**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

so we reached page 666 

Agree on their dudes being done. On paper we really should be better than them but my biggest fear is Pringles in the playoffs having to make adjustments on the fly and teams getting 2 weeks to game plan for us. I hate to put the %*!% on his shoulders but so much of what we don't do well could be corrected in like 2 practices I feel like
ie. boxing out & defensive rotations. It is what it is so I ain't gonna say Pringles is why we're gonna lose but IMO someone like a Thibodeau (when he was on Boston) is exactly what we need to compliment Pringles as long as he's gonna be here.
**Edit: Funny article I just came across regarding Pringles.


Clearly there's no reason to can him this year, and if we make the playoffs they're gonna have to give a damn good reason to let him go, and I don't even like Pringles.



I realize Mike likes to keep things simple, and he’s never shown a capability to adapt his style to match the strengths of his players, but playing Danilo Gallinari as a Point Forward (taking a little something out of the Magic playbook, circa 2009), would go along way to improving the flow of the offense given Gallo’s innate ability to get to the free throw line. To use someone who is as capable of getting to the rim and finishing as Gallo has been since returning from his knee injury, and that can pass as deftly as he can, well that opens the floor up nicely for long range shooters, which the Knicks have plenty of. I realize Mike enjoys the traditional pick & roll, but your point guard isn’t the only one that can (or perhaps should) always run that play.

Haven't heard this idea yet. Interesting IMO.  I'm against him bringing the ball up but as far as initiating the offense in half court sets I kind of like this.  It'll also eliminate all those times Ray Ray dribbles about 18 seconds of the shot clock off then realize he needs to start getting the offense going, or just jack something up.
I dont think he's anymore of a liability than most other coaches. he has won 5 playoff series. We just have no size to contend with Dwight, The Celtics or Noah/Boozer. Miami we're not out-sized, we're just severely 'out talented' with Bron/Wade.

Dwight throws anything on paper 1-4 or whatever about the Knicks/Magic out the window. he's that big of a difference maker when our best option over 6'10 is Mozgov.

IF we get to the playoffs (still an if IMO) I just want to see them play good, hard basketball and extend a series hopefully to say, 6 games. That is, if this current roster is the one we have. Dont have all the pieces yet. The top 4 in the East is just really, really tough to contend with given where we're at right now.
Yall seem mad confident against Orlando like they didn't handle us easily. You can say their players won't do shh but it's not a guarantee our players will.

Yall watch a great defensive team in the Celts beat them and now they're players are done and we can beat them?
If we did see them in the 1st round I can already see yall all blaming Pringles for his coaching inefficiency despite the team possibly shooting badly.
Ain't saying their players won't do $#$%, just saying that on paper, and the way they been playing, I'll take our best 8 over Orlando's any day with the exception of Dwight. As a team? They're still better no question about that, just talent wise, individual performances, current form, I like our 8 more right now IMO
I be feeling like I'm the only Knick fan sometimes.


I know dudes wanna be realistic and don't want to jump at making any statements, but I barely ever see any confidence in this thread.

The top 4 in the East is Miam, Boston, Orlando and Chicago.

Orlando may fall to 4th, possibly even 5th. I just don't see them as a team that will improve with their current roster.

We beat Chicago 2 times already this year. One game in a play-off like atmosphere on X-Mas. The other we just shot the lights out. (looking back @ the box-score Toney Douglas had 30 points

We beat Miami 1 time this season, but the 1st half of the 1st game showed we can compete with them. Both games that were in the Garden were play-off like.

The Boston game in the Garden was Play-off like.

I say all that to say we competed and either won or had a chance to win against all 4 of those teams. Those teams would be obvious favorites, but I feel like none of those teams would feel super comfortable having to play us in the 1st round in a 7 game series.
Let's be honest how close are we as a team getting to the Finals? Let's say if we do land Melo and such.
We win the opening round but probably still lose in the 2nd if Melo comes, depending on who we give up. They would need more time to learn to play with each other, we still need bigger bodies, a better backup point guard, etc.

Yeah the atmosphere were playoff like, but playoff-like isn't the playoffs. All those teams have been there before, are older, more experienced, and are much more consistent than our team. Yeah we beat some of these teams and hung with them, but we also got embarrassed by the Kings, let Brand get huge numbers on us, and numerous other embarrassing games and moments.

Don't let their new look and at times offensive struggles diminish what they can do, Orlando is still a tough team when they're hot. Just like our team, when they are hot from 3 they can beat anyone... AND they have Dwight Howard. He alone makes them a top defense with the likes of Jameer, Hedo, and Ryan Anderson on the court, that means something. Dwight neutralizes Amare and we don't have defensive stoppers to beat him unless Mozgov makes huge strides by then, Dwight gets him sent to the bench within 4 minutes of the opening-tip, I bet my screen name on that.

We definitely have our fair share of "pessimistic" fans, but we're just trying not to get our hopes up and remember where this team has been this past decade. No one is happy to be complacent and just make the playoffs, but right now we're not a scary team to any of the top 4.
All I'm saying is I don't want to see Dwight and a bunch of outside shooters in the 1st round. Give me a healthy Bulls team over them any day. I mean I'm talking about this in our chances to make it to the 2nd round. Not just play good for 6 games.

Against those other top 4 teams we have to play good and shoot great all 4 quarters 4 times. You can't just be optimistic on one side when you consider our chances in the playoffs. We do play bad at times, even for stretches, our record reflects that. If we were beating the teams we were suppose to beat and having close games with the elite in the NBA then I could see the reason for optimism. Outside of the opponent's injuries we can't be (over)confident about winning in this year's playoffs.

As for the other question, I think we're a better starting pg, good backup pg, and very good center away from the finals if we already have Melo. So whether you want to say players on the roster will improve to be defined as that or we have to go out and get those players I think that's what it takes for the Knicks to be in the Finals.
I agree with big J I want no parts of Orlando. Our best bet in the playoffs would be to play Chicago in the 1st rd.
It's ridiculous to say that if we got Melo, we'd be in the Finals. This is not 2k, it takes time to become a winner, and we'd have no chemistry w/ Melo. Sure we might win a series or two, but a deep run w/ a new team is out of the question.
I def. hear and understand what ya saying.


I just always been an optimistic fan. Always feel like we got a chance, even with the teams from these past handful of years.

But with this team, in a 7 game series I feel like we got a chance against Orlando and even Chicago.  

We would play hard against the Celtics and Heat, but the refs would hand those 2 teams the 2nd round.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

I def. hear and understand what ya saying.


I just always been an optimistic fan. Always feel like we got a chance, even with the teams from these past handful of years.

But with this team, in a 7 game series I feel like we got a chance against Orlando and even Chicago.  

We would play hard against the Celtics and Heat, but the refs would hand those 2 teams the 2nd round.
How though? Moz would be in foul trouble so would stat, Felton gunning 3 and making poor descicions down the stretch, TD making steals and giving it right back to them. Then we have to worry about which Gallo or Chandler would show up.
Originally Posted by diceloveme

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

I def. hear and understand what ya saying.


I just always been an optimistic fan. Always feel like we got a chance, even with the teams from these past handful of years.

But with this team, in a 7 game series I feel like we got a chance against Orlando and even Chicago.  

We would play hard against the Celtics and Heat, but the refs would hand those 2 teams the 2nd round.
How though? Moz would be in foul trouble so would stat, Felton gunning 3 and making poor descicions down the stretch, TD making steals and giving it right back to them. Then we have to worry about which Gallo or Chandler would show up.
This is the optimism we need kid. Keep it up.
Gabe we're all fans here bro, we watch this team every game and we KNOW what they're capable of. There's a difference between optimistic and insane. I would love nothing more for us than to kick top teams $%% but we are way to inconsistent and don't have that killer instict yet, how do explain losing to the Kings, Cavs and sixers?
Damn. If you look back all I said was I want to see Orlando in the 1st round. Or I said we got a good chance against X team or Y team. We played well against X team or Y team. I think we could give XYZ a run for their money in the 1st round. I'm insane now ?

Eff it. We winning the Championship this year, don't matter who we play.

Gabe I respect your ball opinion a lot but facing Orl would be asinine, Ok lets move on. Good Win today, Lets take care of L.A the same way.
who was that chick in the new transformer trailer they showed during the superbowl? was that Jessica Alba? I couldn't tell..so forgive me if that sounds really off 
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