Official: 2008-2009 Fantasy Basketball Thread *Sticky*

Well you're in 8th place, it can't get any worse (I'm assuming a 12 team league)

Id take it
gotta take risk when you're in 8th place. calderon should be back soon, and LA Times reported that davis is gonna try to come back next week.
yeah you guys are right. the leagues really close so i'm 8th now but if the scores stay the same i jump to 4th at the end of the week since my team finallygot healthy. so i just wanted to see when these 2 would get back before i took the trade.

ok different league. i was offered chris paul and bogut for rondo, lamarcus aldridge and rudy gay. what do you guys think?
Marquis Daniels.
Steve Blake.

^^^i'd do that trade. if david lee gets traded he won't be as valuable and luke's putting some nice numbers lately but monte's supposed to beback as soon as monday. and wallace puts up some nice numbers so i like it for you
Should I drop Boris Diaw?

He was killing when he got to the Bobcats but now dude is strugglin.
do you think any of these dudes r worth dropping for luis scola:

nenad kristic
linas klezia

Originally Posted by bright nikes

do you think any of these dudes r worth dropping for luis scola:

nenad kristic
linas klezia

IMO, in the long run, Krstic will be more effective than Kleiza. When Melo gets back, Linas will be relegated to the bench again. Nenad has achance to overtake the starting C job from Collison.
great minds think alike!

although, scola had a big 18/16 game, i doubt he can ever encore that sort of performance
Who wins in the long run?

Derrick Rose or Shawn Marion? Will Derrick Rose hit a rookie wall? If/when Marion gets traded (rumored to Toronto), will his value increase or decrease?

Please, as many opinions as possible. Thanks guys.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

as for pau he gives you good fg% / assists, but with thorton and sjax youre losing a lot of numbers ..... id try to make it a 2 for 2 but thats just me.
Ya, my FG% is suffering badly... in PTS REBS AST and Blocks i usually dominate. no joke, so far this week my team has put up 850ish points, and isout rebounding and assisting(?) by 100+ in both, and 10+ in blocks. But definitely lose in TOs (I usually double or triple the other team
) FG% and FT% iswhat i need to improve on.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by bright nikes

as for pau he gives you good fg% / assists, but with thorton and sjax youre losing a lot of numbers ..... id try to make it a 2 for 2 but thats just me.
Ya, my FG% is suffering badly... in PTS REBS AST and Blocks i usually dominate. no joke, so far this week my team has put up 850ish points, and is out rebounding and assisting(?) by 100+ in both, and 10+ in blocks. But definitely lose in TOs (I usually double or triple the other team
) FG% and FT% is what i need to improve on.
Yeah, Stephen Jackson can do that to your FG%. I say do it. You need what Pau brings and hate what Jackson does to hurt you.
Breaking News: Amare has 1 rebound going into the 4th quarter

His trade value is so low, I can't even get a PG for the bum
^ at the beginning of the season i got rid of him, devin harris
and Horford
for Bosh, D Williams (he was hurt), and Roy (he was probably hurt too)

and thanks for the input i'm gonna go ahead and go with that trade
Originally Posted by bright nikes

what do you guys think:

give: amare + tony parker
recieve: deron + nene
do it.

the roto value you're getting in return is ridiculous
Originally Posted by bright nikes

what do you guys think:

give: amare + tony parker
recieve: deron + nene
nene's having a hell of a season and deron finally looks healthy. i think you get the better end of this trade. but i've got deron andnene on my team too so i might be biased
i would do it too. tony hasn't have much of an outburst after he got injured for about an week.
and amare is a straight up bum, enough said.
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