Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Originally Posted by daprescription

I have no problem with most Lakers fans. Its the ones that act like they are better because they're Lakers fans that annoy me.

Bay Area Laker fans are NOTORIOUS for this @#$%. My boys from LA might joke around and do the basic trash talk or whatever, but Laker fans from the Bay bring up the Warriors 24/7 for no damn reason. "We lost by 24 but at least we arent the Warriors" "How can you even be a Warriors fan, support a real team". Who else are we supposed to support while living in the bay area???
Nice pass Andris 
Sucks that a couple years ago we could debate over whether Biedrins or Bynum would be better, we all thought Andris would improve but he's just gotten worse every year.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Why is Gadz even playing over Udoh?
I have no idea.

Here come the help from the refs.

Warriors gotta stop committing those stupid fouls...
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