[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]


Yankees lose 6-1. Cliff Lee was too dominant tonight, plain and simple.

We get Pedro tomorrow.
I win a slice of Brooklyn pizza courtesy of spyda23.

Hope some of ya'll stop under-estimating this Phils team just because they from the N.L. (for the few).

Now A.J. has to stop the bleeding vs that lefty heavy lineup.
Dude has walked the field every time this post season.
Congrats Lee. That was a crazy dominating performance.

Utley looking like he was disgusted when dude said the Phillies came in as the underdogs

Gotta win tomorrow. Especially against Pedro.

@ people who slept on the Phillies pitching...
Originally Posted by queensfinest2002

Hope some of ya'll stop under-estimating this Phils team just because they from the N.L. (for the few).
Word. _'s talking out of their ##$.
Originally Posted by Jerry Everyday

Is that the best the Yankees have to offer?

Lee pitched a gem tonight.

Go Phils
Cmon son, Lee had a great game. PERIOD. Now you are just underestimating the best offensive team in the league.
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