Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

chuck hayes got a trip dub?
[Dland's friend-who-shall-not-be-named] Chuck Hayes had a career night! And it's certainly because he just somehow loves to play against the Warriors! When he's shooting 80% of the field, it's certainly because he's just having a lucky day and not because of David Lee's porous defense!!! [/Dland's friend-who-shall-not-be-named]
hahaha my man chuck hayes is just a fire hydrant straight up though, in addition to david lee's ineptitude.

but david lee and dland
It just pisses me off. Its not just that he has a big contract. Knick fans were praising this guy to the point that some even preferred him to Amare. They had nothing but good things to say about this dude. And he is flat out garbage. The worst part of all is that we wont be able to trade him.  We are going to be a below average team for as long as he is on it.
Warriors just aren't a good team. Sure, David Lee is an average player, but don't act like he's the only reason why the team sucks. Team's always going to be horrible, we just have to deal with it.
I just hate the fact that we are probably going to break up the Monta/Curry duo at some point because it will be viewed as "not working." But if we had any sort of talent at the PF/C spot, it absolutely could work. Thats what kills me.

And dp, no, David Lee is NOT the only reason we suck. But I am sick and tired of watching our opponents PF have a career game every single time the Warriors have a game. (How Kevin Love managed to snap his streak against us is absolutely astonishing.)
You guys are commenting on my hate for Lee and calling it crazy. But, I mean, am I wrong here? Does he not suck?
Originally Posted by daprescription

It's definitely not crazy, but you should have seen this coming. Lee has never been a great player.
Well, I dont have league pass or anything, so I didnt get to see him play very often when he was with the Knicks.  I had to take what Knick fans had to say about him as truth.  What I am seeing and what they were saying couldnt be any more different.
I don't think he's great, but I don't think he's that bad either. He doesn't solve our defensive woes and isn't that defensive big man that will be our savior.
However, I do feel that he would be better either A) with a good defensive-minded true center or B) coming off the bench. It's not wise to have Udoh start at center with him because it's not his true position. Like Kawakami wrote in his article, I think it'd be a good idea to start Udoh at 4 and maybe bring Lee off the bench as a super sixth man. If we're stuck with him, he actually can be useful, unlike Biedrins.
I think Lee just doesn't work well in this system. He put up numbers in NY where he was the main option. Anyway, I think the Warriors recent troubles have more to do with the sub par play from the starting back court. Ellis and Curry just seem to be in a slump.
This team just does not care anymore for the rest of the season. The only one really playing hard is Udoh imo. Monta and Curry look tired/not into the games as much.
Yeah, right now I don't blame them either. There's really no reason to play the rest of this season hard...there's nothing to play for..just like every year for us.

It's very clear that this off-season is probably one of the most important off-seasons for this team in a long time. We have some core players in place, but there's a few big tweaks that need to be made for this team to be a playoff team.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Yeah, right now I don't blame them either. There's really no reason to play the rest of this season hard...there's nothing to play for..just like every year for us.

It's very clear that this off-season is probably one of the most important off-seasons for this team in a long time. We have some core players in place, but there's a few big tweaks that need to be made for this team to be a playoff team.
Agreed, the real question is do the owners have the balls to make the right moves...and thats from player personnel all the way up to management.

Oh btw, another double double by monroe.
^Rowell has nothing to do with basketball operations anymore, according to Lacob. In regards to Riley, I'd put my vote to 50/50.
To me its the principle. I don't care if Rowell is no longer part of basketball ops, the fact that he still has a job with the Warriors is a joke. As for Riley, I don't think he's done a bad job but there are far better GMs/executives out there.

The Warriors won't have much to work with in free agency, but the one thing they can do is improve the front office. The fact that Lacob is hell bent on keeping the status quo tells me that this franchise isn't moving forward.
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

To me its the principle. I don't care if Rowell is no longer part of basketball ops, the fact that he still has a job with the Warriors is a joke. As for Riley, I don't think he's done a bad job but there are far better GMs/executives out there.

The Warriors won't have much to work with in free agency, but the one thing they can do is improve the front office. The fact that Lacob is hell bent on keeping the status quo tells me that this franchise isn't moving forward.
I agree with you completely. I'd love Rowell to be removed from the Warriors organization entirely, but the fact Lacob likes the guy, Rowell is here to stay. I believe Lacob has already struck out once with a lot of fans from the preaching he gave when he first bought the team. The Warriors should have made more moves at the deadline and I believe that the Warriors should have focused on trading Biedrins earlier in the season. This upcoming off-season will be Lacob's first, I am hoping he does make some changes to bench and bolster the front court.  Getting a good center to help out Lee will be good...As much as dland hates the man. Haha. It's a wait and see approach and we have to be patient. Let's not be those Warrior fans on Facebook who comment as if the Warriors are the worst team in the world and that there isn't any talent on this roster. 
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