Offical: Lakers vs. Pistons Game Thread 11/16 Game On ESPN

CMON NOW....someone could lend Chauncey a sportscoat...
why didnt he just buy one, dude just signed for 60 mill, cant spare 100 for a sport coat ?

ugh, I hate Lakers' 3rd qtrs. I'm expecting Kobe to make up for the not-so-great first half. Odom doing his thing tonight...
Hope kobe gets going and the team play continues. I hope this isn't a typical laker third quarter.
kobe not looking to shoot at all now that he knows he odesn't have his J. he has to stay aggressive
Kobe's been in the league long enough to know if he drives to the basket he will get his share of calls. Dude needs to find a way to get himself going. Itsnot like he's just a jump shooter.

Maxiell got Kobe lookin like Zo out there
I bet that makes ESPN topplays, even tho Bron got bashed on recently and ESPN destroyed the tape.
@ kobe sayin "no way" after flip made that shot

kobe is pissed, which can be a good thing
Those damn Pistons and their zone kills us every time. I cannot see us pulling this game out unless Kobe snaps out of his shooting funk and carries the team.27% shooting? That is incredibly bad.
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