**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Bill Walton 

"throw it down, big man! throw it down!"
Mike Brown and JVG? Those guys are good coaches, but they're as bad and uncreative coaching offense as D'antoni is at defense. I know JVG did pretty well in NY, but that Rockets team with Yao and T-Mac was super talented offensively and could not score... So frustrating to watch. Plus they lost in the first round every year.

Addleman (great coach, underrated, he would be a good pick) came along, kept the good defense and opened up the offense and they became fun to watch and took L.A. to 6 games before Yao went down. Why is JVG better than Da'antoni anyway? He's had less playoff success.

What I'm saying is, what makes these guys better than Mike? They haven't won as much and their teams aren't fun to watch.
Yeah I mentioned Adelman a while ago. I really liked watching that Sacramentio team in the 2000s with all their passing, not sure how much better of a defensive coach he isl but dude is not available anyway..

I say give Pringles a chance with a completed roster. Not a depleted one after a trade. The Knicks still have obvious weaknesses and we aren't chip contenders yet.
I agree with some of ya say..

We cant get rid of the coach.. just to get rid of the coach...

Not unless its someone better than him.. or just hire a defensive assistant ( Mike Brown )

We don't trade Melo for Iguodola.. we do things to improve.. not just to do it..
I have never been a proponent of D'Antoni and still think that his system is not suited to win a championship, but the team has played differently since the Melo trade. Sure the record doesn't show it, but the offense is not jacking up 3s for the entire game(although it does still happen on occasion). It is more of a deliberate style of play and if the team can play defense on a consistent basis, then it could definitely work. I've liked the way that he has adapted to the team instead of forcing the team to adapt to his style because in the past he has been very stubborn. Maybe he's evolved? We can only hope.

Again, not a fan of D'Antoni, but he should be the coach of the team to at least start off next year.
Power Rangers, Elmo, Dreamcast, Surge soda, Ninja Turles 2: Secret of the Ooze.
There's always a time to come back to things from the past and...take another look, maybe see if there was more there than you remember. Maybe you'll see you were right the first time or maybe it's something best left in the past and your memories.

Mike Brown? Jeff Van Gundy? Mark Jackson??? Stop it, before yall rewrite the book on Isiah (because it's not his fault, nobody can win with Starbury, right?).
Why does the Miami thread have dudes philosophizing about Heat players & Spoelstra?
Dudes are trying to dig deep to find answers for their failures and media interactions. SMH.
Word Reice. That joint minus the Stoudemire and #1 is clean.

A little late for this, but the dude who does the paintings be on point.

say what you want about Mike Brown but he got a RING as asst. coach with Spurs
Knicks fans havent touch a ring in a long time and maybe Mike Brown can bring that to big apple
everybody know Mike Brown wasnt cause of what happen with Cavs
Lbj wanted 2 be coach
like Karl Malone said "players dont respect the coach then the team will be a failure"
Millsap is supposed to be out tonight.

Still a tough game.

Hope we take care of business and obviously continue the improvements on D.

If we can keep Utah in the 90's I will be impressed.
Originally Posted by welcome2jungle

say what you want about Mike Brown but he got a RING as asst. coach with Spurs
Knicks fans havent touch a ring in a long time and maybe Mike Brown can bring that to big apple
everybody know Mike Brown wasnt cause of what happen with Cavs
Lbj wanted 2 be coach
like Karl Malone said "players dont respect the coach then the team will be a failure"
But he was an assistant. I mean if we go by that logic that if you have a ring already you be able to bring one to the Knicks just let Chauncey retire and coach the team.

What happened in Cleveland is a clear example why he shouldn't be our coach. You can't get Bron to respect you, that shows your shortcomings and failures as a coach.
[h3]Amare: Knicks playoff seed is irrelevent[/h3]
March, 7, 2011
By Ian Begley

With Sunday night’s 92-79 win over Atlanta, the Knicks moved to within four games of the Hawks for fifth place in the Eastern Conference.

They also stayed a ½-game ahead of Philadelphia for sixth place in the East. (Philly beat Golden State on Sunday).

For Amare Stoudemire, the Knicks’ playoff seed is irrelevant as long as they work out their chemistry issues by the end of the regular season.

“I think once we get it together and start winning some ball games then seeding’s not going to be a factor,
Originally Posted by welcome2jungle

say what you want about Mike Brown but he got a RING as asst. coach with Spurs
Knicks fans havent touch a ring in a long time and maybe Mike Brown can bring that to big apple
everybody know Mike Brown wasnt cause of what happen with Cavs
Lbj wanted 2 be coach
like Karl Malone said "players dont respect the coach then the team will be a failure"
it baffles me how you continue to post on a subject you know nothing about.

I can win a ring as an assistant coach with the Spurs. Mike Brown may have ran a practice or two during that time,but Pop was still the coach and the won making all the calls.

Adam Morrison has 2 rings, would you say he's better than Lebron?

and your grammar is horrible.
Billups will miss a game tonight. Anthony Carter has to do his thing again. LEGO
Hi, I know dont post much but i wanna know whats a good birthday present to get for my boyfriend. he loves the knicks so any ideas? 
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