OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

all you can eat in 1 hour?
i wish dodger stadium would try and pull someBS like that

Got on the freeway at about 4:40p, got home at 6:22

Not even salty about the loss, we won last night and seeing Manny return to a house of cheering last night to seeing him hit a dinger this afternoon as well asget fired up from that call was more than enough to compensate

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

wow, and this is an away game.
%$*! was a HOME game , both of em were

Originally Posted by bright nikes

these are the dodgers we remember; the patience at the plate, getting deep into counts, scoring in the first inning. Welcome back Manny

I'd say its 70/30 Dodger fans what you guys think?

even russ is gettin in it
i'll say with confidence it mustve been 75/25 dodger fans over the fathers. Dudes were rolling deep, looked like an oregon trail type caravan.Dudes BBQing in the tailgate lot, music playing, dancing, dudes playing catch. Reminded me of opening day x3

Originally Posted by sinser13

kuroda look like he was trying to break dance
word, lemme see if I got a pic of him hitting the deck

Originally Posted by Beermann2

Happy 4th fellas.

Damn, Dodger fans migrated south. All I see is Dodger blue on tv.

I've never seen Dodger fans more attentive and riled up at home - maybe last years NLCS compared to how it wasdown in SD.

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

all you can eat in 1 hour?
i wish dodger stadium would try and pull some BS like that
who said this? nooo way it ended at about the end of the 7th. Hot dogs, veggie dogs, nachos, popcorn. Ice cream too

i've got about 7gigs worth of pics to upload (mostly just multisnaps) but here's a teaser or two

Happy 4th fellas

BTW, what in the *%!* are the Giants chiefing on?!
Nice 562.

Hope everyone had a good and safe 4th.

I must say, I went to this little fair / festival in Ontario and tried a Papusa (chicarones with that pickeled cabbage stuff) word to Sin and it must have beenthe stand cause that %%$! was horrrrible.

Had to get some tacos and an elote to get away from that earlier disappointment.

Speaking of disappointment, lets talk about the game.

PMAC you can say anything you want here, but this bullpen is gonna look VERY shaky come post-season.

Belli & Tron tops in the NL in innings pitched and we got 2 humongous things that aren't going for them come the stretch ....

1) youth


2) inexpierence

Now that is %+**+#* concerning to me.

Also, the way Torre managed that game was very strange, seemed like he was playing to lose (hate to say it). We should have given Randy a **%**! win, these NDsare piling up and he will soon pass up Odalis Perez with all time ND wearing Dodger Blue

Yes I'm mad because the Giants keep winning
who said this? nooo way it ended at about the end of the 7th. Hot dogs, veggie dogs, nachos, popcorn. Ice cream too
the fox dude was walking around the stadium and said it. i was like what the hell

BN you've been forecasting bullpen disaster since Spring Training and it hasn't happened yet.

I'm concerned about the IP of Belisario and Troncoso, but for the sake of disaster, let's assume neither of them pitch and effective inning afterAugust because their arms fall off. Even if that happens, we still have the best closer in baseball, meaning we just need to find someone who can get 6 outs inthe 7th and 8th. If some combination of Kuo, Leach, Ohman, Mota, Wade, McDonald, Lindlbom, Vargas, Weaver, Elbert, Schlicting, Choi, Stults, Sartor, Schmidt, and Garate can't stepin at that point, then we would have issues, and would need to make a trade. Colletti has also shown over the past couple of years (Baez, Carter, Proctor) thatacquring releivers is not something he's afraid to do.

I see the concern over the individual workloads for Belisario and Troncoso, but beyond that I don't really see a need for concern over the entire pen. Wehave enough guys in the organization who can be effective in middle relief, and if it turns out we don't, Ned isn't the type of GM to ignore that.
I've been pretty much spot on with Kuo and was lobbying hard for JMac not even being close to the rotation and being put in the pen.

The only reason I bring up the concerning aspect of innings pitched with Troncosco and Belli is because I remember you saying that it wasn't concerning.

That's all, don't throw 20 random bullpen arms at me (garate, choi, sartor, schmidt

Damn I woke up @%$+$#@ late.
oh yeah, don't forget:

[h3]All-Star Selection Day[/h3]
Coverage starts at 10:00 PCT on TBS - Billingsley, Broxton, Blake, and Kemp would seem to be possibilities.

Giants are tryna make moves, so many rumors going around: Vic Martinez, Dye, Freddy Sanchez, Adam LaRoche.

Yo 562:


Suzanne Marques > Christine Devine, yes? (left side with flower dress)

I think we're gonna have a chance to vote Juan Pierre in as well.

How the $+** did Pence get the nod and Kemp didn't?
Originally Posted by sinser13

got to vote Kemp in

Alright guys, let's do it.

Even if I have to PM each of you dudes, we're getting Kemp in!

Let's get to work, Giants fans gonna try to get Pablo in. Get to work fellas.

It's on the first page vote now:

You can vote an unlimited amount of times, have fun.
Here's the lineup for the series finale:

Furcal, SS

Pierre, LF

Loney, 1B

Blake, 3B

Ethier, RF

Martin, C

Kemp, CF

Castro, 2B

Billingsley, P
bright nikes wrote:

Alright guys, let's do it.

Even if I have to PM each of you dudes, we're getting Kemp in!

Let's get to work, Giants fans gonna try to get Pablo in. Get to work fellas.

It's on the first page vote now:

You can vote an unlimited amount of times, have fun.
Yup he's 0-21

I'm sure he told Torre to give him today off too, since he told Torre he was stinking it up and should be benched yesterday.
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