*OFFICAL* L.A Dodgers Spring Training Thread! Vol. Baseball is almost here!

I'm waiting here for this to be official. I turn on the tv to tune in to pti and bam! breaking news :wow:
for the Dodgers getting Joe torre.

The Road To Glory!!​
I still don't think A-Rod will come to LA. I could see the Dodgers landing Andruw Jones, who will be cheaper due to his "off" year.

The hole at third will be filled by trading away either Ethier or Kemp, that is if we land Andruw. If that is the scenario the oufield will be set with Pierre in LF, Jones in CF and Kemp/Ethier in RF. Repko will be the 4th outfielder.

I could really see the Dodgers getting Scott Rolen, since he is on the block. However, he is a heavily injury prone option.
Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
^ You Dodger fans really want Andruw Jones right? I will miss him he played great throughout his Atlanta Brave career.
Sugar Shane Mosley​
Grady Knows Little
James,Hughes,Gooden,IIgauskas,Varejao,Marshall,Snow,Jones,Newble,Gibson,Brown, Sasha​
You Dodger fans really want Andruw Jones right? I will miss him he played great throughout his Atlanta Brave career.

He is a logical fit. I am a little skeptical due to his bad year and expanding waist line, but he did state he wanted to play in warmer weather.

Plus the options at CF are better than trying to get a 3B. I like A-Rod, I just don't like his asking price.

I say, go after a CF (Plenty of options) and fill the hole at 3B via trade.

Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
Andruw definitely likes the warm weather and i don't see him playing in a cold city like New York. Even though Andruw had a bad year he will still earn a lot of money probably over 15 million per year are the Dodgers willing to pay him that much? I think he is worth it and will get it if not the Dodgers some other team.
Sugar Shane Mosley​
I also think we have a slim chance on landing A-Rod. I'm sure the funds are there for the McCourts, but at this point I can't imagine A-Rod in Dodger Blue.

If anything, I think stuff will happen via trade. Maybe A-Rod signs with Chicago and Ramirez becomes available. Who knows. Although, I wouldn't give up a combo of Loney, Kemp, and Bills up for Miggy. I wouldn't mind parting ways with a combo of Ethier, Kershaw, LaRoche, Young, Hu, Abreu for him (not all, like a three player deal).

The off-season is barely starting. First we need to officially sign a new Manager. With Torre available, even Mattingly... I hope they're not looking at Kevin Kennedy :lol:
I also think we have a slim chance on landing A-Rod. I'm sure the funds are there for the McCourts, but at this point I can't imagine A-Rod in Dodger Blue.

People keep saying this, the McCourts are not broke, buying the Dogers with other people's money was genius, IMO.

Since they have taken over the Dodgers have turned a profit every year, in stark contrast to the Fox years, where the Dodgers were in the red every year. The McCourts know how to generate revenue.

I am posting in both threads, but I said if Andruw will sign for $15 to $17 a year for 5 years. Definitely go after him, but if he wants 7, then pass. He will not get the $20 million annually that Bora$ will seek.

The Dodgers, IMO, will not land A-Rod, but it is not because of the lack of funds.

The Cubs signing ARod will open up an opportunity to get Aramis Ramirez, Scott Rolen is also on the block. There are more options for 3B than ARod. No matter how deep the owners pockets are, ARod will financially cripple any team he goes to: Cubs, Angels, Yankees, Dodgers and Red Sox.
Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
Dodgers Serious About Andruw Jones
Bill Shaikin has a small note in today's column:

Scott Boras is believed to consider the Dodgers a more serious contender for center fielder Andruw Jones than for Alex Rodriguez.

It's not the first time we've seen the Dodgers linked to Jones; David O'Brien suggested it several weeks ago.

Ned Colletti, you may recall, wasn't exactly thrilled with Scott Boras a year ago when J.D. Drew unexpectedly opted out. But it sounded like much of his anger was directed at Drew. Boras seems to disagree with the notion that Jones should come with a significant price cut this winter. Before the season he was talking about $20MM annually. He'd still want at least $15MM per year.

The signing could leave the Dodgers with an outfield of Juan Pierre, Jones, Matt Kemp, and Andre Ethier. One of the last two could be peddled, and the team might have soured on Kemp a bit. How about Kemp for Miguel Tejada?
Sugar Shane Mosley​
I read the report, which was not surprising, but:

How about Kemp for Miguel Tejada?

Hell @#%$ No!
Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
WHEN WILL THEY CONNECT THE WHOLE STADIUM TOGETHER as speculated since 04 tho? :frown:

how about the food court area between the pavilions and new entrance gate for the bleachers?

the future looks bright in LA :smile:
.:GAMERTAG= CincoSeisDos​
I wonder what's taking so long to officially announce torre.

I guess they're waiting for A.ROD (he can sign 10 days after WS?) so they can have a press conference with AROD and Joe Toree in dodger blue :pimp:

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
WHEN WILL THEY CONNECT THE WHOLE STADIUM TOGETHER as speculated since 04 tho? :frown:

how about the food court area between the pavilions and new entrance gate for the bleachers?

The Loge level will get renovated in after 2008.
Reserve level after the 2009 season.
Top Deck and Pavilions in 2010-11. When the Pavilions get renovated, that is when the stadium will be connected (Through the Loge Level).

They have the money, I'm sure. They can afford ARod, I'm sure. That they will get ARod, I'm not.

Why does every Dodger fan have tunnel vision when it comes to the off season. Personally, I think there are better options to improve the team as a whole. If you want that ONE piece, to sell jerseys and tickets, then lets go after ARod.

I am sure that the Dodgers will consult with Joe Torre about getting ARod. There are rumors/speculation that Joe Torre did not like what ARod brought to the clubhouse. I hear one report that getting Torre will help bring ARod and others that say he will nix any ARod deal.

Personally, I am not sold on ARod. Great player, but it is proven that wherever he goes the team stops winning (Yanks won, but no titles). I would rather go through other avenues to improve the team. We are not ONE piece away, we are a couple of pieces away.

I guess they're waiting for A.ROD (he can sign 10 days after WS?) so they can have a press conference with AROD and Joe Toree in dodger blue

Right now, the holdup is his crew and how much they will be compensated. The press conference will come no later than Monday (I hope!). They are not waiting for ARod to sign, since ARod will not sign with anyone before the Winter Meetings.

Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
i think that @#%$ is hilarious when people are so antsy about signing arod that all these wild speculations come out of nowhere anticipating signings :lol:
.:GAMERTAG= CincoSeisDos​
You guys already now, its official :pimp:

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
Rumor flying around the office is getting Beltre back in a Dodger Uni.
Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
ironman is there a link to this? is he a FA I'm guessin by trades?

also was listening to am710 and ja adande was on and he was going on with his banter saying dodgers should have signed players and should have signed a coach that centers around those players, that logic is highly flawed. I can keep going but everyone knows how ja adanda, plasche and them r jus anti-L.A teams even though they write for the L.A sports.

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
word been readin and hearing that for awhile back.

thing is....he is STILL a boras client, and hes only got 2 years left.

i would hope he takes it back to 2004 with the production, but i dont know...

wanted him back in those days, not so sure now. he was FINALLY comfortable in 2004, he lost it all when he switched leagues. 2 years later and itll be the same story if he comes back. risky move IMO
.:GAMERTAG= CincoSeisDos​
Very risky move, dude only showed up during his contract year - while everyone in L.A was waiting for him to develop for yrs.

But for the price of arod I'm sure we can get a power hittin 3B, torri hunter & a SP.

Cincoseisdos can u hook me up w that icon?
Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
my bad @ the double post.

Thx 562, send it to ronnierocks@tmail if possible :pimp:

What was beltres stats last yr
Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
beltre waiting for his contract year reminded me of devean george in his :lol:
.:GAMERTAG= CincoSeisDos​
Risky move?

Solid move if you tell me, he is doing what he was projected to do even when he was developing.

A solid defensive 3B that hits .275-.290 with 25 HR's and 90-100 RBI's. He is not happy in Seattle and he has a home in Arcadia. All I can say is the Dodgers are going to explore it, word is for La Roche and Meloan.. That is the rumor.

If they go after Andruw Jones, the lineup would be:

LF Pierre
SS Furcal
CF Jones
2B Kent
3B Beltre
RF Kemp
1B Loney
C Martin

Those TWO pieces and bam you have a great lineup with Loney and Martin batting in the BOTTOM of the order, :wow:
. Like I said, everyone has the gloss in their eyes for chasing ARod, when there are better avenues for improving the team as a whole. I can't say that enough, :D
. Meloan would be a big loss in that scenario since I believe he could be an innings eater out of the pen. But in that scenario, Ethier could be peddled for a solid middle relief arm.
Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
USC Trojans​
11 National Championships​
if we DO go the beltre route....sign an EXTENSION FIRST. dont need a damn repeat of 3 years ago :smh:
.:GAMERTAG= CincoSeisDos​
Why does every Dodger fan have tunnel vision when it comes to the off season. Personally, I think there are better options to improve the team as a whole. If you want that ONE piece, to sell jerseys and tickets, then lets go after ARod.
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