Offical Bulls VS Celtics game 6 post

All these gifs

I knooooooooooooow someone got the Noah AND1 dunk

Also, Rose will be making some ALL-NBA Defensive teams in the future.
Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Bulls are going to get demolished in Game 7.. no overtimes. Quote me on that.

Play of the game

Make a gif of those 2 free throws he bricked too.


Smile, tough guy. Makes the pain go away
The pain of what......? Why are you calling me tough guy?

your sig says it all your salty
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by tylerdub

I watched Michael win 6 championships. I watched the greatest franchise in the world demolish itself. I wont lie, I cried a little tonight. This series has baptized the Bulls and they have been born again.

You don't think that's a bit out of line?

Equating a sports series with coming to Christ?

Brad Miller>Christ
Rose is the shyiest person you'll ever know .

Its his rookie year , won ROY , made it to the Playoffs , has tied the series w/ the defending champs ... all in barely a year. I'd be overwhelmed too .

Y'all know if all these lights , cameras , the whole Chicago/the U.S. looking @ you , you'd be like "uhmmmm" also .

Don't front .
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by tylerdub

I watched Michael win 6 championships. I watched the greatest franchise in the world demolish itself. I wont lie, I cried a little tonight. This series has baptized the Bulls and they have been born again.

You don't think that's a bit out of line?

Equating a sports series with coming to Christ?

Brad Miller>Christ

A bowl of mashed potatoes > Brad Miller in Game 5
Dudes in here thought the game was over when we were down by 8 with three minutes left. Talking about the Celtics "championship swagger" and poise.LOL.

Bulls got heart...
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Rose is the shyiest person you'll ever know .

Its his rookie year , won ROY , made it to the Playoffs , has tied the series w/ the defending champs ... all in barely a year. I'd be overwhelmed too .

Y'all know if all these lights , cameras , the whole Chicago/the U.S. looking @ you , you'd be like "uhmmmm" also .

Don't front .
Rose is super humble and shy.
anyone have a gif of the Noah dunk?

i was ALMOST about to say that i'm actually starting to like dude now... then i saw his hair/outfit in the postgame interview..
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

I always associate you with Tyson, with the avys and all. Not that serious.

As far as the pain, you're mad the C's lost. Understandable, at least you have game 7 at home.
Why would I be mad? You guys aren't going to advance to the 2nd round anyways, so who cares? We beat you today, or on Saturday, whatdifference does it make? You guys still lose.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by tylerdub

I watched Michael win 6 championships. I watched the greatest franchise in the world demolish itself. I wont lie, I cried a little tonight. This series has baptized the Bulls and they have been born again.

You don't think that's a bit out of line?

Equating a sports series with coming to Christ?

Brad Miller>Christ

A bowl of mashed potatoes > Brad Miller in Game 5

Brad Miller > Celtics in Game 6

Great win by the Bulls.

I expect Pierce to go off crazy in Game 7. Not sure whos going to win tho -- this is the best series I've watched in a long time.
I need this Whole Series On DVR Please HIT mE Up With PM Bulls ALl Day. I Love Chicago Seriously My Chicago Brothers Hook Me Up
105+ pages in a day, sort of like Dirty's PYP post.
Probably my second favorite series, first would be GSWarriors vs. Dallas Mavericks.
Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

I always associate you with Tyson, with the avys and all. Not that serious.

As far as the pain, you're mad the C's lost. Understandable, at least you have game 7 at home.
Why would I be mad? You guys aren't going to advance to the 2nd round anyways, so who cares? We beat you today, or on Saturday, what difference does it make? You guys still lose.
I'm a Knick fan dog
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