Of all the teams with Cap space this season the clippers seem like the best fit?

Apr 4, 2004
I've been giving this A lot of thought and i dont see how any Free agent superstar can look at the teams considered and not feel like the Clippers are thebest oppurtunity to not only win but market themselves.

1) A superstar like D-Wade or Lebron goes there u have a core of Gordon, Griffin(Who could turn into a superstar), Kaman(good center), and thorthon. With abench that includes bassy, ricky davis, marcus camby, and deandre jordan, Add it a likely lottery pick this season and the fact that baron might just sign backfor a mid level if another superstar is added and i think they are automatically contenders

A lineup of
davis, gordon, lebron, blake, kaman or gordon, wade, thorton, blake, kaman is enough to make some noise in the west and in a year or two enough to make a runat a title.

2) The location and oppurtunity to take over as the clippers savior is also a big draw. A guy like Wade or Bron will make just as much money in L.A as theywould in N.Y. The weather is beautiful year round it's in the heart of hollywood, and not to mention the type of rivalry that will go on between kobe vswade/Lebron in da same building. Nike would have a freakin marketing frenzy like none other.

The only thing that may cause a free agent to think twice is the stingyness of sterling. However you have to factor in the amount of revenue a superstar likeD-Wade or Lebron would bring him their is no way he wouldn't make sacrifices to keep this team winning. So i want everybodies input..... Are the clippersan attractive team to free agents in 2010
with the Clippers luck Lebron would average 10 ppg and be out of the league in 3 yeas because of a knee injury if he went there... Clippers are like the MaddenCurse of the NBA

They will always just be the Clippers... poor Blake
In all honesty though the clippers have never had one Superstar player. Not one so if they get one maybe sterling will open up the wallets
Why does this thread pop up on here 2 times a month ?

Lebron signing with the Clippers to play second fiddle to Kobe & the Lakers franchise in LA
keep dreaming

Even if a miracle happens and he magically signs with the Clips he'd literally be going to a team that rebuilding right now and would take 2 or 3 years toeven develop into being contenders in a tough western conference.

The key word here is potential. The Clips look good on paper with all of their young talent and that's the main reason why this thread keeps gettingcreated on here every month.

But the Clips literally have no chance at all at getting Lebron next summer .
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

who would want to go the clippers when you got the lakers playing in the same building?

why WOULDN'T someone like Wade/LeBron want to?

seeing posts like this only makes me glad I'm a Clippers fan, with all this ignorance and snobby attitude.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't no Lakers hater (whole fam loves the Lakers and Kobe is amazing), but the idea of this would be outstanding not only forSterling, not only for the city of Los Angeles, but for the NBA. I mean, think about it. When have we actually had a really good rivalry as of late?(Boston/Lakers of course, but they only meet twice a year outside of playoffs). The marketing possibilities are endless. All these Lakers fans are just afraidfor any other team to be better then them let alone the Clippers.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions and I think this would be a great way to rekindle that fire the NBA has lost over the years.

Sterling ain't gonna make it happen. Dumbleavy definitely won't get it done.

SWOOSH, Make It Happen.

Let the bashing begin, it's nothing new.
Originally Posted by you go boy

the clippers are garbage... they make the knicks look good
Nothing makes the Knicks look good.......


@ all the Laker fans in this thread
Real talk .

The closest the Clips EVER had a chance at signing a superstar was in the summer of 2004:

When Kobe was a free agent .

I heard it was so close that Kobe didn't make his decision between the Lakers & Clippers until the 11th hour and Jerry West called him and warned aboutsigning with the Clips and doing business with Donald T. Sterling.

Mike Dunlevey claimed they had him and said Kobe told them "Print the jersey's I'm coming"
Donald Sterling still owns the Clippers and his coach is Mike Dumbleavy nobody in their right mind would go there
This is probably how this thread got created. OP probably read this article. Which is written by a LA Times columnist T.J. who's writing style and reporting is like tabloid stuff you would see on TMZ.com

[h1]Forget all other scenarios, LeBron James is fit for the Clippers[/h1]

I'm listening to Colin Cowherd's radio show Tuesday morning, and he's talking with someone about LeBron James maybe ending up in New York or New Jersey, and I keep waiting for Cowherd to say something brilliant.

He usually does, but he's off his game, and so now I'm the one who will have to make the argument that there's an excellent chance James will be playing for the Clippers next season.

Right now there are seven teams in salary-cap range to make a run at James. Among them, the Clippers offer the most attractive supporting cast to a guy who is probably pretty intent on winning a championship.

He can stay in Cleveland and make more money than anywhere else, but how much would they have to pay you to live in Cleveland?

Throw out Minneapolis and Oklahoma City, too, because no one wants to live there. The Knicks are loaded with stiffs, making it impossible to win any time soon and he will be halfway through his contract before New Jersey is playing in something other than a dump.

That leaves, Miami, Chicago and the worst sports franchise known to mankind.

Does James want to play with another megastar like Dwyane Wade? Doubt it.

Hard to argue with Chicago right now, but for someone like James, who has already shown a keen interest in Hollywood, why not the entertainment capital?

The Clippers have seven players under contract for next season, potential young stars in Blake Griffin and Eric Gordon to go along with Baron Davis, Chris Kaman and Al Thornton.

If the Clippers still have to drop someone to clear more salary room for James, that's easy -- bye Al.

In a recent interview, Donald Sterling was talking about having a ton of money and wanting to spend it on a superstar. He thought he had a deal with Kobe Bryant. Why shouldn't he think there's a chance to land James?

If James leaves Cleveland, he will get about $16.5 million next season, no matter who signs him. That's the way the NBA works.

Talk about a basketball legacy for the ages -- how would you like to be known as the only player in NBA history to make the Clippers a winner? At the same time you get to square off with Bryant for basketball supremacy, up close and personal.

Now there's a Nike commercial for the game's top two competitors with Staples Center as the backdrop.

OK, so I realize right now you are doubled over in laughter, so to give you time to regain your composure, I'm going to vent for a few paragraphs here, explaining why Pete Carroll is on the run and why I'm writing now about James' future with the Clippers.


LeBron to the Clips would be the ultimate storyline. It'd be like him trying to 'take over Kobe's town.' Not to mention,LeBron+Griffin/Gordon/Thorton/Diddy makes a pretty good cast.
it would be a good fit for any free agent and in recent years it appears the clippers have been trying to shed that losing image by trying to improve and goafter players.
Originally Posted by iamxtian

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

who would want to go the clippers when you got the lakers playing in the same building?

why WOULDN'T someone like Wade/LeBron want to?

seeing posts like this only makes me glad I'm a Clippers fan, with all this ignorance and snobby attitude.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't no Lakers hater (whole fam loves the Lakers and Kobe is amazing), but the idea of this would be outstanding not only for Sterling, not only for the city of Los Angeles, but for the NBA. I mean, think about it. When have we actually had a really good rivalry as of late? (Boston/Lakers of course, but they only meet twice a year outside of playoffs). The marketing possibilities are endless. All these Lakers fans are just afraid for any other team to be better then them let alone the Clippers.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions and I think this would be a great way to rekindle that fire the NBA has lost over the years.

Sterling ain't gonna make it happen. Dumbleavy definitely won't get it done.

SWOOSH, Make It Happen.

Let the bashing begin, it's nothing new.
son its not hate, ignorance, or bein snobby. its just the truth. if ur a superstar player u dont want to play for the clippers. im not sayingthere will never be a period of time where the clippers are the better team in LA, but there never will be a clipper revolution to overtake the lakers. thelakers have too much history, too large of a fan base, too many great players that are still a part of the organization, and are THE team of hollywood.

and seriously who the hell cares about goin over to attempt to take over kobes reign of LA

the NBA is as good as its been since mike retired from the bulls imo, that storyline of lebron/kobe battling for LA is wack and unless you live in LA (which isjust one of many NBA cities) would only matter in a playoff series...and the entire NBAs fire isnt based on a single playoffs series that isnt even the finals,and could potentially never even happen if the two teams dont meet.

in short, nobody cares about the clippers. everyone cares about the lakers.
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