**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718


@JChillin @eegabeeva88 @landryfields Cool as hell or not cool as hell?

that landry?? homie looks like Channing Frye right there big time.

i wasnt pleased with Landry in the draft either, but i never talk that much %%+$ about a player before he has a chance to prove himself, even with JHill and i was at that draft MAD heated watching Tyreke, Rubio, Flynn, and Curry all go in a row before our pick or the year before when i was there and we took Gallo, i remember i really wanted Westbrook or OJ but they were both reaches by draft night

any way congrats to Landry. He is quickly becoming my favorite Knick right now, i mean dude is hella smart for a rookie. He knows his role back, hes athletic, and has a nice J and can score when need be, but he doesnt do dumb %%+$ on offense or try and force things like you would expect alot of rookies in his role to do and he is ALWAYS doing the little things out there. Im loving him the way i remember i fell in love with David Lee like his 2nd and 3rd seasons with us when he averaged a double double off the bench. I remember it was back when Kenny Smith would color commentate our games once in awhile when Clyde had a break, i rmember the nick name he gave Lee was "Little Things" cause he was just always out there hustling and doing the little things, whether it was setting up a teamate with a nice pick, going for looseballs, tip ins especially, etc. Lee earned love at the Garden cause he hustled and would do all the little things out there i mean in his 2nd year he averaged a double double off the bench averaging less than 30 mins a game literally all off 2nd chances and put backs he literally had no other offensive game to speak of at the time Thats what im feeling with Landry right now, watching him is like watching a guard version of Lee when he was a young player like Fields. Both were late picks and pretty unknown by Knicks fans and they both always do the little things out there. I mean Landry is always out there hustling, hes our 2nd leading rebounder off of pure hussle, if you watch him hes never not moving, hes always boxing out or hcrashing the glass to get an extra man on the boards, going after the ball and he takes smart shots. Hopefully he can keep it up cause hes honestly been the best player from his draft class so far this season and he was the 39th pick. He is looking like a #%##!+# gem and a half and the way hes playing makes it less hard imo for me personally to accept trading Will or Gallo in a Melo trade if need be, knowing that he could hold down that 2 spot next to Melo.

Anyway im loving watching this team but also lets take it for what it is. 7 out of 8 is very impressive and im thrilled to be over .500 this late but we really have played very easy teams and have a tough asd %%+$ schedule the next few months. Dont get me wrong, 7/8 is impressive vs any NBA team, and the first step we need to make to becoming a playoff caliber squad is to beat the bad teams who we should beat on a consistent basis and i dont want to jinx it but it is looking like we have finally made that step which we were never able to make the past few years. Past few seasons we would have runs beating these teams and even better teams at times but weve had stretches where we were 10x worse than these teams with worse records than us. If we could beat up on the bad teams consistently, in a weak %*! Eastern Conference that alone should get us into the playoffs as a 7-8 and a near .500 record. But this team needs to beat some better competition ion order for me to be completely sold on them yet, and we have a nice stretch coming up and these should all be good test games. My one hope for the next few games like at New Orleans, etc is that we show up and compete with heart. I can live with a loss to New Orleans if we show up and play a hard game vs a superior team however i can not live with going out lazy and flat like we did vs Atlanta cause we were terrible that game and we needa bring the energy vs these good teams and prove that we can compete and work the offense on nights where the 3s arent falling.
Originally Posted by SEAN C0MBS

I noticed jpZx likes to save stuff when it comes to the knicks. Not even a knick fan...hmmm
It could be just that there are more Knicks fans on this board than any other NBA fanbase so there's more to look at. I got nothing against New York. And I was just sharing the JRS thing because it was hilarious then and still hilarious. So much red, like DubA pointed out
Does anyone think Mozgov is the answer at the 5? I think he'll develop into a solid player, I'm just not sure if he has a place on our team.
I think there are more Warrior and Lakers fans. We have pretty much the same people posting all the time

At least it's not the influx that happened from June to July
Execs Becoming Convinced Carmelo Not Interested In Nets
Dec 01, 2010 8:02 PM EST

NBA team executives are becoming more convinced that Carmelo Anthony would not agree to sign a contract extension with the Nets, which would likely end New Jersey's pursuit of the superstar forward.

Another piece of conventional wisdom from around the league is that if the Nuggets ultimately do decide to part ways with Anthony, they will embark on a major cost- and cap-clearing plan.

How about we keep our roster. Melo come next season, eff the new CBA. Dolan just give him some under the table money ?
word eff the mike d'antoni show, get the carmelo anthony show, and pay lala to do some in studio work when she has nothing else to do
[h1]Amar'e Stoudemire: LeBron James would have re-signed with Cavs if Cleveland had acquired me[/h1]
BY Frank Isola


Cleveland's trade for Antawn Jamison last winter meant Amar'e Stoudemire and LeBron James (below) wouldn't be united on the Cavaliers. Turns out, the Cavs couldn't even keep the King.

Amar'e Stoudemire believes that LeBron James would have re-signed with the Cavaliers last summer had Cleveland pulled the trigger on a deal to acquire Stoudemire from the Phoenix Suns.

In fact, Stoudemire was committed to becoming James' full-time running mate until the Cavs shifted their focus from Stoudemire and instead traded for Antawn Jamison last winter.

On the eve of James making his much-anticipated return to Cleveland, Stoudemire acknowledged Wednesday that the power structure in the NBA would look dramatically different today if the Cavs had acquired the All-Star power forward before last February's trading deadline.

"He would have stayed in Cleveland," Stoudemire told the Daily News. "And I wouldn't have had a problem playing in Cleveland. I would have signed there. But it didn't happen."

The Cavs' decision to turn down a deal for Stoudemire had a ripple effect throughout the league. Stoudemire ended up signing a $100 million contract with the Knicks over the summer, and that move revived a dormant franchise.

Stoudemire has been a force at both ends of the court, and the Knicks are 10-9 heading into Friday's game at New Orleans. The franchise has not been above .500 this late in the season since January of '06.

Last May, with Jamison struggling in the playoffs, Cleveland was eliminated by Boston in the second round. Two months later, James famously announced that he was taking his talents to South Beach. The move outraged his once-adoring fans in Cleveland and Akron, and James will witness their vitriol in person tonight.

The Heat is off to a slow start, and some NBA people, including Detroit's Tracy McGrady, have summarized that Miami's biggest problem is that James and Dwyane Wade can't play together because they both need to dominate the ball.

In theory, Stoudemire and James would be a more natural pairing. That's what the Cavs had in mind last season when they first spoke to Phoenix about a possible deal. However, there were two major issues with dealing for Stoudemire, according to a Cavs official familiar with the negotiations.

The Cavs were hesitant to make a deal because, according to the source, Phoenix insisted on Cleveland waiving Stoudemire's physical. Stoudemire has a history of knee problems. The same official says it was a moot point since James preferred Jamison, a power forward with three-point range who would spread the floor and play to LeBron's strengths.

Following Tuesday's win over the Nets, Stoudemire dismissed a question about Miami and James, saying that his only concern now is the Knicks. James only wishes he had so few worries.

Landry Fields, the 39thpick in last June's draft, was named Eastern Conference rookie of the month. Fields leads all NBA guards in rebounding (7.1 per game).

The Cavs were hesitant to make a deal because, according to the source, Phoenix insisted on Cleveland waiving Stoudemire's physical. Stoudemire has a history of knee problems. The same official says it was a moot point since James preferred Jamison, a power forward with three-point range who would spread the floor and play to LeBron's strengths.

if that is true than 

Cleveland is so %$$+#%% ******ed, i think Bron is a @#+!# for signing with Miami but i honestly cant blame him for wanting out of that situation, for 7 years he carried that %+!%%! team on his back to 60 win seasons, MVPs, etc and they get bounced in the playoffs every year because they have failed to give him ANY kind of supporting cast or #2 option throughout his entire carreer and worst of all they go out and aquire bums like Mo Williams and old +@% Antwan Jamison and try to make it seem like they finally got Lebron some quality support. @+$%* with that.

I hate Lebron but +@!% Cleveland, that was the only positive part about Bron's departure, Cleveland had to be put in their place. Their organization did an awful job of building a team around him and their coach kept Bron's offensive game in a cage. I mean you have the most dominant player in the NBA with a body that almost seems to be perfectly designed by God himself to be unstoppable in the fast break and this fool Mike Brown decides to run a half court, slow +@% offense, where Lebron first touches the ball on the wing in a half court set. Thats why they got bounced by teams like Boston or San Antonio every year in the playoffs, because Bron is dominant to take over games like that vs %+!%%! teams every night and get 60 wins during the season, but in the playoffs teams like Boston or San Antonio are built to play like that and knew how to shut him down. I mean the Cavaliers organization did pretty much everything wrong during Lebron's time in Cleveland. And dont even get me started about the fans. Nervous, panicking *!+@%#*%%!+@! awaiting the inevitable. From when we got Donnie Walsh and cleared cap room in 2008 until the day all the fans dissappeared on that faitful summer day in 2010, i will never forget the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball fanbase as my least favorite fans of all time. Just constantly trying to act like the Cavs were doing everything good to keep Bron happy, jumping in our threads whenever his name was mentioned even if not by us, and worst of all for an organization that has 0 NBA championships, a city that has  professional titles since 1964 these dudes had the BIGGEST sense of entitlement of all time, like just because they get Bron %$$+#%% handed to them in the NBA draft, and they are semi succesful for 5 years or so even though they cant win a championship or put *+*# around Lebron, they automatically can talk *+*# to us like their franchise had some sort of relevancy ever. %$$+#%% awful franchise, only franchise in the NBA i consider as bad as the Swamprats (yes, including Clippers) but losing their hometown guy coming off 2 straight MVPs has to be the biggest L in basketball history, and i hate to say it but charma is a %$$+#%% %*##@. Had to get that off my chest

Honestly Cleveland can cry or boo or do whatever they do tonight with Bron back in town, and i dont blame them either, but lets not make it like this wasnt an inevitable move when the entire country besides yall saw this coming for about 2 years time now.
what makes you think lebron didn't encourage the team to go for antwon instead of amare for whatever reason? that's what the offcial says. for all you know, by that time he knew he was going to miami and didn't want to look like a prick for bringing amare there, going to the finals and then bouncing.

the cavs were ******ed for bending over backwards for him, more than screwing up everything. their biggest problem was enabling bron. more people would have signed there if he had a longterm deal and the team didn't have to impress him with moderate moves every season. everyone knew they were desperate every single year.
^^ If Lebron REALLY was pressing for a 35 year old Antwan Jamison more than a 27 year old perennial all-star who Jamison never even had half the skill set or athleticism of during his own prime which was at least 3 years in the past than that is a problem in itself. Lebron and Stat running the break together would be any coaches wet dream and unlike a Wade/Bron combo they are not both wing players and one would be the clear #1 and one would be the clear #2/big man while Bron would clearly be the wing man/creator. If Bron really was pushing for Antwan more than Stat, there is a reason he is playing basketball and not in the front office and Cleveland is again ******ed for doing everything that he asked them to do, cause obviously he did not know what was good for a winning team and he still bailed at the end of the day.

Im sure that if the front office told Bron, "maybe you think Twan is a better fit for your skill set and we respect that, however the basketball moves are our job and you are just a player, we are going to get amare and than well see what happens" Im SURE the Cavs would have had a way more succesful postseason, as Jamison was abysmal in the playoffs and Bron would have realized they were right, which would a) shut him up about basketball related moves and let the front office do their thing. Playing scared to Lebron and appeasing him with bad moves was not smart, Bron left at the end of the day cause they failed to stand up to him and do what they thought was right, Bron is a player he is not a GM for a reason. and b) and more importantly, Bron would have finally had an elite Scottie Pippen kind of player in Amare and he would have resigned in Cleveland rather than playing with soft Euros (Varaejao), aging (to say the least) goods (Shaq, Jamison) and scrubs (Mo Williams and the rest of the team).
yeah for sure. i agree with everything you said. at the end of the day you need to tell him "i'm the GM, you're the player" even it hurts your chances of resigning him. However we have seen that he can't take anybody standing up to him. if that story is true he's already pissed off spoelstra is embarassing him and questioning his mental fortitude. so it's possible that the cavs just layed down and did anything he said (which is no way to run a business)
Originally Posted by THE GR8

The Cavs were hesitant to make a deal because, according to the source, Phoenix insisted on Cleveland waiving Stoudemire's physical. Stoudemire has a history of knee problems. The same official says it was a moot point since James preferred Jamison, a power forward with three-point range who would spread the floor and play to LeBron's strengths.
Cleveland is so %$$+#%% ******ed, i think Bron is a @#+!# for signing with Miami but i honestly cant blame him for wanting out of that situation, for 7 years he carried that %+!%%! team on his back to 60 win seasons, MVPs, etc and they get bounced in the playoffs every year because they have failed to give him ANY kind of supporting cast or #2 option throughout his entire carreer and worst of all they go out and aquire bums like Mo Williams and old +@% Antwan Jamison and try to make it seem like they finally got Lebron some quality support. @+$%* with that.

I hate Lebron but +@!% Cleveland, that was the only positive part about Bron's departure, Cleveland had to be put in their place. Their organization did an awful job of building a team around him and their coach kept Bron's offensive game in a cage. I mean you have the most dominant player in the NBA with a body that almost seems to be perfectly designed by God himself to be unstoppable in the fast break and this fool Mike Brown decides to run a half court, slow +@% offense, where Lebron first touches the ball on the wing in a half court set. Thats why they got bounced by teams like Boston or San Antonio every year in the playoffs, because Bron is dominant to take over games like that vs %+!%%! teams every night and get 60 wins during the season, but in the playoffs teams like Boston or San Antonio are built to play like that and knew how to shut him down. I mean the Cavaliers organization did pretty much everything wrong during Lebron's time in Cleveland. And dont even get me started about the fans. Nervous, panicking *!+@%#*%%!+@! awaiting the inevitable. From when we got Donnie Walsh and cleared cap room in 2008 until the day all the fans dissappeared on that faitful summer day in 2010, i will never forget the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball fanbase as my least favorite fans of all time. Just constantly trying to act like the Cavs were doing everything good to keep Bron happy, jumping in our threads whenever his name was mentioned even if not by us, and worst of all for an organization that has 0 NBA championships, a city that has  professional titles since 1964 these dudes had the BIGGEST sense of entitlement of all time, like just because they get Bron %$$+#%% handed to them in the NBA draft, and they are semi succesful for 5 years or so even though they cant win a championship or put *+*# around Lebron, they automatically can talk *+*# to us like their franchise had some sort of relevancy ever. %$$+#%% awful franchise, only franchise in the NBA i consider as bad as the Swamprats (yes, including Clippers) but losing their hometown guy coming off 2 straight MVPs has to be the biggest L in basketball history, and i hate to say it but charma is a %$$+#%% %*##@. Had to get that off my chest

Honestly Cleveland can cry or boo or do whatever they do tonight with Bron back in town, and i dont blame them either, but lets not make it like this wasnt an inevitable move when the entire country besides yall saw this coming for about 2 years time now.

On point.
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