Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Dude couldn't be there for the draft! Just because the word "joking" is in his post that changes anything? He just didn't want to be the one to say, "listen, I know we have a draft time, but the Giants game wasn't factored into that decision."
This is a real money league, people should either be there for the draft or have an off-line draft so they'll have the players they want on their team. At least a third of the league missed the draft (GSW for a more austere reason), regardless this league is off to a horrible start.

If I stand alone on this and no one wants to re-draft, I'd be okay with benching all my players and not participating. Everyone who plays me gets their points and the winnings at the end of the season are adjusted. Once again, it's not about the money. It's about last week when I had a number of days off when the draft could have happened but didn't because of people's schedules. Ultimately mine and other people's schedule's were not considered because some thought it was a "joke."
I did say I could make it Saturday but I didn't realize it was going to be at 7 and not later at night (I assumed it would be 830 or later, even though I said after 7), that's on me because I didn't check the league until it was too late, and I also didn't know that I would be out during that time until Saturday. I agreed to play so I would be okay with it if I had to stick with the team I had. A re-draft would be pretty messy especially for those who did show up and got a team they wanted.

But at the end of the day, it seems like I wasn't alone and a lot of people couldn't make it either; in retrospect the offline draft was a great idea and we should use it. We all have lives outside NT that are way more important than a fantasy league, so it's really impossible to coordinate a time for all of us to be in front of a computer.

So to sum it up, I agreed to it, so I'd be alright if that's what I had to stick with. I'm not too disappointed in how my team got drafted, but I'll do whatever you guys decide to do.
Jesus Christ just delete the league and draft via offline through email. Keep the draft order as is and if that person whose turn it is doesn't respond for a certain amount of time they get the worst available of the top 150.

My old did baseball and basketball this way, it's a pain but fair.
Originally Posted by dland24

1) The league was made and we were told we would have an online draft if EVERYONE said they could make it. If not we were going to do an offline draft.
2) We all started filling in our availability in the grid.
3) Didnt look like there was going to be a time were everyone could make it, so we were going to go offline.
4) Offbad tried to accommodate the league, and said he could become available on Saturday night if it would help.
5) Acid, NTL and I agreed to become available as well.
6) Now that everyone posted that they were available on Saturday night at 7:00pm, we move forward with an online draft.
7) NTL mentioned that he forgot about the Giants game. Jokingly asked to the time to change (which no one responded to). Then said he hoped Yahoo hooked him up.
8.) The draft took place on Saturday night at 7:00pm.

Now explain to me which part of this was handled terribly?
Yeah, that's how things went down. Thanks dland. I want to accommodate everyone. I really do. It's hard to, but I want to get it done. But let me explain myself... NTL mentioned it and whether or not was jokingly or not about missing the draft, he was the only one who did say anything. He mentioned that he was hoping that Yahoo would hook him up. The fact that no one else said anything, I was under the assumption that everyone was going to draft during the game. A few of us showed up and a few of us didn't. I went based off the grid.

What up, you're the only one to say that you're upset about the way things went down. If anybody else is legitimately upset, say it now. I don't care and I wouldn't view you any differently. If you guys want a re-draft, I'll do a re-draft. If you guys want to keep this league a money league, I'll be ok with it, too. But if there will be a re-draft, I'm giving up on the live draft idea. I'm thinking it's a lost cause. We'll use the offline draft.

I'm probably expecting some people to say that they're fine with the way things went down. They made the draft when they said they would. I'm just afraid that the league would be torn between keeping this league the way it is and re-drafting a new league. Please try to understand the situation.

I can't delete the league since we drafted our teams already. One possibility would be to just keep this league as a regular non-money league and use the new league as the money league. Same payout, same draft order.
Originally Posted by What up

I was at Yancy's too for a bit. Were you drinking a Blue Moon?
They ran out of Blue Moon when I got there. I was standing on the right side of the bar.
I don't care if we redraft or not.

When I put up my schedule, I never accounted for the Giants playing on the weekend.

My team sucks by the way.
this is what I meant by my message--
I agreed to do the sat live draft without being aware of the giants game. when I realized the draft and giants game was going to conflict for me, I went with what was more important to me. it was definitely my decision(my bad for flaking) to give the giants my full focus. I was well aware of the money aspect of it and I took that into consideration when I made my decision.

as for me being joking or not- like I said, I was half kidding abt asking for a change of date or a offline draft. i didn't want to be the one and only reason for everyone else to change their schedule to fit around mine.
so did I want to draft on my own instead of having it autodrafted? yes. but I made my decision and I'll live with the consequences. (my team as it is)
Andrew, you're in the same boat as me then. The game was never a factor until the time slot for Saturday was already selected.

I seem to be the only one upset with the way things turnedout. Having taken my dog for a walk (word to Bill Simmons) I've cooled down and I'll play the season out (FOR MONEY, DLAND!). But if others agree with me, voice your opinions so something can get done. There's more than a week before the season starts.
Look 715, I didnt mean to come at you as if you were the only person who missed the draft. The point I was trying to make was that everyone said they could make it. Whether or not the person made it, is not the fault of the league. If enough people have a problem with how it turned out, I am ok with redrafting. I just wish if more people had issues with the draft during the end of the Giants game, that you would have spoken up. I obviously didnt want to draft at that time, I just thought thats what everyone else wanted, so I did.

Again 715, my bad for coming at you like that. Its just when you took the stance like, I no longer consider this a money league or im just gonna bench all my players, I took offense. It just gave the impression that you think you are bigger than the league. Glad you settled down.
Since ppl are playing the fence, I'll go and vote for a OFFLINE redraft. IF and a big IF in that people who are in the league respond by tomorrow that they are indeed aware of the redraft. if not, I'll keep the team I have now.

Paul-- u don't need to make a new league. just keep it and hand over the commish powers to me and I'll take care of the rest
Dland, it's all good.

I honestly thought at least a third of the league missed the draft and missed it because of the game. It seems like people are taking responsibility for not being there and I have to respect that. Unfortunately, the league will be less competitive because the autopicked teams are much weaker.

If we're voting, I too vote for an OFFLINE re-draft. If I get out-voted, I have no problem keeping the league as is.
is this only an issue because of the 10 dollars?

'cause we all have played in leagues with one another where at least a few people are autodrafted, but no one ever really makes this much commotion about it.
I'll vote for the offline re-draft as well. We can keep that league as a non-money one as Paul said. That'll work out alright and there shouldn't be problems with that...
doesn't matter to me although, if there happens to be a "dummy league" i'm not gonna be participating much in it.

i forgot the commish can manually add/drop/alter rosters so if that could be done, there'd be no need for having a duplicate league.
Make a decision, fellas ...

Off-line draft: NTL, Acid, What up
Keep current league:

Copy and paste while adding your name. First side with 7 supporters wins. Let's try to get this done by tomorrow.
It doesnt matter to me really.
But refresh my memory, how does the offline draft work?
i just missed the draft cause i fell asleep

didn't care about the game, had my window open for it with an hour left and fell asleep. woke up at 8:40 and was pissed for a minute til i saw that my team is salvageable.

what i didn't get was why we stuck with the offline draft order when we could've just used the random draft order since it was a live draft. (yes i'm still salty about 7th pick

i'd rather do a re-draft. i didn't set up any pre ranking knowing that i was gonna be available for that. offline or live but seeing as there's so many people and we barely managed that live draft yesterday, probably offline would be better though i've never done that as well and the fact that my connection is dropping every 5 minutes sucks.

Off-line draft: NTL, Acid, What up, menace
Keep current league:
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

It doesnt matter to me really.
But refresh my memory, how does the offline draft work?
we make all of our picks through that spreadsheet i've made on google. If you don't have the link to it, PM me your email and i'll send that out.
the concept is pretty much the same as a normal live draft, just without the 60sec limit per pick.  In this case, you'll have XX amount of hours for you to pick & if you fail to make a pick by then, you get auto picked for that slot as if you were in a live draft.  

Just with an offline draft, you gotta check in with the spreadsheet ever so often.  I don't think that's a problem since i'm sure everyone here checks in on NT a lot throughout the day anyways.  
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