So wait is where we all say Zach Randolph can't score on Kendrick Perkins and Collision and he is not the best PF in the league?

Perspective people.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Something that hasn't been touched on is the fact that Miami basically doesn't have a home court in the regular season. Different scenario playoff times when those bum @#% fans actually show up. Especially for a guy like 'Bron who can feed off crowd energy like we saw in Cleveland. Think that got lost in the regular season

Yeah, I can agree with that.  Good point.

That's my last question, I want to see how they perform in Boston before I totally write off the Celtics and start to believe in Miami.  If they do well (don't even have to win really, just play well) then I will start to see 3 on 5 actually working out. 

It looks like Shaq stole money this season.  I'm honestly surprised he didn't show up for at least the postseason. 

For the most part, I think that he proved that he feeds off and loves all the hate he gets in opposing arenas. I know the playoffs is a different beast but this year I see no reason to believe that it won't be the same as it was in the first two games.

If PP buries them with a game winner in Game 3, I may wobble on that stance.
Aye Doo, those made up whispers you always speakin about Kobe, what those whispers be sayin about Duncan? 
  He was.  Marc Gasol gifted him over and over and over in that series. 

And Kobe still be around for another 3-4 years, Duncan gotta be halfway thru his retirement papers bout now.  You should check your whispers. 
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

There finally coming true for both.

If only DUNCAN was gifted gasol.
There's another Gasol on the way if Duncan wants to wait five more years.
  this is fantastic. 

Please tell me you ain't puttin this on Pop not playin that worthless bum Spitter.  Come on, you can't be that foolish. 

Spitter may improve, he may be a decent big someday, but he ain't gonna carry that team anywhere. 

Every single time that guy got burn, comments in here were rampant asking why he was hyped.  That happened for a reason man. 
I did like what I saw out of Splitter in the brief time he played vs the Grizzlies.

He's 26 though, so there may not be much upside even after he figures how things work out in the NBA.
Yes Im going to put it on POP. We waited 3 years for him to come over. Only to let him ride the BENCH all year.

The SPURS didn't win chips with Bonner and Blair as their C.
The Spurs never had an all-time "great" team. They won their championships against the Knicks, Nets, Pistons and Cavs, pretty weak foes.

No knock on Duncan though, he did more with less that anybody else in NBA history and I'm in the camp that believes Pop is the GOAT coach.
There was a gap in the mid 2000's where the 90's guys were droppin off, and the new breed you see now were just starting.  Bron was a kid, Paul and Deron, no Dwight, etc etc. 

Webber was dyin, Karl and Payton weren't the same, Kobe and Shaq split, Peirce was alone, Dirk was alone, KG was alone, etc etc.  TMac and Vince were eh, Allen was great by himself, but not gonna carry a great team for multiple years and what not. 

Pistons won with great D, and 5 decent players.  Spurs won with the one elite that had help.  Hell, the crappy Suns were "contenders" with 4-5 decent offensive players and not a shred of defense. 

That stretch was brutal basketball.  Star power wasn't ready yet. 

Now look.  Although the star power is unifying and playing together, the overall talent pool of the NBA is top shelf.  We have SEVERAL stud players out there, and in about 3 years, it will diminish again.  Pierce, Kobe, Duncan, Dirk, Ray, KG, Hill, Nash, will all be gone, and the gap will grow again, and 3-4 years after that, it will restock itself again.  Stuff happens in cycles.  And think about how weak this draft is being perceived.  Another year or two like this, with the older vets movin out, it won't help at all. 

(why do I have a feeling I'm about to be ripped apart for this comment? 
^ I'm only curious as to why you would say that AND how that then reflects upon the titles that LA won within a similar time period
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