**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

came home from work last night at 2am, checked the box score, and slammed my computer off and went to bed.

this is ##!%@%% unbelievable.
@ last night's game and all the clowns that game in here with emoticos.

We SHOULD have won the game, but it was still only our 2nd game. The rotations and communication isn't there on D yet. That's why dudes are out of position to rebound.

Billups, Melo and Amare played exactly how they had to, but nobody else could really be effective, because no one else is able to get the ball where they need it. Chauncey still isn't familiar with everyone and Douglas is just not going to pass the ball.

The bad start hurt us most IMO. Billups getting those 2 fouls and then that 3rd sending him to the bench was what helped the Cavs get some turnovers and easy buckets. This gave them the confidence for the rest of the game. He would have controlled the game better. T.D. had to come in and was getting burned by Sessions and Gibson easily all game.

Amare was getting worked by J.J. for most of the game until Amare got fed up.
They were saying Hickson's idol was Amare growing up and he was trying to kill Amare. Amare ended up with 11 rebounds which had me like
The effort and energy on the D was real good too. But him and Turiaf aren't enough to be effective. Jeffries can't get here any faster.

Melo was Melo. Easy 30 basically. Jumpshot still ain't there yet. But that will be back sooner then later hopefully. Melo is going to be avg. real close to 10 rebounds a night now though as well. I hope his elbow isn't a big factor. I was thinking he was icing his elbow to try and stay out the game and rest for Miami.
D'Antoni wasn't having it though.

Balkman was nice to see off the bench and I was hype with his effort, but where was he in the 2nd half ? Really D'Antoni ? Dude waits till the 4th quarter to finally but him in.
He should have gotten more PT and I'm hoping he works himself into the rotation through practice and D'Antoni sees his effect when he's out there. Dude ain't going to do nothing but play defense, rebound and run.

Overall it was the defense that lost the game. That's obvious. It's not going to get to top defensive team in the L level by no means, but after a week or 2 more they going to be a lot better especially with Jeffries and possibly another big joining the team and hopefully Balkman getting PT. Just sucks we got a little rough couple games coming up.
D'Antoni makes those little mistakes almost every game. I'm sure it's easy for me to sit here & play monday morning QB, but enough is enough. Although I can't remember specific games, there are at least 5 or 6 games this year we could have won if D'Antoni made the right adjustments during the game. Players being effective in 1st halves have no bearing on their playing time in 2nd halves.

Now, we as fans, are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Of course we root for the team to win, but with every win, comes more security with Pringles' job.
Man...that was pretty damn hyped game we lost. We just need that chemistry with this new look. I hope it doesn't take 3-8 to get it again. It was nice seeing Balkman give us some minutes, and not so nice remembering that Fields is a rookie and can't score like we want him to.

That Chompsy/STAT comeback was raw. One step at a time.
I have no doubts the team will be motivated for the Miami game though. It would've been nice to win last night because we would've had some momentum going into Sunday night.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Balkman get PT in the Heat game either. Hopefully someone else will be able to contribute that night as well.
[h3]Carmelo Can Become Free Agent In 2014[/h3]
Feb 25, 2011 18:23 PM EST


There is a clause in the three-year extension Carmelo Anthony signed with the Knicks that will allow him to become a free agent after the 2013-14 season if he so chooses, according to league sources.

Including the final season of his original contract, Anthony can make a little more than $82 million over the next four seasons.

The option allows Anthony to see how New York progresses in the near future.

I seen that article and ignored it.

Doesn't even matter. By then, with things continuing to go the way they've been going, we will be competing for the Finals every year.

Not worried about that at all. Just another wrench the Knick haters trying to through in the game. Why would anyone want to "expose" that part of the contract ? Only thing I could think of is to be negative about the acquisition and try and make the move seem like more of a bad move for New York and the greatest deal for Denver.

It's getting disgusting.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

D'Antoni makes those little mistakes almost every game. I'm sure it's easy for me to sit here & play monday morning QB, but enough is enough. Although I can't remember specific games, there are at least 5 or 6 games this year we could have won if D'Antoni made the right adjustments during the game. Players being effective in 1st halves have no bearing on their playing time in 2nd halves.

Now, we as fans, are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Of course we root for the team to win, but with every win, comes more security with Pringles' job.
this needs to be emphasized more

a player will have a good run then d'antoni puts him back on the bench at the most inopportune moment for some unknown reason and fails put him back in the game until it's too late, if at all

he's done this countless times and i'm frankly kind of sick of it
Have we cut players yet? Donnie should've woke up with how we lost last night. Get Jeffries and Barron here already.
Renaldo Balkman is a poor man's Gerald Wallace...the hustle between him and Jeffries could help the Knicks alot
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Have we cut players yet? Donnie should've woke up with how we lost last night. Get Jeffries and Barron here already.
Dude's probably waiting to see what happens with Murphy and Pryzbilla before committing to Barron.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Have we cut players yet? Donnie should've woke up with how we lost last night. Get Jeffries and Barron here already.
My son want things moving, not now, but right now.

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Renaldo Balkman is a poor man's Gerald Wallace...the hustle between him and Jeffries could help the Knicks alot

Can't wait to see a more complete team.
It would be a wrap if they could get both Pryz and Murphy but that would never happen 
 Pryzbilla is like the white Perkins
alanhahn Alan Hahn

Knicks had 40 mins of film and 90 mins of practice here in Miami. Spent a lot of time on, of course, defensive concepts. #fb


alanhahn Alan Hahn

'Antoni's argument is the Knicks D held Cavs to 42.4% FG. What killed Knicks were 2nd Chance Pts (26) and glass (62-42). Effort, not system

I kind of agree with this as well. I can remember 5 offensive rebounds the Cavs got just off of the ball bouncing to open areas and nobody went to get it on the Knicks.

Most likely because the new guys are expecting somebody else to get it, being used to the Nuggets bigs being strong rebounders.
Yeah, I am being impatient. I want shh done now!!! We WILL go on a losing streak if we don't get some bigs now! I posted our schedule a few games back and it doesn't get easier when it comes to rebounding.

I'd be shocked if Pryz gets bought out. Why would MJ even trade for him then? Getting Murphy I see as a long shot although I want us to go after him aggressively. ESPN said we were in the running for Powe but I feel he's Boston bound.

Dream scenario: Pryz, Murph, & Jeffries.

Best case: Jeffries and Barron.

Cut: A. Carter, Sheldon, Mason Jr. (I believe some team will pick him up).

Oh yeah and I already see Brewer is inactive. If those who said he was a good defender are right then I can't help but think he would've been some help against Sessions and Gibson.

Mike is right about the 2nd chances points.
Bolded the under .500. 13/26 are under .500.

Bolded and Italic'd the span there towards the end of the season to emphasize where we should make a nice run.

New Orleans
New Jersey
New Jersey

Bulls and Boston to end the season.
Hopefully we are where I hope to be by then and we send a message going into the playoffs.
i can tell you what really fcuked us last night down the stretch when were Close in the 4th, Melo Guarding Jamison Why? because for some reason D'antoni has Douglas in With Billups, Putting amare at the 5 which wasn't that bad but it put melo at the 4 and that's where he picked up 2 fouls and gave up Points against Jamison. After the first Foul D'antoni shoulda subbed in Balkman or Williams or Turiaf for douglas. We were getting killed inside but yet he chose to let us keep getting murked inside, i didn't get it why did he have douglas and billups in there when they had JJ and Jamison, And when melo picked up his 5th instead of taking douglas out they Just switch and Put fields on Jamison????? C'mon son they need to take out the D in D'antoni Out start calling dude Antoni...
He had them in for offense. Although we were close it seemed we'd never get the lead with a defensive player in there. D'Antoni just wanted more offense out there.
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