Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

it wasn't that serious.

it wasnt me.

GSDOUBLEU has until midnight. we need to come out with a consensus pick for him.
the problem is. he has dirk already, would you draft another PF in David West. or would you get Nene?
Next player available. Hurt or not, he's yours. More incentive to get your %*# to the computer/phone and draft.
sorry for taking a while, was at school from 6:30-9:30 and my phone was dying. Then i had to deal with my GF and her cracked iphone 4
NTL you here? Report to draft...Your pick is coming up.

DP and What up, if you have time try to stay in the chat.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

NTL you here? Report to draft...Your pick is coming up.

DP and What up, if you have time try to stay in the chat.

I'm on the draft, but it isn't loading correctly for me, no idea why. 
Did you just open that one? Try reopening it, might be an un-updated version? IDK.

It shows you picked David West on mine. It's NTL's turn.
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

like how you guys messed with me about Biedrins

can't even laugh about that. walked outta class to the comp lab next door to delete that ASAP.
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