Official 02/26/2005 Black/Altitude Green XIII Post

I have family in Cedar Creek actually my grandmother is from there Mckinnon if that rings a bell for you.
Do you know Moises & Robena
where will they be in florida? ive called around and i cant find them anywhere. please somebody hit me up with this info
where will they be in florida? ive called around and i cant find them anywhere. please somebody hit me up with this info

Yo, chilll. NO shoe store has got them yet. Maybe next week you can call, but they aren't even in some places wherehouses yet! So no shoe store has any info really yet. So just wait.

E-mail: [email protected]
will they be available online?
This post/reply was brough to you by the friendly people at Lexx Co. Productions...
Just got off the phone with Niketown Chicago and they are opening at 7am and getting 100 pairs. That sucks, meaning I am going to have to be there at around 5am. Plus, you only can get one pair.
I S H A N I A​
??ANY word on the PHILLY urban accounts because i really dont feel like dealing with all this FOOTACTION dispute.

thanks in advance.
^^^^ I'm with you on this Footaction stuff. I went to my local Footaction(Utah) yesterday and he says "Nothing yet still waiting to find out. Won't know till around a week before if we are getting them and the release is scheduled for the 1st." I am so LOST!!! Now knowing that he is either playing with me or he really doesn't know. I have to drive to NT Vegas! Does anyone here on NT have any type of information on them? How many pairs? Midnight release?Handing out numbers? I will take ANYTHING!!! Let me know. Thanks
I got a bad feeling that these are going to be just like the Cool Grey XI's back in 2000. The hype isn't just on Niketalk it's everywhere. ALOT of people outside this board know about these shoes. I work at Finishline, a store who isn't even getting the Altitiudes and we get 15-20 calls a day asking about those. I went around to the Footaction in my mall to speak with my homegirl whose the store manager and within 3 minutes they had 20 calls asking about those. I feel very sorry for the spots that are going to be getting them it's going to be mobs outside the stores.
What is Love ? Love is what you tell your mother before you kiss her goodnight. Infatuation is buying more Jordans in one year than you've had your entire life. Love is spending your entire lunch break staring the newest Jordans you put up in the office. A dilemna is trying to figure which of your 15 pairs of Black/Red Jordans matches your outfit the best. Broke is what I'll be if I keep on buying Jordans the rest of my life. Who said Love doesn't cost a thing ????
Any place in Portland going to have these?? Lifted? Footaction at Lloyd Center? I really dont want to have to drive 2 hours up to Seattle to get my two pairs, and then have to pay tax.
Now a ****a got bacon to bake
Harlem shake nah Im in Harlem the shakin weight
Shakin the bait, shakin the jakes
Kill you, shoot the funeral up
then Harlem shake at ya wake
Deehayes is right it's gonna be a zoo.Non jordan heads know about these shoes.
A portion of the proceeds from the purchase of JORDAN products support educational initiatives.Yeah Right Like Michael Jordans's gambling Habit.
I agree about the hype post. Ive been calling and going into store here in the ATL. I've seen CHICKS asking about this shes :wow:
as well as hella people.

I'm thinking I am up on things but that is no longer the case. These will be classics mahn, limited production, great colorway.

Even if I can't cop, I am happy about the limited availibility of this shoe and props to those that get it/sell it.
this is hella wierd again i just calld my fa and they said they gonna get em on the 1st when the release date is the 26
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