* Official 2009 Golden Globe Awards Thread *

I am happy Mickey Rourke won, but Benjamin Button should have won Best Picture.
Slum Dog was a good movie, a nomination was what it deserved, but it wasn't THAT good.
Benjamin Button so a much more epic picture, and as a whole was better.
I cant believe people actually like Button over Slumdog...
I liked button a lot, but damn, It wasnt that good. I was expecting it to be Epic like Forrest Gump, but nothing really happened in Button....
Button is much better than Slumdog. Slumdog should have won best director, because it was very well put together. But best picture? No, Button is that type ofmovie that you can feel for years to come. Button will win the Oscar though.
Originally Posted by kash55

I am happy Mickey Rourke won, but Benjamin Button should have won Best Picture.
Slum Dog was a good movie, a nomination was what it deserved, but it wasn't THAT good.
Benjamin Button so a much more epic picture, and as a whole was better.

Did you watch all five films, or is it the Juno effect? Everyone was pissed that Juno didn't win, but in reality the movie wasn't even top 3...peoplewere going nuts only because of the connection they had with the film. Most of the nominated films are indies (nothing mainstream is worth watching these days,i.e. Valkyrie which was described as "unintentionally funny").

The only movie I didn't see was Frost/Nixon, which had stellar reviews. Of the four, The Reader was the best (to me). I overhyped Revolutionary Road(i'm a big DiCaprio fan despite Body of Lies) and it did not disappoint. Benjamin Button was what I expected. Good, not great, despite having CateBlanchett attached (anything she does seems Oscar-worthy). I thought Tilda Swinton would get a nomination. Slumdog Millionaire was a refreshing story, but itwasn't best-picture worthy IMO. Oh well, it's only the Golden Globes.
The Wrestler should win for Actor and Director, IMO
I guarantee Slumdog will win the Oscar....it has no competition.

*EDIT...OMG crank down below....
selma hayek....jesus

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