Stories where somebody tries to bully you and you G up, find your inner strength and overcome adversity....what happened to that type of ethos?

When is "drag your nuts" month?

Regarding online bullying, DL Hughley said it best during his bully skit from Reset, turn off the computer.
Son just gonna take my 4 minutes and 20 seconds away with this fat ***** like that. No remorse.

The world is built on bullies. We enjoy the freedoms and rights we do because our ancestors were bullies.

Instead of teaching kids to run and tell, tell them to man up and not take ****.
@ the thought of an anti-bullying month.  Foolishness.

And have you seen her and her Captain Ahab of a husband's FB pages?

Hundreds of comments lauding her for "taking a stand" against this "bully" 

It's this sort of foolishness that proves that the educational system has failed and America has no hope
Wait, what?

Her husband's FB. You can read hundreds of jokers take the leap from "Oh, the guy is saying something that I might not like" all the way to " OMG your wife is so courageous and beautiful and you're lucky to have her".
Son just gonna take my 4 minutes and 20 seconds away with this fat ***** like that. No remorse.​

The world is built on bullies. We enjoy the freedoms and rights we do because our ancestors were bullies.​

Instead of teaching kids to run and tell, tell them to man up and not take ****.​

Trust you've taken that same amount of time if not more from me by reading your replies on this site.

The hell are you talking about "we" enjoying the freedom and rights based on our ancestral bullies? So just for example, black slaves being bullied into toiling on fields lets you enjoy your freedom and rights? Go sit down and read a book.

bullying kills people one way or another..."militarizing" our youth probably won't end up well imo.

I'm all for standing up for yourself but shouldn't we teach defense instead of offense in these bullying cases. Theirs a line people cross when they feel disrespected and how that person treads that line could either end up as them standing up for themselves or them doing something more.

Back to the original video, that anchor is "obese" no doubt about that. On a second look I wouldn't even regard that as real bullying but her right to live her life the way she seems fit (lulz) while not hurting anyone should be respected.

Her being fat is probably not gonna influence that many girls if any to be okay with being fat in the end but i'm just guessing.
so this month is antibullying month, when is pro bullying month, and wtf does anti bully mean? you wear a shirt so you dont get ya *** beat for this month? and the girl is not some joan of arc she just happens to be fat like 95% of america so its just other fattys coming to her defense.
Son just gonna take my 4 minutes and 20 seconds away with this fat ***** like that. No remorse.​
The world is built on bullies. We enjoy the freedoms and rights we do because our ancestors were bullies.​
Instead of teaching kids to run and tell, tell them to man up and not take ****.​
Trust you've taken that same amount of time if not more from me by reading your replies on this site.

The hell are you talking about "we" enjoying the freedom and rights based on our ancestral bullies? So just for example, black slaves being bullied into toiling on fields lets you enjoy your freedom and rights? Go sit down and read a book.

bullying kills people one way or another..."militarizing" our youth probably won't end up well imo.

I'm all for standing up for yourself but shouldn't we teach defense instead of offense in these bullying cases. Theirs a line people cross when they feel disrespected and how that person treads that line could either end up as them standing up for themselves or them doing something more.

Back to the original video, that anchor is "obese" no doubt about that. On a second look I wouldn't even regard that as real bullying but her right to live her life the way she seems fit (lulz) while not hurting anyone should be respected.

Her being fat is probably not gonna influence that many girls if any to be okay with being fat in the end but i'm just guessing.

Most every acre of America was stolen from the Native Americans. If the Native Americans didn't want to move, we killed them. America goes into random countries every day and tries to be the world police. I ain't complaining though, I'm living more comfortable than if I was born in some random forest or some joint.

What does slavery have to do with anything bro?

Society has gotten too soft. A bully only bullies someone who they know will allow it. The only way to not allow it is to hit back harder than they hit you.
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